Post an obscure webcomic/comic you wish got more attention for whatever reason. Shilling is allowed I guess...

Post an obscure webcomic/comic you wish got more attention for whatever reason. Shilling is allowed I guess, but you're still a faggot for doing it.

Hard mode: You have to read the webcomic/comic in the post under your own.

Harder mode: You have to give your thoughts/critique on however much you read of said comic.

Picture unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:

Gastrophobia is brilliant, and it'd be 10/10.


I'd tell ya but then you'd just have a bunch more pinned tabs of comics that almost never update.

Awkward Zombie

Wait no, that doesn't count, it's a huge source of reaction images.

The artemis fowl graphic novels. If people picked them back up, the movie might finally get made.

I liked it, it was neat. It's got a lot of neat facts, and it's a relatively unexplored theme, fact checking all the original mythos.

He keeps saying "OH IT'S COMIN" but man, the guy must be shedding patrons like hair.


I really like Greek mythology so it seems pretty up my alley. Early Gastro looks and acts a lot like Steven Universe though at least to a degree.

I don't see too many people talking about sleepless domain, but I think it's pretty good.

Tales of Akethrion is amazing, but Sup Forums will never talk or whatch it, because it has everything that they would like to see, and not much to bitch about.

Prince of Sartar needs more love

beyond the canopy is a pretty nice read, never seen anyone on Sup Forums talk about it
it's been on a hiatus since may though

A Better Place is really interesting and the author's writing that accompany each strip does a great job at worldbuilding and providing atmosphere.

Leftover Soup even though the comic just ended. It's made by the same man who made 1/0.

Thank fuck I found this thread.
I read a webcomic awhile back that was pretty great

>Really weird dialog
>MC was a blond guy. His friends are a black chick and some fat guy
>MC's dad was always trying to kill him or something
>MC gets a gf
>Black chick and MC always bantering and talking shit to each other
>They get into an actual fight
>They get sent to the principal's office
>Principal gives them microphones so they can rap battle instead of fight

It had something to do with Existentialism.

It Hurts!!


YES! That's the one! Thank you so much. I fucking loved that shit when I read it.

I like this comic a lot. It may not be the fastest paced thing, but it almost always releases two pages a week which is more than a lot of comics can say.

>Shilling is allowed I guess, but you're still a faggot for doing it.
How would you even tell the difference between someone posting someone else's comic or shilling their own?

Typically it has to do with the comic's quality/content. You can sorta tell when something being posted is a little odd for someone on Sup Forums to like.

>How would you even tell the difference between someone posting someone else's comic or shilling their own?
You probably won't unless it's somehow obvious. Doesn't make you less of a faggot and that's what matters.

I've been keeping an eye on this one for MONTHS now. I'm planning to do a storytime when things start to hit the fan, but it's a slow burn.

>Doesn't make you less of a faggot
You seem to get pretty riled up about it, user. Why do you take such offense to someone wanting to share their own comic?

This thread is about comics you wish got more attention, but if an author doesn't promote themselves or share their comic in different communities, it's kinda hard for them to get any attention in the first place.

Your demands are oxymoronic, I just hope you realize that.

Not that user I'm the OP but generally if people recommend a work that isn't their own it's at least done something right to earn more readers. There's a difference between people pretending to be a third party and shilling out their stuff and people who genuinely go 'hey I made something can you guys check it out?'.

It's kinda annoying to have people disingenuously promote their stuff and that's why I don't really take to kindly to it.

>Why do you take such offense to someone wanting to share their own comic?
I'm just answering a question, OP explicitly said it's fine.

Why are (You) getting so hung up about it instead of posting webcomics?

I wish more people talked about or even recognized PS238. This comic is one of the best and most heartwarming superhero comics ever written. I have yet to see a single person ever mention it in any capacity.

My only wish is that it would update more than 1-2 pages A MONTH. There's like 40 volumes that have been posted online but ever since catching up on it (like 4 years ago) they've barely gotten a single issue further overall.

This looks like prime material for a children's cartoon.
When will we have a webcomic adapted to cartoon?

This thread would be of great help, but no stupid OP had to run his mouth.

>hugging another woman' man
She dun goofed

I'm not sure if I dreamt Sluggy Freelance or if it's real, and I'm too scared to check.

It's still running.
Site just got a revamp.
We are theoretically on the final main storyline.
Pete is running MWF mode again.
Pete also said that Sluggy will still continue after the story is over instead of retiring like he originally planned.
I hate the new site's phone centric design and the 20 story tall top banner. I pray it goes away when the anniversary celebration is over.


>It's kinda annoying to have people disingenuously promote their stuff and that's why I don't really take to kindly to it.
The OP didn't imply anything about the manner in which you share your own work. It came off as a clean-cut "Share someone else's work but if you share yours you're a shill and a faggot."

