Muh slippery slope

>muh slippery slope
>muh libruls are pushing for pedo acceptance

How do you explain this, Sup Forums?

Hebephilia is actually a red pill. It's the single best way to destroy feminists. Imagine men refusing women over 20 and going for slightly younger females. There would be mass suicides by old used up whores.

Daily reminder that slippery slope is not inherently a fallacy.

spoken like a true daughterless male

This, meanwhile the special pleading the left constantly does is

Women are such a burden that parents off-load them to paedos the first chance they get!

It's always been the leftists and socialists(and Christians who want to ban all sex but that's something else) railing against pedophilia. True traditionalists know girls should be married good and young.
Daughters aren't really good for much except getting rid of.

Women are property and are exchanged from father to daughter. I rather raise my daughter right and pay a husband to take her from me assuming he is a responsible, moral, and will protect and guide her. Much better than her being thrown up in the wind and being indoctrinated by education and taken advantage of by many guys. This is how it's been for thousands of years.

In the 1800's and earlier. It was common for an older man to marry a much younger woman. The point was that when the woman could begin to reproduce, she would be more likely to survive. The older man should be more established and more mature than the younger men.

I'm pretty sure she couldn't read, write, and could barely speak because all she did was shit for him.

You'd think an article about these two would have to mention the fact that the guy abducted the girl, convinced a pastor to lie about her age, and then use a loophole in the law to prevent the parents from taking her back.

But I guess when you've got an agenda to psuh...

>B-but when Mohammed does it it's disgusting and degenerate!

Behold! The hypocrisy of Sup Forums laid bare before your very eyes!

> one cherry picked case is all pedophiles have

Become a muslim if you want to fuck little girls

How did this marriage work out on a day by day basis? Did he basically raise his own wife or did they just kind of intermingle with an extended family. I just don't get what kind of relationship a 22 year old guy has with a 9 year old girl.

>pay a husband
>paying a dowry
What are you, Indian? You make him pay for her. How can you say women are property then endorse dowries instead of bride price?
Where the hell did you read that? She had at least several years of schooling so I doubt she was illiterate.
Nah, child brides is one of the things the 'slimes have right.

She would do womanly things like clean up the house, and water the garden while he worked, then they would probably fuck in the nightime.

>pic related
>B-but but i-if you are not pedo or a-against pedo, you are submitted to feminist.

>Jewish male, white female

Oy vey, very subtle for the goyim.

>Did he basically raise his own wife or did they just kind of intermingle with an extended family.
Yes. They lived with his parents, for a while at the beginning. I think from what I read he promised her father he wouldn't have her pregnant till she was 16 but the first baby came when she was 14.
The problem was with the city folk coming down from Nashville to look down their noses at the backwards hillbillies.
Just look up about it, there's plenty of newspaper stories with fun quotes.
>I just don't get what kind of relationship a 22 year old guy has with a 9 year old girl.
The same kind he could have with an older woman. They're not very different, except that one is better.

>my file name
>B-but but on-only jew a-are against pedo. Otherwise m-men that love adult women (18 yo) th-this is jewish conspiracy.

It's kind of fascinating really. She spent her preteen days playing at housewife, likely being spanked and disciplined by her own mother-in-law, only to sleep with a full grown man through her sexual development.

It would have been interesting to study her agency as she grew into a woman of her own. Like her role was set at age 9 but her relationship with the in-laws would surely change as a grown woman.

So very strange.

>I just don't get what kind of relationship a 22 year old guy has with a 9 year old girl

Cunny worship