Today's Garfield

today's Garfield

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There's literally no joke here.

why don't they bring back lyman

Jon really should just kill himself.

No pipe either.


>He doesn't get it

Now where could my punchline be?




Except there is if you've ever done a jigsaw puzzle.

but there actually is, you rely too much on your buzzword meme sentences

Oh god, I love captcha comics. I think moisten university was my favorite.

Don't look in jons basement

>Still can't tell if human Nermal is a boy or girl
>Still want to fuck it either way


>start with the edge
the joke is garfield is sarcastically taking the puzzle seriously while it's blatantly obvious it can't be done








I actually just got an interesting captcha today. A prophecy perhaps

Is it telling us to stop Clarence or is it telling Clarence to stop?

What do you have against Clarence?

It's funny how I originally didn't get it either but then I read your post and I remembered how I tried solving jigsaw puzzles as a child and I thought that common practice was starting with the edge

Holy shit
Just go to the play store and type in Garfield
I dare you

I don't see what's so shocking.

double dare, download 5 apps of your choosing and post a timeline of your discoveries.

say what you will about the strip proper, but Square Root of Minus Garfield is absolute gold.

Hard to know where to start

>original character donut steel

if anyone has the old garfield parody strip about "fajina" and cock, i would love to have it

it seems to be lost to the annals of the internet

Dats hilarious if you think about it.

Is it a social commentary about how edgy autists being unable to fit into society isn't society's fault, but the autist's?

>I'm sorry john, I was so hungry


April fools crossover with blonde


Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
So fucking funny.

It's canon

>lyman who

this could be the butt to an real garfield strip, it's pretty funny actually


Garfields Diner
Garfield's Diner Hawaii

Don't pick Hawaii, it'll put pineapple in your pizza!



This comic is funnier than anything you've ever said desu

This is now an Old Eli thread.


C'mon monkey.

This one gave me a sensible chuckle

old garfield looks weird in color with the yellow mouth

Is the game canon to the strip?

do you really think Jon isn't insane enough?

Actually made me chuckle.


>captcha comics

That's every Garfield comic for ya

> batjew
how positively ancient my good man

good smelling lasagna?

ha, i thought this was funny

Er... yeah... "gold".

Ha, I was thinking of this today.
i spend too much time here

Poor Old Eli.

Got a snort.

Garfoldi, where is our favoirte dog, Odies?


god these are cute

He's just mad because he got called out for not understanding how puzzles work.

I sure do love seeing Garfield panels spliced together to create a lyric sheet for a horse song. Totally creative and worth the effort.

I think you mean this user...

This better?

without the context of it being the only two pieces, the joke lacks a setup
and the actual punchline is garfield's line



What we know about Jon is that he has an incredible lack of direction. He is constantly buffeted by a life he does not know how to understand or fully appreciate, yet we continue to see him striving on in an aimless and incoherent manner. Attempting to put together two puzzle pieces to a otherwise lost puzzle is a clear allegory of this. But what of Garfield's suggestion? Starting with the edge of the puzzle is a common way to begin a puzzle, but it clearly it is a irreverent statement to make in this context which is why it's the punchline. But observing it within the greater context of the puzzle motif, it becomes a cutting social statement. Garfield is sympathizing with Jon, not mocking him, by adopting a similar posture. However, he is more distant from it, and he is pointing to it and directing Jon's course-of-action. Jon is too emotionally lost to create a cohesive, well-balanced life for himself, yet he persists hopelessly on regardless because he is unaware that trying to do so requires a complete image of what he intends for that to be. Garfield could be there to point this out to Jon, but his heavy-lidded ennui doesn't allow him to appreciate the entirety of the situation of Jon's circumstances. A puzzle? You begin with the edge pieces of course. How many times in our lives have we been in troubled circumstances where our need for help is met only by pithy clichés which fail to address our actual, tangible concerns? "Stay positive." "Ask. Believe. Receive." "Ignore the haters." Garfield here is reflecting the mechanized, rote manner which we have found ourselves sympathizing and supporting each other in facile ways while avoiding the broader, systemic causes of emotional turmoil.