Why do they want children to be mentally ill so badly

Why do they want children to be mentally ill so badly

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What the UtterFuck

You can kill your enemy if you kill everyone of them. Or you make them give up and let them going extinct all by themselves. Promoting this degenerate behavior works best on kids since they don't know any better.

>be 6 year old boy
>think the grass is greener on other side
>"mum, i want to be a girl"

Am I memeing or is this possible?

only white children

I know when I was a young child I thought my life would be infinitely better as a girl because being a boy meant getting the shit kicked out of me by other boys.
I'm glad my parents weren't mental enough to think issues I had as a pre-teen were a sign of my gender identity.

Why do you hate transgender people so much? They're people too, you know.

Beta as fuck


They are mentally ill people and instead of getting them treatment we accept their fantasy and allow them to mutilate themselves and ruin their lives. Their lives end in suicide. Everyone is so damn afraid of appearing like Hitler so they are tolerant of fucking everything.

On the contrary you Lithscum, nothing gets me more diamonds than a passable trans. But I'm concerned that this sort of exposure to children could be very bad.

Most trans people do It for attention

Who is this dicky pricky?

>They are mentally ill people
That's the point, they need treatment and the best we have right now is allowing them to be who they think they are. We're nowhere close to having therapy for this, there have been gay correction camps for decades and look at what they've accomplished.

ANOTHER reason not to pay the TV license, these fuckers are making it too easy.

>Be crazy trans
>Live in the country with crazy amount of skyscrapers
>Invite Islamists

No, the best we have are antipsychotics and hormone therapy to help them deal with their delusions

They're sick, their heads don't work right. When you reach those levels of delusion (honestly believing you're the opposite gender than you were at birth) you need drugs and therapy, not "acceptance". You don't see people pushing for acceptance of schizophrenics or bipolar people in everyday society do you?

Of course it's possible

When I was near that age I remember seeing girls playing at school and thinking "I wonder what it's like to be them"

Yes we never say this stuff because it subjects you to ridicule (bring it on). But I bet you had those questions too if you're willing to admit it.

Of course, I never turned out gay/degenerate, I had my first girlfriend at 14, I turned out relatively normal. And now as an adult I realise how fucked up it is to encourage kids to be degenerate, because you are literally stealing from them their chance to procreate.

My kids shows were about action figures and going into space and through time and shit.

Why can't they just let kids be kids?

I think it's just the result of the 'do what you feel' mentality. It's not that religion or sense alone was derided, it's mostly a feels good then do it culture.
We're just very comfortable and so people are just after that new thing. So things like completely altering your identity when you're at the most influential are ignored because 'it feels good'.
I think it's insane more people aren't up in arms about it, it's child abuse.

commies/marxists always target children

Once when I was really young I striped naked and put on one of my mothers dressed to dang and sing in, does that make you feel like less of a faggot?

dresses* dance*
wow me english good!


So they'll become Labour voters in the future.

Yeah i remember thinking the same, "how is being a girl like?" And stuff.


Where do you see hate?

I'm pretty sure when I was 6 I wanted to be a dinosaur or some shit. What do people enable this? They're children, they don't know shit

The indoctrination always starts young. When I was in school, they had us reenact slave ships and told us how shitty we were for being white. Some people would break down crying, I just thought it was funny. Now we get trannies pushed down our kids throats.

This society is fucking sick.

Its like being a beta and mentally ill with at least 2 cluster type personality disorders while at the same time having the freedom to not be called a fag when you act untypical. Its not all that mysterious.

This is what happens when you make it hateful to treat a mental illness and instead just give into it

The parents are fucking degenerate too

All we need to do to find this generations Jimmy Savile is to see who greenlighted this idea.

I'm pretty socially liberal I don't believe in drug prohibition but I hate this transgender shit being pushed on children. I'm sure this will create more transgender people.

Now I understand why our gun laws are so tight

If it wasn't transgenderism it'd be something else though. Trans aren't the culprit, it's people trying to be """progressive""".

I feel like transtrenders are just the new emos, who were just the new goths etc.

I think it's a sort of midlife crisis, the people you usually see doing this are in their mid-late 20's or 30's and start acting like teen girls.

I was addressing the issue with transness being pushed to children.

The motives of adult transitioners don't interest me. They're adults and it's their decision. Most do it and then move on with their life, the ones that are problematic and pushing some sort of agenda are most of the time student-aged transtrenders who never even went through a transition because it's sufficiently cool to be some made up gender that requires no effort beyond cutting your hair.

