>Sup Forums wants to impeach this


Here is a man who wants to bring cultures together and end the divide and conquer.

>homos will have happier lives
>transexuals will have happier lives
>muslims will have happier lives
>blacks males and white females will have happier lives
>minorities will have happier lives
>people who like to smoke weed will have happier live without police harassing them

With people like Justin, people will be living with less fear of being discriminated.

So, Sup Forums, find a flaw.

*sips lime milkshake*

Nothing, I agree with you OP. Let's all just get along.

yeah man, just let everyone do whatever they like
it's not like they're harming anyone, right...?

>straight white males will have shitty lives because all those derranged minorities are about to rape them

Trudeau is all heart, but no brain

Leftists won't be happy until everyone follows their opinions, muslims won't have happier lives until everyone in the world follows islam

>blacks males and white females will have happier lives

Are you the same Greek that posted about class vs race ?

I want to fuck 12 year olds, it will make my life happier without fear of police harassing me for it.

Justin Trudeau got into power this strongly due to Quebec.
In the past few elections, they never voted liberal so heavily.
It is safe to assume Trudeau is a plant to fuck up Canada.

Exactly. By separating cultures, you only have rivalries. Bring them together, and we live in an almost utopia.

>>straight white males will have shitty lives because all those derranged minorities are about to rape them
Explain? Why would white males have it hard?

The whole point, is to encourage the younger generations.

If we don't use gender pronouns people want to be associated with, we can now go to jail for it.

Without being near to any major low IQ refugee nation and with a highly selective immigration policy none of that really matters much. You get to sing cumbaya without it having a major impact.

You get to sit on your high horse and lecture Europe about refugees, while you take a couple 1000 carefully selected ones. We are stuck with the millions of 14 year old 30 year old boys coming to rape our women and children.

Good for you for having won the geographic lottery and being able to be bleeding heart liberals without too much repercussions. We need national socialism though.

>a muslim
>ever being happy
They only day they're happy is when you put a bullet in between their eyes.

Do you want to filter me or something?


Free speech in Canada was dead already before Trudeau even became PM though.

No I agree it's about class.

What he fails to understand is that these type of people need an enemy.
Once the white male canadian is bound and cucked they will eventually turn on each other and then blame Justin for it.

This picture says 1000 words. It displays the leftist cuck at his weakest and shows the viewer why the leftist cuck is leftist cucking in the first place.

These girls are destroying society

>Exactly. By separating cultures, you only have rivalries. Bring them together, and we live in an almost utopia.
yeah man, just erase all cultures, but specialy the white one ;^)

You don't have to live under the asshole's rule, bong. You wouldn't know how bad it is. The economy is shit, taxes are going up and all he invests in are muh solar panels, giving millions to Africa, refugees, LGBT garbage, and feminism.

I don't know what have done to deserve this.

The electoral system is fucked. It's totally stacked against the west, who voted mostly conservative and always will vote conservative.

Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba, BC, NWT, and Yukon ought to separate. Those eastern vampires are taxing us dry, and once they scare away oil companies with heavy taxing on muh carbon, they'll crack open our bones and suck out the marrow too.

No, we educae all continents. Not just North America, Europe and Oceanania

I just randomly grouped two typed of people.

not an argument

I know loads of muslims who are happy. You argument is irrelevent.

Also, I find Irish people aggresive and dunk.

*sips starbucks coffee*

Hating on people is not free speech.

Also, you said that under Trudeau people have a lesser chance of being discriminated against. Absolutely false. It's open season on white, heterosexual, Christian males who are successful now.

There is literallyy nothing wrong with feminism.

What the hell is wrong with making women happier?

Did you know that women can also be free start careers and then have the ability to travel the world....?

Maybe because ''white, heterosexual, Christian males who are successful'' humans are the ones opposing equality and freedom?

>white males
Literally the same people who're doing everything they can to stop a female POTUS, just because she's a woman.

Free speech is free speech, without any stipulations, conditions, or asterisks. Hate speech is subjective. I may find someone who is preaching the Islamic faith on a street corner hateful, because of the inflammatory and hateful things that Islam teaches. I may find a gay parade hateful because my religion (this could apply to Muslims as well) says it's wrong.

The issue that you people will never understand is that when you insist upon trying to satisfy everybody, in reality, you end up satisfying nobody.

The electoral system is fucked, just not in that sense. You act like your vote should have more value, simply because you don't get what you want otherwise.

The electoral system is fucked because of the winner takes all shit allowing Trudeau to get a majority while like a quarter actually voted for him and only had a third of votes.

>The west will always vote conservative meme
If the NDP said they wanted to suck your oily black cocks harder than the conservatives, you'd turn into a bunch of commies. Fuck off. you vote conservative because they don't care about climate change and that helps oil drilling companies.

I'm 99% sure that you're baiting, but I'll bite.

Feminism, at this point in time, is indeed making women happier, however at the expense of men. This is not equality, this is supremacy. If there were "white male quotas" at institutions of higher learning and places of employment like they currently have for women and visible minorities, there would be outrage.

You're baiting, but you're legitimizing racism and discrimination based upon your belief that they are the cause of all the ills in the world. Most genocides throughout history start with it being societally encouraged and normal to demonize an entire group (white men) because you think they are responsible for everything bad in the world.

The NDP won on a fluke because the conservatives here were extremely corrupt, so it was essentially a fuck you vote to them. Cutting off our nose to spite our face. Guaranteed in 2019 they won't get another term - they have less than a 30% approval rating. Everything is more expensive because of them, and our SJW minister of education is going around terrorizing Christian schools in the province, threatening to pull their funding, because they won't sign onto the NDP's wacky "gays in school" platform, some of the points being that 5+ genders will be recognized by schools etc etc.

