I would unironically support the public beheading of HRC

Does this make me a bad person Sup Forums?

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I'd prefer hanging

This tbqh,guillotine is too French revolutionary

Hanging is for spies

Guillotine is for corrupt royalty or officials

Firing squad is for soldiers

so yeah

Can someone meme this?

She deserves a classic jihadi beheading with a dull knife.

Yes, live broadcasting the final day of her trial, which ends immediately leads her to a public hanging in Washington DC.

I'd prefer airdropping her over Syria.

Hanging is more American

>she gets beheaded
>she still has that creepy fake zombie smile even when she's dead

Pick one of the places that she fucked over hardest like Haiti, arm them, and give them permission to do anything they want without repercussions, before dropping her off there alone.

Her greatest crimes were against the people of America, let them punish her.

Actually the most American way to execute somebody is to give them a lethal injection but to mix up the drugs so you accidentally inject that shit that induces cardiac arrest before you sedative

guy in the top left looks like iYeb!

Definitely should be public.

I'd like to see her on the electric chair
Really fry that robot

>Guillotine is for corrupt royalty or officials
The majority of people executed during the revolution were plebeian.
Source: Le coût de la Révolution française, René Sédillot (1986)

>Louis XVI 1"le bienfaisant"

Can we do all three in that order?

No, beheading is the method of revolutionary dipshits. Huma and Hillary will hang together.

I told 4 friends of varying political affiliation that I would personally choke her until I watched the light leave her eyes

I wouldn't mind seeing her get impaled :)

why not the electric chair?

Agreed, I'd love to see her looking like pic related

The hanging of the conspirators to assassinate Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet sets a precedent for the method of capital punishment for treason, especially given that it was the first execution of a woman in the United States.

live stream of an electric chair that's not quite strong enough. o they take her to the tallest oak tree in the town of trumps choice and let the rope break her neck as she sways in the light breeze.

They don't want her.

No it actually makes you a very good person.

Evil must be punished.

The only way to kill her is to behead her. Reptilians can take alot of punishment and trauma to the body.


Electric chair would be the best choice.

OP, do you claim to be conservative then?

If so, then you're a really bad one. Because real conservatives (and even liberals) believe in the constitution. We only interpret them differently.

There, however, no interpretation where you can just kill someone because you don't like them. That makes you a mental case.

>but its fine when we fantasize about murdering Hillary :^^)

Fuck Hillary. But you guys just make us look back.

It's not murder if there's a trial

>Does this make me a bad person Sup Forums?

It would be interesting to see you you could sell enough tickets to fill up the national mall to watch it live.

Just think what the PPV gate would be...

Queen Elizabeth did something similar to some guys who were plotting to kill her.

It makes you anti-American. We live in a country founded on the principles of due process. Find evidence, indict the suspect, trial by jury, acquit or sentence. This shit isn't difficult, but the autists on Sup Forums don't grasp it.

The assumption is that she gets exposed for something treasonous which it sounds like is a very real possibility

yeah, see her seize up one more time

I prefer Silla Electrica uncensored

This is how they save ESPN. You did it!

> Kill with drugs
She deserv the rope

U.S. Constitution Article III Section 3.

>Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

>The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.

The penalty for treason is life imprisonment minimum, and most courts and juries opt for a sentence of death in such a grave case

TL;DR you're a fucking idiot.

I don't think either of you understand what treason actually is, and how hard it is to actually get a conviction of it to stick. Why do you think hardly anyone has ever been charged with it, let alone convicted.

Even fucking Snowden probably wouldn't get a treason charge, they'd just get him on illegal accessing and distribution of documents.

>Find evidence, indict the suspect, trial by jury, acquit or sentence.


>what is capital punishment

That just sounds like an average american death of cardiac arrest. You still go unconscious after the onset so there isn't much suffering

5th Amendment:

>No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Has Hillary been convicted of anything or are you just repeating things that you hear Donald Trump yell at his rallies?

Pic related is the only way.

thank you for correcting the record (tm) and ignoring the past 6 months of current events regarding her email investigation

She didn't really kill them though, since they came back as zombies several hundred years later.