>Why are (You) getting so hung up about it instead of posting webcomics?
I already explained why. Making a thread about obscure comics you wish got more attention and yet singling out and insulting people who want to post their own is stupid.

If you want a comic to get more attention then you should want the author to put themselves out there instead of hoping they get lucky and have fans/readers to post on their behalf.

Again, just trying to help you understand how contradictory it is to call someone a faggot for wanting to promote their own comic if you're making a thread where the goal is sharing comics you wish got more attention. If the author doesn't promote, it won't get attention.

I feel like I'm going in circles here but that's because there's no simpler way to explain this to you.

Seeing Red
Same guy wrote my favorite Nuzlocke comic
used to read the hell out of it when I was younger

Bongo and Luna

The comedic everyday life of straight-man/big bosom clown Bongo, and her best friend, the lusty/big booty ghost Luna. It ain't that raunchy I promise. Uploaded ever Tuesday and Thursday


Recently found the green knight, nice little adventure comic with myths and old tales
also, that fairy is getting thiccer and thiccer

Hinoki Pastery's secret hall.

Bittersweet Candy Bowl
>starts out as innocent middle school antics
>cute little will-they-won't-they romance
>pic related
>love triangles
>creepy stalker arc
>lost in the jungle
>near-death experience
>relationship drama and turmoil

If you start reading it, just stop after Chapter 75. After that point, the creators decided to artificially lengthen the story instead of setting up the planned ending, and everything went to shit. It got even worse when they finally started towards the ending (after 4 years of filler), but then slapped in personality retcons and lazy flashbacks to try and fix things. They say it's going to end around 2020, but the planned ending has been telegraphed clumsily enough where you can just stop reading. Then there's the drama surrounding the creators themselves, but that's an entirely different story.

What about Zoophobia?

>It ain't that raunchy I promise.

The art is more sophisticated than it seems at first glance, and the writing is way better than it has any right to be. There are a lot of nuzlocke comics out there, but I think this is probably the best if you can get past the sort of naive visual style.

Could you really call this "obscure"?

Yes. The regular threads on Sup Forums are an anomaly. It's pretty unknown outside of its existing fanbase, which is pretty small.

Supervillainous. The weak art is really only there just to service some great characters and funny dialogue. It hits that "Supervillain is a great dad" itch so well.

Brave chef Brianna, monster girls for Sup Forums, story for Tumblr
Does it sweeten the pot if the harpy dresses in a pink waitress costume.

One of the best cyberpunk web-comics ive ever read.

Mutafukaz, a french comic that was made into a movie. The movie was never released in theatre or dvd though, it was only broadcasted at Annecy's movie festival. It's about 60's sci-fi movies mixed with gangsta culture and action à la Tarantino.

i think i stopped reading it at the time-travelling daughter
what's going on rn?

is Devil's Candy obscure?

Rosianna Rabbit.

I think it's shared enough but people tend to ignore it. Maybe something about the art or theme makes them assume it's something other than what it is, so they just ignore it when it's suggested.

You think the prospect of monster girls would be enough. That got me to check it out, then I ended up liking the least monstrous looking girl in the comic.

what did he expected?

Pack street is God tier my dudes

Man man.

Devil's Candy is cute.


Did anyone ever read It Never Rains On Monitor Hill? I can't find anything about it online except a defunct archive page and a tweet asking the creator if he'll ever bring it back online

The few things I've read from Oyvind Thorsby were good. Transdimensional Brainchip was alright, but shit gets good in Hitmen for Destiny.

The Pigeon Gazette.
Pretty typical anxiety-ridden MC, but it has its funny moments.
The older ones are better.

I think bad adjectives deserves more attention, there's something about the humour that makes it stand out, I can't quite put my finger on it though

It has its ups and downs but I like Outer City Limits

I really like how it nails the manga style without looking like it's trying too hard to do so, but at the same time is more willing to experiment with designs and backgrounds than the former.

Probably the only webcomic that made me realize the potential of the medium.

Everything from him is really clever. His art even grew on me.

This This This.

I don't understand why it doesn't get more love.

Also saw this in the /hyw/

They're new, just started in July, but what they're doing looks interesting. It's a big superhero universe and they're creating stories all across it. One comic is about Cavemen with super powers. A text story is about kids with superpowers at a museum and their teacher is the Flatwoods monster. They also got a text story about the golden age Daredevil character with public domain art. And its all part of the same universe.

Currently they're doing a comic+text story about Magical Girls if that's your thing. I think the idea of "what if Sailor Moon grew up and taught other Magical Girls" is cool though, I've never seen anything like that.

It's probably the closest thing to Astro City/Top 10 on the web.

The way a lot of it is text also reminds me of Worm but fortunately not as edgy, and that's good. We can always use more Sup Forums related webnovels.

Not quite the same thing, but Nimona is getting adapted to the big screen.

Commander Kitty. It deserves a lot better.

whats it called?