The fact of the the matter is we have two culprits regarding transgenderism: 1) pedophilia and 2) psychological abuse aka- feminism.

Majority of trannies have been sexually molested at a very young age. If a boy is molested by a man, the chances of him coming out as gay, bi, or a tranny is extremely high. The ones who claim to be "straight", tend to have relationships with the same sex on the side, or are fucking little kids. Girls molested by men typically become super sluts, or super slutty dykes who go out of their way to look like men, and can be culprits of being a child molester. Boys molested by women usually have relationship issues with women but are straight, while others become faggots. Girls molested by women tend to have a huge dislike for other women, become dykes, or will sexually molest children.
Also, some children reenact their abuse on other children.

In addition to all of this, you now have feminism and the left pushing for people to "choose" their genders, after years of fighting that being gay/tranny is not a choice. They are also beginning to normalize and push for pedophile acceptance. Pushing for children to transform is a power and control mechanism. Feminists have also been pushing the idea that women are superior to men based on how men are more "violent" that women, therefore women must be more psychologically evolved. This then makes people think that they are "bad" of they do anything "manly". The only ones who can exude masculine traits are women because it's seen as non-threatening. Meaning, all men/boys must act like girls in order to be accepted. This creates the feminization of men, creating a beta generation that will not be able to stand up and fight against the government when the time comes.
Transgenderism is a mental illness based on the fact that the mind and body have already been abused. Same thing goes with gays. None of them were born that way, they had experiences that made them that way.

anyone that has been here for more than a few months wouldnt be minimally surprised by this

Do you "hate" a crazy person?
neither do we

>Now we get trannies pushed down our kids throats.
meme this mental image, it will turn off a lot of people to this insanity

I don't see the problem here, the most trannies I can fuck the better.

>Mum said Dad was so pleased to have a boy to take to the football. But Mum knew I was different. She realised early on that I was born in the wrong body. I didn't mind kicking a ball around with my Dad but all I really wanted to do was get my very own Barbie and dress like a fairytale princess.
>So when I wear lipstick and eye makeup for school, it's just because I want to be just a girl but more than that, one who people like and want to be friends with, invite round to their house for parties and sleepovers, have girly nights in wearing PJs and eating ice cream...
>You're my Mum and you knew who I was before anybody else did, including me and I love you to bits for that.
The propaganda peddling is getting more blatant than ever before. All the horror stories about the government conspiring to turn your kids gay is now happening right in front of you with trannies. A generation of boys are going to be mentally fucked before they even hit puberty.

>When I was born, my dad was happy he'd have someone to teach football to
>But MY MOM soon realised I was born in the wrong body

Mothers like this would be arrested before the 2000s, but thanks to "regressives" she is viewed as brave.
This kid will kill himself when puberty sets in full tit and it's all thanks to his fucked up mom.

Video in that link:
>Dad was glad when I was born and found out I was a boy because apparently only boys like football.
>Mother however for no reason whatsoever knew I was magically different from the other children. Making me super special.
>So rather than simply not enforcing strict stereotypical gender roles for the sex I was born, I acted out the ones for the sex I wished to be.

Fucks sake.....No psychological effects in play there. All biological. how could anyone think otherwise?

Where are the young boys who are the boy stereotype to an overt degree, yet just think they should have a vagina and nothing more?
What's that? No one can find any you say? Well colour me suprised.

A real girls who plays as a boy that pretends to be a girl.

>a girl pretending to be a boy pretending to be a girl

So, having traditionally boyish interest means you ARE A BOY

Does not this go against the narrative girls can do and be anything?

kek typo'd again its 2AM here

This gives me a boner, but at least I have the self-awareness to feel ashamed

Transgender people are ok. I don't care what people do with their own bodies.
The problem is when other people decide it for them when they are kids.
Kids don't have brains that are developed enough to comprehend the consequences.

Gender dysphoria can be cured by conventional medicine over a period of 1-2 years. The LGBTQBBQ lobby doesn't want anyone to know about it since it threatens their livelihoods, so they spread propaganda about how bad the medicine is and the fact that people kill themselves over it.