I'm in favor of letting Haiti know that we'd approve an extradition request for Hill and Bill if they made one.

>We'll never see a Trey Gowdy version of Judge Dredd personally execute Hillary

Hung, Drawn and Quartered.

Sorry that light comes from the burning pits of hell the devil can't even touch.

When in the last 6 months was Hillary brought to trial and convicted of a crime? Do you people hear yourselves?

I'm sure we can find a sufficiently liberal way of interpreting that to suit our needs.

The most AMERICAN is the electric chair.

But the most appropriate is Firing Squad.

You all know it, and my digits know it.

I think you would prefer to live in a 3rd world dictatorship.

If you don't like democracy, go elsewhere.

Obama has established the principle of extra-judicial executions of Americans, we can legally drone Hillary for the greater good. I'm sure that most Democrats will approve the destruction of this shitstain from our democracy.

They love to bluster and jerk each other off but it always leads to disappointment. That's when they start crying about rigging, because by that time they've convinced themselves that something definitely happened and that something isn't going their way like they thought.

>allowing the Disney Jew to make more money

ITT: Hill Shills forget when Hillary bribed the director of the FBI to not prosecute her

seriously guys, low energy bait posts, you're making yourself look like newfags fresh from CNN

I guess the bribe wasn't big enough since he's currently trying to tank her campaign and stupidly admitted it in a memo.

Comey is finished, just like Trump. And hell yeah I'm low energy, it's so easy. I just let the Republican crash happen on its own.

We're not fucking saudi savages guys. Throw her in prison.

Clock boy isnt aging well wtf

Not at all. That's how you deal with traitors responsible for countless deaths. One could even make the case that her voters deserve the same.

>hell yeah I'm low energy
do you brag about letting your wife get dicked from both ends too, Anthony Burch?

She's too ugly, behead Huma in public pls.

Is it difficult to maintain this much negativity and pointless stereotyping or are you just a naturally shitty person? Do you have any friends? Have you ever noticed crowds disperse when you're nearby? You sound like the type.

sure, but why not both?

I wouldn't give a damn if they publicly tortured traitors..

>We're not fucking saudi savages guys.
Look at the replies. You're a minority here.

so does it create a lot of pain for you knowing she'll be our president for likely 8 years?

Too quick and painless for her. We need to tar and feather her around DC then hang her on the White House lawn.

Look at the people on Sup Forums, they're in no way representative of normal well-adjusted people. They're far-right psychos who would literally kill liberals if they could get away with it.

I've never once seen a liberal show a desire to kill a conservative on here. That says a lot about the mental stability of the two parties when unfiltered.

no because I keep my shitposting on the internet and behave like a normie irl instead of stealing trump signs and having permanent cuckstare from the outrage seeking "I just can't even-ing"

im worried for them this time. I'll admit I wasnt on here after 08 or 12. Were they this sure of things then? how did they handle it?

No, jail. They can think over their entire life until they finally cease.

ive seen leftists get that raged, maybe not liberals.

Funny, I've seen the exact opposite IRL. History has as well.



you forgot youre on pole, go back to le eddit

Liberals have historically been the violent law breakers with their ends justifies the means attitude
An execution would surely fit Hilary but ultimately the decision is up to the judge

she stupidly stored her emails on a private server so she could control their content and delete politically damaging information. wasnt against the law unfortunately. probably a fireable offense, probably would disqualify her as president if she wasnt up against the least qualified person to ever win major party nomination, but certainly not treason. aiding and abetting a foreign government interfering with our election process however, that might qualify.

Pinochet style then

No don't behead her. Let her live out her life knowing how close yet so far away she was to becoming queen. The spite and anger will torture her for years

not liberals, leftists. different bunch altho often share vote patterns

Hell NO

Are you being ironic or are you actually retarded?

>thinking just because I said unironically means it's not an ironic shitpost

Like this, just less second world and with a non-shit cameracrew.


Old time photography. How long did they have to hold still?