How would IT fare in the Marvel or DC Universes?

How would IT fare in the Marvel or DC Universes?

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Doctor strange could beat him.

Which means Fate could eradicate him with a fingernsap.

In the Marvel Universe he gets obliterated by Daredevil, who has no fear.

In the DC universe he gets obliterated by anyone that has fought Scarecrow or Parralax

I mean, it got fucked up by a bunch of kids so probably not great

kids have more imagination so they can oppose his influence, but they're easier to scare too. he was greedy and went for high risk/high reward, should've just settled on adults which he has preyed on before, like the time he made all those lumberjacks kill each other.

Yeah but one of them was black

>And who's do you think you are? The Joker?

Is Marina helping her or is she solo?


Didn't the New mutants face off against something similar with the Demon Bear

Really kinky dorks that all ran a train on the same girl AND THEN beat him.

would so have a yellow lantern ring and fight Green Lanterns
probably fight like Ghost Rider or Dr. Strange

Superman literally just recently defeated Parallax, who was abducting kids too mind you, so I think they could handle it. Scarecrow would try to have sex with him

unless you mean when they came back as adults, but the orgy was in order to find their way OUT after they beat him the first time

>IT has a panic attack trying to choose from the numerous nightmares John has a single form that will actually scare him
>He just laughs and calls him a cunt

>IT Orgy

I keep hearing this, someone wanna fill me in?

Read the book.

As kids they run a train on the girl to buck up their spirits before the big fight,

oh right. I will never go back and re-read that.

It's not really hot or anything, the whole book is kind of heady in parts and you learn to go with these things. They do other things, like make a sweat lodge like the native americans to find answers to something.

I was thinking this. Pennywise would be a prime contender for the yellow corps.

he's basically Paralax

Is his true form really just a spider or did all the kids just have arachnophobia?

Cosmic spider


>All these retards who have never read the book, and have only seen the shitty miniseries.
The DC and Marvel Universes get eaten by the Deadlights due to being such massive bullshit to deal with.

King wrote a scene where an 11 year old girl let little boys have sex with her in a sewer, and her inner monologue says she liked it.

My biggest fear is my crushing fear of loneliness and depression at not achieving my greatness.

What would Pennywise turn into then?

Your parents being disappointed in what you became

How many boys?

He's similar to Galactus in that mortal mins can't comprehend his true form, so they see something their brain can process. The closest they could get was a giant demon-spider. The problem was while the book was able to explain it, it's almost impossible to do that on film.

Tulpas are OP as fuck

In DC Pennywise would probably be the Avatar of Parallax

And yet he considers Carrie the most disgusting thing he ever wrote.

I need this in my life.

How would he fare in the Marvel or DC universe? Strongest Red Lantern

Six. She also monologues about how they all felt different, and how they were plowing her.

Probably because it's basically a school shooting advocate.


We've discussed this one before

Pretty much cosmic level, but won't give two shits about anything not demon related


I bet the black boy gave her biggest experiences.


DC Universe would likely end up with him being btfo by Sinestro as a new source of Fear.

>that one part of the song where the guitar sounds like it's on quad damage
I now require Apokolips vs Doomguy. FUCKING DO IT

The chubby kid who already had a crush on her was the biggest and the only one that made her climax.

>In DC Pennywise would probably be the Avatar of Parallax
He's the avatar of something *much* worse than Parallax, user. IT would likely consider Parallax a "child" trying to play with the big leagues.

Nope. The fat kid was the biggest and got her off.

>that scene in the novel where Hockstetter jerks Henry Bowers off in the junkyard and Bowers only stops him because he tried to suck his dick
>The same character has a fridge filled with animals he tortured to death
>the only other gay character gets thrown off a bridge and eaten by Pennywise
Really makes you think

Pennywise is like of Parallax and Shuma-Gorath had a baby.

Kids defeat IT, and lose their way in the sewer system because of stress. Instead of slapping some sense back into them, Bev decides that the best way to alleviate their stress is to let them plow her cunt as a way to raise morale.

Even as a horny teen, this scene just felt out of place. Going back to re-read the book prior to the movie's release, I still can't think of what King was thinking when he wrote it. Then again, King is kind of a huge pedo, so it's not all that surprising.

I'm not seeing it. Pennywise was always some kid of Cosmic Feeder of Fear.

He's not superly powerful really.

King after he quit drinking and doing drugs is basically a pussywhipped cuck.

The fat kid was the one who got her off. She also enjoyed Billy, the kid that went last, because she was in love with him, but admits Ben had the biggest, most pleasurable member.


Wait, was the spider form in the new movie, even though that's not a thing until the end of the second half of the book?

Fate is lower than Strange

The clown is only a tiny flesh-projection, his real self is a dimension known as the Deadlights that's larger than the universe. He only eat people because it's fun, the kids got lucky and found a ritual to basically call on Turtle's power to get rid of his avatar.

Turtle is the retarded kid from Deamcatcher, by the way.

No. While the kids were fighting it, IT took on a bunch of forms, one looked like crab legs. No rave spider so far.

