Socialist friend calls me a Nazi for supporting Trump

>Socialist friend calls me a Nazi for supporting Trump
>'But weren't the Nazi's Socialists?' I retort. I could already taste the tears streaming down his cheeks
>'No, that wasn't real socialism'
Wtf is "REAL" socialism? Were the National Socialists NOT socialists? I'm not meming here someone please explain this to me.

this isn't an Anti-Hitler thread either. He was right about the Jews.

Other urls found in this thread:

To faggots on the left its socialism until you call them out on it then they push the line of socialism further to the left

Someone has the patrick star socialism thing.

Correct, basically these people are fucking stupid and cannot be reasoned with.

This would explain why every arguments ends with them describing this 100% socialist paradise where no one ever works yet everything is provided for them somehow

it was socialism.
they'll argue it wasn't because the state didn't immediately seize everything, but as far as Hitler cared industry and private businesses were allowed to exist only as long as he felt they should and could be nationalized at a whim, and he did do this often

nazism is pure socialism with the difference that the socialist policies only cover a certain group of people, in this case white german people

thats a "no true scotsman" fallacy

literally the main argument of all retarded pinko scum

/r/ing the Trump MAGA one where he just rides safely off-panel


cute bighead baby.

>tfw too intelligent to survive childhood

got u pham

post more.
I need motivation and purpose to study.

It's "real" socialism (tm) when they're dreaming up their utopian fantasy and it's muh state capitalism when it's implemented in reality and fails

>Socialist friend

>Nazis r da real socialists

Fuck off nigger.

The rich, the educated and the industrialists were Hitler's biggest supporters. The workers were mostly communists, and though plenty of workers joined the NSDAP out of nationalism, the socialists only joined when the communist party was banned. Most of these would convert in ideology as well, seeing what Hitler did for the country.

Hitler revitalized industry, ended poverty, and ended unemployment. He took the broken Weimar republic, bankrupt and with millions of destitute, starving people, and turned it into an economic and military superpower that was so powerful it took every other superpower in the world to subdue.

it was not socialism you peice of shit real socialism hasn't even been tried

Nationalist socialism is the closest socialism can come to working. It still falls short, but at least it's nationalist.

it was definitely socialism but i dont think you could call it pure socialism. basically it was capitalism until something interfered with the health of the german people, ie jews spreading filth, then the state steps in.

now its easy to see this becoming a slippery slope but natsoc in theory shouldnt be called pure socialism anymore than the usa

National Socialism and mainstream Democratic Socialism aren't the same thing

I'm not saying it didn't work, I'm just saying it was socialism

Real socialism = socialism I agree with
Fake socialism = every country that's ever tried to implement socialism.

>tfw to smart for life

>tfw too smart to vote for hillary


>a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

It only somewhat fit this description. The nazis nationalized certain industries, but not all.

I believe the ones that didn't get nationalized essentially lived under the threat of nationalization if they did anything that the government didn't like.

I don't know what you all have been taking but Nazism is far right/fascism.
The only similarity between socialism and Nazionalsozialistische is the name. The nazis banned all socialist unions in germany and just assessing from the fact that they were extremely nationalistic to the extend where they send jews and the subhuman mongrels to concentration camps kind of proves they are not socialists.
What's wrong with nazis though

Nazi's were pure socialism. Like, in every definition.

damn 2nd funniest one I've seen so far

1st is the "when the holocaust never happened but you want it to happen again"

Hitler was appointed.
It was Democratic Socialism.

The key difference between socialism and democratic socialism is that democratic socialists don't want the government to own the means of production and socialists do. They believe that certain general social goods like health care should be run by the government, but otherwise support capitalism.

>Were the National Socialists NOT socialists

Nope they weren't.

Actual socialists were members of the Nazi party, however they were a minority and were taken out if they demanded actual Socialist actions.
Röhm for example, chief of the SA was executed precisely because he wanted there to be an actual revolution of society after the Nazis had gotten in power.

Hitler banned unions and was in bed with big industrialists (not saying that that is a bad thing) - so no. Not really socialism.

id say it was like modern nordic socialism, but racist

/r/ing the other one where the msm tries to trip him and he bikes away happily

No true scotsman

>I believe the ones that didn't get nationalized essentially lived under the threat of nationalization if they did anything that the government didn't like.

Pretty much how modern """capitalism""" functions. Regulate industry to such an extent that the state may owns it in all but name, then blame capitalism for the regulated industry failing so you can implement more regulations to industry exploiting people by failing and having to make half their staff redundant.