>1/2 Cavewoman and Cavewoman Rain

Note: I do own all of Pangaean Sea comics, but I don't own the first series of comics of Cavewoman or Rain. I plan on acquiring them in the future. I have no intention of owning the other comics by the other artists as I think they are just shit. Not even to acquire the Budd Root Variant covers. With that out of the way onto the review.

The first series Budd did was actually pretty great. It sets up the series and immediately we get a sense of danger facing the people of Marshville. With consequences of the circumstances having results immediately with plenty of people dying. Not for the sake of edge but to set the tone that this isn't a silly romp of a story. Despite the potential for T and A.

While Meriem is nigh invincible she is (mostly) what is keeping the town from getting wiped out. Budd does show that the people can survive on their own but at the expense of much of their own resources and people.

The exposition and dialogue can get lengthy at times. Even from the foreword from a revised edition (which included more pages before the events of the main story) you learn that Budd had to cut a number of pages out in order to fit his budget for printing his comic.

This is found not only in the beginning but in other parts as well. Most of it is just fun stuff, but he wanted to explain the sci-fi element of time travel and how it worked more. It isn't really explained much afterword in great detail but gets some attention in Pangaean Sea later on.

The original series that started it all was good fun with plenty of trouble for the characters involved. Meriem grows a little and Budd does well enough with the people of Marshville in their reaction and having to live in their new world.


Now onto Pangaean Sea.

This is where things get a bit more interesting. Budd's art improves greatly, feeling closer to his pinup work than previously. While the art has improved his writing hasn't. The story gets confusing and at one point I thought they misprinted chapter number in terms of chronology. Instead it was the story and how it was structured. I don't know if Budd planned this or if it was overlooked. I went over the end of the chapter in question a few times to see if I was missing something. It wasn't me, which leads to another potential conclusion. In which I have to assume (with past experience) that Budd had to cut out some pages in order to print. It isn't a wise move as it get confusing. Really wish Budd would continue Pangaean Sea and put out a revised edition if he had planned on some other story elements.

Now in comparison to the first series he did in the 1990's Budd seems to go for a more mature route. Not only is there far more nudity and sexuality(still no sex), but there is far more violence and bloodshed too. I imagine Budd was telling this story as he imagined it would have played out. Glad he didn't try and be family friendly (to appease a wider audience), but I wouldn't be surprised if people got an edge vibe from it. Depends on your taste. Budd doesn't have to go to Serpieri levels of content as when done poorly results in the trash Cavewoman comics.

There is a lot of reference to his favourite movies from the horror and monster genre. He also has mixed in plenty of fantasy as well. Which is almost borderline fan fiction at times, but he is able to use these properties as they are public domain. As fun as it might be it doesn't progress the story in any meaningful way which leads me to a big complaint.

Pangaean Sea is not complete and I doubt it ever will. It feels as though Budd is burnt out on Cavewoman. There are hints of this in the Cavewoman Art book, but who knows really.

Good art and ok storytelling.

I can't quite put my finger on it either, he's got a gift for delivery. I like it.

Came in this thread to mention Ectopiary, only to see that the site is down. Anyone know this comic and happen to know what happened to it?

Does Endtown qualify as obscure now that Holly's arc is over? I've been following it since the Flask arc but I noticed it died pretty hard last year, this arc's pretty good for Endtown politics but most people seem to be missing out.

Checkout girl's thought bubble would make a cute series but OK KO already exists.

Wonderella is criminally underhyped

as is Zebra girl

Zoophobia is boring.
>"create" decently interesting world of monsters with a generic chaps god is bringing doom metaplot
>use creative sparkledogs to tell BCB-tier HS drama
I gave a shitload of money to BCB so believe me Zoophobia is boring as shit even in the creator drama department.

Rusty and co. is also fun

Raven's dojo seems like it would be the ideal Sup Forums comic, but it hardly ever gets discussed

How bad is Afraid of Monsters compared to Zoophobia?

Tail's gets Trolled needs to get fully animated.

Thanks for the attention user!

I'm always looking for feedback and criticism. I was never too into the magical girl genre, but after reading up on it I thought it would be interesting to do a take on it. Croatoan, the place the first magical girl hails from, was also really fun to write. Everything is alive in Croatoan from the hills to the stars.

The Magical Girl story starts here in case anyone is interested. Would love to get some feedback on it.



that androgynous fatty looks like a Steven Universe OC

OC nothing, it looks like S1 Steven with blond hair.

I'm amazed he has any patrons. He very strongly believes that a content creator has absolutely no obligation to create content, and he lives this philosophy to its fullest. Who would throw their money away like that?

Also, while I don't own the physical copies I have digital copies of the 1994 and 1997 Cavewoman series. I'd rather support Budd Root by owning the actual comics but it can be expensive. Plus I'm looking at purchasing other books and things first.