That wasn't my point, but nice one pal.

And by the way Alberta's vote should be worth more since we practically bankroll the "economy" of the Atlantic and Quebec.

It's true, the NDP isn't good for oil. That's not why they were elected. People voted for them knowing that. It's ridiculous though, they should've voted for the Wildrose like I did.

Did he fuck them?

It's not a good system if everything is done at the expense of White Males.

>Feminism, at this point in time, is indeed making women happier, however at the expense of men.

Isn't this just justice though?

Women were treated like slaves, and were all depressed before suffrage, right?. If feminism is going to make men and women equal as for happiness concern, the isn't that kind of a good thing?

>wanting revenge for stuff that happened 100+ years ago

Kill yourself. At least stop using the false flag of "muh equality" to sell your supremacist and discriminatory ideals to the populace.

Of course gay ass Britian supports this fag

>blacks males and white females will have happier lives

Such subtlety

>Did he fuck them?

We're talkig about a kind, sensitive professional, who LISTENS to women. Not pedos like Trump.

Here's another thing. People like Trump and Farage cause ''butthurt'', outrage and divide conquer tactics amongst their own people. How the fuck does Sup Forums support this?

You're missing my point by so far it's not funny anymore.
That makes no sense at all, on a practical level.

>gulping the bait like a juicy syrian cock
Kill yourself newfag holy shit. Britbong is baiting people to cope with his fresh newly instituted sharia zone down his block

Sorry to disappoint you, but unfortunately most of my countrymen are in favour of Trump over Hillary. And are now supporting Authoritarians like Farage.

This is one of the reasons I'm moving to Canada.


He has a liberal arts degree, was a substitute DRAMA teacher and a snowboarding instructor. I am more qualified to be prime minister than he has ever been or ever will be. He got elected because he was pandering like crazy, you fool.

I bet you're an Easterner.

Hey, everyone deserves a (you), Giovanni.

Fuck off we're full.

>He can't comprehend a rational argument
>"I bet you're the people I hate!"
Kek, keep drilling that oil, it apparently takes no great brain.

>sharia zones
I'm sorry that you believe in this bullshit.

I mean, yes, we have muslim communities, but you Sup Forumstards seem to have fantasies that they're ''sharia zones''!?!? You realise that sharia is where people cut heads off, right? And that doesn't happen here.

Lmao I'm a doctor man. Not some rig pig.

How fucking hard is it to respect someone's gender pronouns? There is more important shit to worry about, like automation taking over most jobs by 2020



Muslim's bring hatred to subculture they are invited to.

That's a meme, the only jobs where that will happen are maybe fast food or bus drivers. Even waiters will keep they're jobs, most people prefer being served by a nice, amiable waiter as opposed to some robot.

And you can't read and comprehend a text?


That's why they need out help.

It's like calming the school bully.

It can be done

Faggotry doesnt pay the bills.

Of course I can. I was just responding to your comments about how Albertans would have no problem with the NDP if they "sucked our oily black dicks hard enough", because it's totally false.

Go back to tumblr

>A nutter cuts off someones head once and is arrested
>HA your country IS full of sharia zones etc

>whites will slowly lose their own country and Canadian national values and identity will be destroyed


Ffs you invented the system, you should know how it works

The NDP in Alberta isn't a good example as they don't enjoy oil drilling as much as the conservatives.
A minority upset about how they deal with social issues wouldn't be listened to if they promised to double your oil extraction in the next year.

>Here's another thing. People like Trump and Farage cause ''butthurt'', outrage and divide conquer tactics amongst their own people. How the fuck does Sup Forums support this?

Only Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC would be viable as separate states, and Alberta's likely not so long as the Saudis keep mass-producing oil - it's why Alberta's in the shitter today.

Manitoba is a gibs province full of abos
NWT and Yukon are frozen hellholes where it costs $30 for a sixpack of beer

>I just randomly grouped two typed of people.
Sure thing schlomo


Your provincial NDP gets a bad rap because the Saudis fucked Alberta's economy along with Venezuela's and Russia's when they started mass-producing oil. With the sanctions lifted on Iran, they'll also drive down the price of oil in Europe, so expect Alberta to remain fucked for like a decade.

At least your NDP government banned lobbying. Have to give them credit for that.

Pay debts.

>muslims will have happier lives

Muslims will never be happy. Even if they got what they wished and turned the entire world into a sharia shit hole.
They would just get to killing each other, and fighting over interpretations of their retarded religion.

Islam literally needs to be abolished from this planet.

>homos will have happier lives
>transexuals will have happier lives
>muslims will have happier lives
>blacks males and white females will have happier lives
>minorities will have happier lives
>people who like to smoke weed will have happier live without police harassing them
what about me?
*sips triple chocolate stripe milkshake*

>By separating cultures, you only have rivalries. Bring them together, and we live in an almost utopia.

How fucking retarded are you?

Groups will still promote their own self interests.

All multiculturalism does is it fractures the population.

Politicians love this because they can then play different groups off of each other.

It is literally divide and conquer tactics.

Not only that, but they have convinced morons like yourself that it is a good thing.

>*sips ahmed's cum*

>>homos will have happier lives
>>transexuals will have happier lives
>>muslims will have happier lives
>>blacks males and white females will have happier lives
>>minorities will have happier lives
>>people who like to smoke weed will have happier live without police harassing them
What about non-wealthy, white males?

There will still be shitskin and nigger jealousy.

You cant help the subhuman. There is only death, and for their own good.

>lime milkshake


Dogmatic belief systems are always perverted by self-interest, especially the religion of multi-culturalism.