Quit spamming this pic all over the place and go to back to church, Shamus

Nazism is funny in the sense that it was neither left nor right since it was disgusted by the jews exploitation of the right wing "capitalism" and they also hated the nigger loving (and jew loving) left wing communism. But the term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism.

They REJECTED the Marxist concept of class struggle and cosmopolitians.

They were FASCIST (with the main focus on racial hierarchy and social darwinism), and the only reason "socialism" is in the term is because they tried to redefine the term.

It was by every definition socialism. Private enterprise was allowed, otherwise it would be communism.

Tell that cuck to kill himself

yeah he was appointed with the help of conservative nationalists, hitler was not a socialist

>you can implement more regulations to industry
in 1 out 2

Trump is truly going to MAGA huh

fascism isn't a political structure
it just means anti-free speech
there are dozens of ways to have a "fascist country"

lol fugg I did a number on that sentence, I changed how I wanted to word it at the end and missed most of the words

>t. usa education system

You're an idiot, fellow burger

I think I understood it anyways

>ignorant teens who use ideology as fasion too stupid to know anything about it

Hey retards, try actually reading about the Nazis.

They killed the socialists as soon as they got into power, and abandoned most of the planks that they ran on.

That is especially funny when you know that NatSoc was the only socialism that actually worked

The nazis weren't socialists and if you think they were you should pick up a fucking book. They used to fight socialists in the street in the 20's, and killed them once they got into power.

Do you believe the DPRK is "democratic" as well?

Yes they were. They were prussian/german socialists.

According to the Communist Manifesto, National Socialism is...a type of Socialism. Marx-o-manic argued against it, but it is at least older than his pamphlet..

What is politically Right about National Socialism? I don't see how it is anything more than a Centrist Totalitarian scheme.

Socialism is not inherently bad if you live in a racially homogenous society that is nationalistic. Minorities leeching make socialism bad. Now if you don't prefer socialism- that is fine. I personally prefer a more Liberian society myself, like the American frontier model. But if you have a society free from Jewish corruption- socialism is not inherently evil.

they were. they nationalized businesses and had ideas like giving every person a job or something along these lines. basically soc dem without the democracy part.

National socialism isn't like modern welfare states, it didn't hinge upon gibs

Nazis hated Communists you dumb fuck

Here, I made this just for this thread.

>Socialism is not inherently bad if you live in a racially homogenous society that is nationalistic.

socialism destroyes the structure of family and is the root of all evil, sure some gov is nessecary but if the gov bribes NEETs with dude free shit for their votes you know it went to far and its easy to go to far in a democracy, because well we are all egoists and will just vote for the tax dolars to go into our thing (social group, industry) regardless of the real market worth.

No they did not nationalize business.

But they reserved the right to intervene when they feld that big corporations acted against nation interest.

Like obvious stuff like selling vital parts for weapons and industry to enemy nations but also regulations for the interior.

Yes and there were only gibs for deserving poor.

Concepts like socialism/capitalism/etc are ideals. They never have existed in a "pure" form.

Someone always ends up leaching off the system.

Socialism is also conducive to authoritarianism, despite the good intentions that people might have.

>mfw "smart" friend just called Russia communist

werent those gibs voluntary too? not forced but you donate or you get considered a scumbag

>Were the National Socialists NOT socialists? I'm not meming here someone please explain this to me

no system is purely one thing or another

So you are saying that the Nationalsocialists did not prefer traditionalist families and encouraged married couples with a loan that could be paid off with children??

itt: people who have never read Marx think they have an opinion because some YouTube charlatan like Molymeme force fed them capitalist ideology

literally lmaoing @ ur lives

natsoc put a lot of effort into strengthening the family structure though

Well yes that was the collection of additional gibs that could be used for whatever was necessary now.

Google "Winterhilfswerk" to learn more.

It was not much just like give a couple of pennys for the good cause.


I fixed your picture

I'd agree, but add this- the Nazis used socialistic means, massive public spending to boost the economy, as well pensions, education and healthcare to build up the German people to greatness.

For the Nazis, socialism was the tool, not the goal.


>>socialist friend
Jesus Christ, make some better friends for fucks sake!

I'd prefer to not lock myself into an echo chamber. Do not shy from conflict, child.

tfw to intelligent too vote for Drumpf

>confuses socialism and communism while trying to defend "real" socialism

Lay off the thinkprogress for a few days bud