The movie cuts out the spider form and the turtle

>He's not superly powerful really.
The clown is just the minor manifestation of the true entity that exists as the Deadlights, an infinite *dimension* of soul annihilating, orange lights that literally view our universe as a "tiny egg". IT is actually a Demon Elemental, one of several entities that act in opposition to the Guardians of The Dark Towers Beams, the Tower itself holding up all of Creation.

I'm actually sort of happy they did this. IT stands fine as its own thing, and I really don't want any sort of Stephen King Cinematic Universe.

Why are fatass shills spamming threads about this piece of shit movie in literally every single board?

What do you mean? There's going to be a second movie, this one was just for when the Losers were kids, since it's all so much content in the book. The spider and turtle are finale things.

>Bev sees the Deadlights
>is fine seconds later

The turtle would have at least explained some of that bullshit

Are there other Demon Elementals explored?

The Turtle sort of sets them on their mission. In the movie they just sort of start shouting about the power of friendship despite the fact the movie barely shows any of it.

>I know, I'll be contrarian today, that'll get me noticed!

That's disappointing. I guess they wanted to do damage control because the Dark Tower movie sucked.

Both power lvls vary too much, current dr Fate is just a teenager though.

He talks a big game, but IT is never seen more as a inter-dimensional boogeyman that can Harness the Deadlights.

Hell no.


Pretty well. She is immortal and multiverse so: is on the money. She'd kick most people's asses most of the time. Only the 'youth' teams would have a good chance at her.

Is Pennywise the Spider, a shape-shifting physical avatar of the Deadlights, or is Pennywise a sort of projection that can roam the town while the Spider stays in the sewer?

Not comics.

I don't remember power of friendship stuff in the movie. Just that IT can't do much if they're not afraid.

At the end Bill is going on about how they all need to be together because they need to be together and it can't hurt them. Which doesn't make sense because the movie hasn't really spent time on them as friends and Mike only joined up a few minutes ago.

That feels debatable.

I thought it was implied that Pennywise can only kill people that steps into the sewer systems. That's why Georgie had to reach in before Pennywise could grab him. But then, the movie saw Pennywise reaching out to grab Georgie, so I don't know how far his power manifests.


He is essentially unkillable to physical damage but his damage output is limited by how afraid you are of him

He could beat Superman in theory but would likely be easily dispatched by Dr Strange or Constantine

Pennywise is only the avatar of a more transdimensional, abstract primordial force though that is MUCH stronger

Like beyonder tier

But Pennywise himself is only an essence of that power

I just assumed that he meant that they were braver as a group. As in, if they go solo, or separate, they'll probably be easier to scare.

Never read the book, so I'm just going by what I got from the movie.

That could be true, but overall a lot more time needed to be spent in the movie about them as a group because it still feels hollow in that regard.

Two were encountered in the Dark Tower novels (though they were likely the exact same entity). Once in the Willow Jungle in the foothills of the Cyclopean Mountains and once in the Plains of the River Barony, according to what I've found. It is here where it is established that whilst there are *only* six TRUE Elementals, compared to the Beam Guardians twelve, they each have a male, and female aspect to make up for that fact. Not much else is known about them however, aside from the fact that they don't have Names.

It could go the other way, honestly. You have to have no doubts you're going to hurt it to succeed. Jon would be shitting himself when he discovered that it's an unkillable multiverse will-o-wisp demon. His self doubt would do him in, not the fear and facing thereof.

She's the highest tier threat in the King supernatural hierarchy. It's just that it has particular weaknesses and vices that can be capitalised on. Only super natural heroes would be able to identify the 'right' conditions. The kids in the film(book) just lucked into them.

I think it's even Depatable if IT is actually the direct Avatar of the Deadlights, as the Deadlights are not really as "Thinking" as IT is.

I see IT as more of a Cosmic Parasite, that works as a corridor between reality and the Deadlights.


No she came with the kid before as well f/a/m. Stutter and chubs.

>Sup Forums has fallen so low that now le epic trendy shit gets spammed relentlessly all over the site
>if you dare call them out, their obese reddit senses get triggered and pull the contrarian card, which somehow justifies obvious shilling

How much damage could this one do, especially since he's a kid?


>girls refer to sex as IT

I don't feel like reading the books or watching the movies, so someone fill me in:

How a lovecraftian cosmic horror older than the universe managed to get defeated (killed?) by a group of kids?

Also not even remotely true

Power of lewd.

It was that coke and shit, I'm convinced. The scene feels so fucking out of place and weird that I'm glad both adaptations removed/ignored it

>How a lovecraftian cosmic horror older than the universe managed to get defeated (killed?) by a group of kids?

In the book? Because they get some initial help from some other deity.

In the movie? They beat it do near death with some iron rods they find.

It's a cosmic horror based upon Fear,

No fear = no power.

Not samefagging btw.

>She's the highest tier threat in the King supernatural hierarchy.
Technically Dis (the True Crimson King) is, but that.......*thing* is the totality of the Outer Dark, and the Prim itself. It is the very Red in its entirety, without limits or bindings. It is never necountered, because otherwise even *glimpse* it, would be like looking into the Deadlights, but much, much, *MUCH* worse.