Trolls from Troy is a fucking awful disgusting comic series

Trolls from Troy is a fucking awful disgusting comic series
Whole humor is just being as gore, edgy and disgusting as possible
Pinnacle of comedy is that someone got killed or farted

Literally French Crossed
Avoid at all cost

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Looks terrible. Got any more?

blood, boobs, and good art will always sell

In our hearts, we are base

if it was French Crossed they'd be spitroasting Snow to death.

>soccermoms virtue signalling on Sup Forums
aaaaaand a new low.

The cartoon is cuter.


You realize the whole Lanfeust line is aimed at teenagers, right?

but artstyle is too childish for teenagers
so it's definitively for adults

I don't understand why this is a bad thing.

>Art style is too childish
It's French. People over there are less terminally stupid about art and entertainment.

edgy is never good

Explain why.

when you became an adult you will understand

Edgy can too be good, but that is barely edgy, just tasteless.

Not an argument, and I'm probably older than you. Explain why.

What kind of stupid reasoning is that.
And no, it isn't.

Edgy is a guilty pleasure you can remember when you were a dumb teenager and all PFEH, NUTHIN PERSUNELL yourself, it is also always hilarious when something edgy is trying too hard and failing. Edgy is good, but it is good in a way the maker of the edgy thing basically never intends it to be.

Anonymous Agony never ever.

You're basically just agreeing with me though. That other guy said edgy is "never good".

Yeah, im just doing a explanation for you friendo, as a Old Fart you have a duty to shit on the younger generation, but also explain why.

"Because i say so" ain't rad at all.

> skinny guy and big barbarian

I'm intrigued.

that's not a guy

Aaaand it's gone.