Member when you could joke about jews without any repercussions?

Member when you could joke about jews without any repercussions?
Member when there weren't so many minorities around?
Member when antifascists were not the governments' guard dogs?
Member when women didn't dye their hair pink?
Member when the media was not so corrupted?
Member when whites were in charge?

Other urls found in this thread:

We also need to bring back slavery.

I MEMBER!!!!!!

Oooh I member!

Member Jeff Goldblum?
I member Jeff Goldblum, he was fantastic.

Oooo i member

remember when you made a terrible thread because you couldn't come up with an original thought? remember that?

Oh i member.

Member when France wasn’t a Muslim country?

Member when a socialist jew and a nigger endorsed a woman for POTUS?

Yeah I member.
Member when India wasn't literally full of mud and feces?

Is that an accurate representation of reality at any documented time in history?
I don't think anyone here members

Member when South Park shat on everyone and not just politically opportune targets?

No it has always been like this
I grew up in the 90's, it's just more common now
No it has always been like this
No it has always been like this

I 'member ;_;

I Member

Why did they have a berry tied up in the trunk again, lads? What did he do? I seemed to have missed something.

i remember, too bad i wasn't born even before. life was more simple than today. soon you would not be able to sit in a train without triggering someone.

Yeah didn't make sense to me either. They just make shit up as they go along. They should just go back to the standalone episodes.

I think that berry is the one who was being tortured and they think he talked maybe? Idk either

Member when social media wasnt a thing?

I think they sacrificed him to infect Jenner.

No that's the thing, it was freed and sat together with the others in the front of the car. They sacrificed another berry.


South park was never funny

CTR bot confirmed

You're thinking of paris

Doesn't even sync right. 0/10