It's completely harmless, but thanks to their shitty propaganda tens of thousands of people who shouldn't even be taking hormones and the surgery(which rarely works to cure their mental illness) will eventually kill themselves after they've mutilated their bodies.

fucking hivemind kek

Btw: I remember thinking as a young kid that I didn't feel strongly boy or girl... as per the prepubescent understanding of male and female, ie. liking certain things. Fairly manly man now, with no hangups about my unmanly traits and no desire to "regender" myself accordingly: thank fuck I didn't have a bunch of weirdos raising and educating me

Their ideology makes zero sense. They claim they're liberating people from rigid gender norms all while enforcing them the whole time. To be a female is now being defined by liking skirts, princesses, makeup, and pink, rather than being defined by XX chromosomes and the appropriate genitalia. They say that gender isn't defined by clothing, or genitalia, or personality, etc. they say that gender is only defined by your own feelings, but when you ask them to describe how it feels to be female for example, they'll always frame it in the context of those things they say doesn't define gender ("it's because I like wearing cute skirts" "it's because I'm shy and quiet and nice"). Their narrative contradicts itself, their end goal is just removing definitions from all words since they think it's oppressive and making everything impossibly subjective. It's an Orwellian nightmare.

>A BBC spokesman said: “Just A Girl is about a fictional transgender character trying to make sense of the world, deal with bullying and work out how to keep her friends, which are universal themes that many children relate to, and which has had a positive response from our audience.

>That many children relate to.

You mean two or three kids that had this transgender nonsense shoved in him by the school or their parents.

BBC is turning into a shill machine. Take a look at this crap.

>However, not all parents are opposed to such views on gender. A parent wrote on Mumsnet: “I don’t believe there is ‘too young’ for stuff like this. The earlier you teach your children that everyone is different and that nobody is ‘normal’ the better.”

The parent didn't approve, the parent said that there is no age limit to teach their kids about genders.

BBC is pushing for this crap because some rotten jew paid them.

We don't care about transgender. We don't care if there are people that will cut off their balls and call themselves a girl.

We hate it being pushed unto our children and schools, even though we don't approve of it.

Some children are born with 3 legs. It's an obvious defect. We fix them when we can.

Some children are born conjoined. It's an obvious defect. We fix them when we can.

Some children are born with their brain sex and body sex not matching. It's an obvious defect. We fix them when we can.

Crap, I wondered what it would be like being a cute japanese school girl.

But fantasies stay in fantasy land.

>But the BBC said it was aiming to "reflect true life" with enough context for young people to understand.

What the fuck are they talking about? How can they say they're reflecting "true life" when the title of the program itself is a lie?

Taking drugs and eventual mutilation cannot make a male "JUST A GIRL".

This is absolutely disgusting. The public are being led to believe transgenderism is common and acceptable, when in reality it is an extremely rare (or at least it was, until the propagandist took over) mental illness.

The BBC must be abolished.

>Why do they want children to be mentally ill so badly



>Some children are born with their brain sex and body sex not matching

Things is, not really.
People keep pointing to research that "That proves there's a difference you bigot!" Yet if they actually bothered to look at those tests, it's the equivalent of those "papers" that say drinking a glass of wine every day reduces cancer risk....followed by another one saying the next month saying it increases it.
If there was anything even close to a good amount of evidence that trans have the "wrong brain in the wrong body" that could be seen, the first thing we'd do is give everyone making the claim a brain scan to make sure only the "true" trans would receive sex change treatment, then the non biological ones only get therapy.
That way no one gets the wrong treatment, money isn't wasted needlessly and there can be a clear cut identifier to show people to get trans people's backs as there's actual facts backing it up and not "it's true because lots of people said so"

Abo is that you?

Well 90 percent of transgenders are MtF so yeah durr. If blacks were on the media saying they're transwhite we'd be saying they're immersed in a culture that hates them

No tumblrina is defending for my gender to be "ultra manly born in a man's body whose pronoun is Daddy", the gender shit is a one way street

Who the fuck is making these shows with impunity?

>beaten and forced to conform to gender stereotypes you do not match
>not child abuse

Far as I'm aware the brain matter (BSTc and INAH3 in this case) can only be examined by vivisection.

People who poison their children should be tried in military court, thrown in a pit, and fed to wild dogs

Found where I read that. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_transsexuality#Brain_structure

soon enough adults that do this shit to kids will be put in prison

>implying a niggeur can read any of this

>the first thing we'd do is give everyone making the claim a brain scan to make sure only the "true" trans would receive sex change treatment, then the non biological ones only get therapy.
thats a really good point user


friendly reminder that millennials were the peak of degeneracy. the next generation is redpilled.

She's a real stunner

I'm not mentally ill I'm just encouraging children to cut off their dicks ok?