This is the single most treasonous kike in America. There isn't a political figure alive, not even Hillary...

This is the single most treasonous kike in America. There isn't a political figure alive, not even Hillary, who deserves the firing squad more than this guy.

Kek, if you are around, please for the love of chaos deal with him.

Other urls found in this thread:

I personally dislike Glenn Beck more

Glenn Beck isn't working on subverting the electoral college to ensure his neocons buddies all get fat checks from a Hillary-initiated Middle-Eastern war.

Dummy Bill Kristol deserves to be hung by his ballsack. He was the architect of the Iraq war, claims to be a conservative but is encouraging Republicans to stay home on election day.

He had a fucking meltdown on Morning Joe last week where he was choking up. Shit was glorious.

He shills for wars that help Israel. He's a complete puppet and was never loyal to the US to begin with. He attaches his insane war policy propaganda to "conservative values" so that mainstream Republicans can swallow the entire shit-sandwich easier. Funny isn't it, how after Trump came along he is now telling Republicans to stay home on election day despite being a "conservative".

I had dinner with Kristol in the 90's.

He is a right cunt.

Within 10 minutes of meeting him, I regretted making the invitation.

Who is this? Roger Stone?

I wonder what kind of high-ranking political figures post here anonymously.

Anyway, what are those faggots Luntz and Wilson hiding?

what the fuck could possibly be his end-game???

Yeah but he's a jew he can't help himself.

Beck is a willing cuck fag

What every Jew's end-game is.

Behind-the-scenes control and lots of silver.

He serves one purpose. He just wants war. The more war in the middle east (Israel excluded) the better.

Trump represents our one chance at peace. Hillary represents a continuation of war. Guess which one of these candidates upsets Bill the most, to the point of tears?

Bill Kristol founded PNAC and called for a "new Pearl Harbor event" a year before 9/11
Bill Kristol helped the Israeli Mossad orchestrate 9/11
Bill Kristol literally did 9/11
This is why he's so afraid of Trump

Watch this piece of shit have a meltdown on Morning Joe

he's a jewish warmonger, his father was a bolshevik 'godfather' of neoconservativism

Not for a lack of trying. He's just irrelevant.

The way he continues to flail around and try to push his bullshit is amusing to me. The policies he proscribes will never be taken seriously in the United States ever again and he soldiers on. I hope they dress him up in a court jester's suit before they line him up for the firing squad.

>This is the single most treasonous kike in America

oh my sweet summer child

What about Kissinger?


>you'll never see President Trump make full use of the 'execute' portion of the Executive Branch and personally shoot Kristol through the temple after he's found guilty of treason

Bill Kristol deserves to die a death worse than Hiroshi Ouchi's.

Based Jaffa

I think he viewed himself as influential and a 'kingmaker' within the republican party, and also I think he is an actual literal cuck in real life so those two things really hit him hard when Trump was nominated and we called him a cuck a million times and taunted him for months

fyi kissinger fought in europe during ww2. he knew what he was talking about

>I wonder what kind of high-ranking political figures post here anonymously.

You wouldn't believe it.

>Anyway, what are those faggots Luntz and Wilson hiding?

Neither of them knows. Their point of contact in the DNC has the drop. Only CNN has it for review at the moment.

it wouldn't have to be anyone special, he could be a donor of some sort

>what the fuck could possibly be his end-game???
Collect ALL the foreskins of America.

Oh and by the way, Luntz is getting paid through some rather obvious channels and the money is not Republican. It can wait until after the 8th, but any of your autists who wants to bury him need only dig a little.

THIS, the Jews had the Iraq War, Syrian War, and the Arab Spring planned out long before it happened.

>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction".

We're suffering the same fate that the Germans did in the 1920's and 1930's, only this time the Jews might succeed in being stopped completely.

Bill Kristol calls himself a neo-conservative. There's a reason why he doesn't call himself a conservative or a Republican. That's because he is not at all a conservative nor does he adhere to any of the founding principles of the Republican party. Bill Kristol's parents were far-left liberals. They were far-left such that they were closely aligned with Marxist ideology. Bill Kristol's father and many other far-left liberals of his time felt alienated by their Democrat party that was becoming overwhelmingly anti-war and anti-military-spending. Bill Kristol's father looked favorably upon the Democrats embrace of civil rights issues but he did not like the idea of an absolute socialist state but instead preferred a socialist-lite state. He believes that the way to control a society is not by luring them into dependence on the state but by keeping the society in a constant state of war, fear of war, or in a state of war preparation. In short, neo-conservatives are neither conservatives nor Republicans but are in fact Trotskyists.

tl;dr - Bill Kristol is a big-tax-and-big-spend Socialist who loves both the Military and Capitalism. We were warned that the greatest threat to U.S. society is the military industrial complex. Yes, Kristol, Bush, and his fellow neo-cons deserve to be hung by their tits and balls.

There aren't enough foreskins in the entire world to satiate his appetite

Interesting. Do you know what it could be? I have heard the rumors about the media pushing the Uncle Tom shit, some Australian audio, or a Canadian affair.

sounds like 0HOUR1 has pointed in that direction recently

fortunately, A LOT of people understand this is what happened. On the left and the right.

I took a class from him back when I was at Harvard. He was visiting from UPenn. He's like 5'6" in real life.

It's another highly choreographed hit piece with paid participants, but this one is significantly more convincing than the scatter-shot grope accusations. I haven't seen it myself, but the DNC grape-vine seems unconvinced that it's going to move the needle.

His handler is local if that helps.


Yeah, but do they understand that it is all for Israel? Just look at the AIPAC webpage for major donations.

>Minyan ($100,000*)

>Minyan members are part of an elite circle who participate in exclusive events and travel opportunities. They have engaged in intimate conversations with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, former President Bill Clinton, former Prime Minister Tony Blair, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel and many others.

A list of prominent neo-cons, Jews, and proponents of the Iraq War.


good shit from the previous kristol hate thread in case you guys missed it

>t. Bill Kristol, who has never put his life on the line for the insanity that he promotes

What can I do to stop the Jews based insider?

He's Jew.

you should know better.

Jews in our government will cause collapse.

You should be stupid if you don't believe it.

I'm trying to figure out who still actually listens to this loser.

Kek's will be done.

>We were warned that the greatest threat to U.S. society is the military industrial complex

Ironic because Eisenhower was widely condemned in his day as a neocon Democrat lite by Barry Goldwater and the right wing of the GOP.

but bro he wasn't eligible
jump to 5:30 for a solid kek


but cuck wilson is convinced it's going BTFO the don

Checked, Kek will deliver.

You got details? Where did you meet Kristol?

All these Neocon Jews come across as acidic and mean spirited.

Saw Norman Podhoretz at a book signing when he released World War IV and he just seemed shrill and bitter.

>constantly quoting Karl Marx on his twitter

WTF I'm really thinking now.

>This is the single most treasonous kike in America. There isn't a political figure alive, not even Hillary, who deserves the firing squad more than this guy.

I agree with you 100%, OP

He is a vile, vile creature.

He's also the puppetmaster of Egg McMuffin, Kasich, Romney, Cotton and the rest of the #NeverTrump gang.


Hi Jeb!