More than 60% of french people are supporting Trump

The exception in Europe with Poland

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Portugal 85% for Clinton

go americans !

>exception in Europe

Say what ?

65% now for france

germany 90% clinton

La France qui fait trembler l'Europe bien pensante

>71% clinton

Jesus, tell your neighbor to get his shit together.

Fuck you France, we're bringing back FREEDOM FRIES now.

> dubs of truth

Feels good to be in a country of farseeing people


So Poland is 73% for Trump?

Only 30% of canadians supporting trump! it is not enough.

Heureusement que jvc est là sans ça on serait au même niveau que le portugal

>France is going to help us MAGA yet another time.

Only this time you and the Brits who voted Brexit are on the same side.

What a time for us to be alive, when nationalism unites the world better than globalism ever could.

With a stronk ally like Serbia at our side, we cannot fail.

>80% Clinton

Biased by the 18-25 forum, don't try to make us looks cool, we're a leftist shithole

Faut pas le dire. Et non, beaucoup de gens supportent Trump en France


T'es sûr que tu vis en France ? Il n'y a plus personne de gauche dans ce pays. Elle est définitivement morte

How goes the support for FN though?

Je le dit en français ils comprendront jamais ...

propaganda is strong over here



Leftish parties are definitely death here


this, being against fn but supporting trump who is more racist I call that bullshit


You can vote as many times as you want just by deleting a single cookie.
the last hope of dying world

Sweden this official country of cucks

More than 2000 people voted in France

The shithole of Europe.

Now fix your own shit, m8.

You have to know that a lot of people are pro-russian here. We hate our media and our government

Man, we just want USA to fall already

From my experience this is not representative. Still hoping for Trump to MAGA.

But the French have always hated their government. Your problem has always been that you love socialism more than you hate government.

We love the real socialism. Not the anti-racist shit that we have now.

N'importe quoi. Le PS est mort pour l'instant, Juppé va être élu en 2017 en en 2022 on se coltinera de nouveau Valls et compagnie.
Mais au delà des partis politiques, la mentalité est ultra ancrée à gauche, c'est une évidence.

And letftish parties are dead forever now.

Yes, and that is a problem because socialism necessitates intrusive government which will inevitably lead to totalitarianism.

Bha clairement. Moi aussi je suis de gauche si on regarde l'aspect social de la chose. Mais je ne suis pas un bien pensant où je ne sais pas quoi. La vraie gauche n'existe plus depuis très longtemps en France.

Puis le PS est mort. On aura plus la gauche au gouvernement avant 30 ans à mon avis. Ils vont nous imposer Juppé avec sa putain d'identité heureuse, mais au final personne veut de lui non plus.

Prepare your anus for 10 years to come

serious question: when was the last time germany supported an obvious type A personality male to become head of state?

Hitler, obviously. They're too afraid/guilty to risk a repeat so they elect weaklings.


The first one ?

Hohols are crazy about Hillary, kek.

i was hoping germanon would honestly say that, but im not sure how self-aware they are

I don't understand the Germans people

rest 40% were muslims and the left

rather bitte poll
French people hate Trump

That's why Marine Le Pen endorsed Trump

Pas vraiment. Il a le soutien de Marine Le Pen et de toute la ligne pro-Zemmour. C'est clairement le pays qui compte le plus de pro-Trump en Europe occidentale. Il te suffit de lire n'importe quel article d'un média pro-Clinton

at least listen to what she said
'everyone but Hilary Clinton'
then she says she didn't endorse him but she was OK with some part of his political program
also, that was before the 'grabbing'



no surprise at all. What do people expect from a poll that is on a lefty invested newspaper site?

94% Trump in Serbia tho

sort de ton milieu, tu verras
tu racontes n'importe quoi
Trump est ce que les français detestent à propos des américans
Le sondage: j'ai voté 10 fois trump à la suite
faut arrêter la manipulation mentale de base

Where do you see that ? Serbia seems to be a nice country

Justement je sors quasiment tous les soirs et je fréquente tous les milieux. J'ai été surpris du nombre de personnes qui crachaient sur Hillary sans pour autant soutenir Trump.

Feels good

there was some international voting. Only Russia was tied with our 94%, no one more than that.

We're nice but poor

I'm not sure why anyone in Europe would vote for Trump if they could, besides Sup Forumslacks who wants to thwart the looming white genocide in any way possible. Most people here would rejoice at the idea of America going down taking immigrants instead of us.
Now if the poll asked "what would you vote, were you an American?" the result might be very different. Just saying.


mec ferme ta gueule un peu, aller sur JVC c'est pas sortir arrête un peu tes conneries, rien que sur twitter et facebook tu fais un sondage tout le monde sera pro-clinton alors les random que tu croises dans ta misérable vie j'imagine même pas, t'as 3 amis et les 3 sont pro trump certes c'est un bon ratio mais ça reste de la merde, tes 3 potes sont pas représentatifs de la population française va falloir arrêter de te mentir à toi-même et parle en anglais putain de merde à chaque fois tous les threads sur la France les gens parlent en français après ça s'étonne que tout le monde se casse du thread

>French are retarded faggots

Gee who would have thought..



Va baiser ça te fera du bien le suceur de rosebeef.

Et garde ton calme mon gars. Ce n'est pas de ma faute si ton père te viole tu sais.

The spirit of Robespierre lives on.

>Va baiser ça te fera du bien le suceur de rosebeef.

réponse typique du mec de JVC avec zéro répartie, si tu veux parler français tu vas sur Sup Forums (ou sur JVC) ici c'est anglophone, rien à voir avec les rosbeef, si un russe ou un chinois veut venir sur le thread il va rien capter parce que c'est pas anglais, c'est tout

>Ce n'est pas de ma faute si ton père te viole tu sais.

encore de la répartie typique JVC

Mec arrête de croire que ma vie tourne autour de JVC. Mon week-end a été plus intéressant que toute ta vie le suceur de rosebeef. Donc calme-toi un peu, va prendre l'air, suce ton dictionnaire d'anglais et reviens après.

alors oui, j'approuve mais

I highly doubt 60% of people are actually for Trump, pretty much everyone I know is against Trump, even if not really for Clinton, what OP posted seems very untrue to me, as a matter of fact I live in a rather lefty place, but still, I don't think it's much higher than 30 or 40% in the whole france
dapartement du 94, alfortville pour les frenchfag qui veulent savoir

>click the 'info' button
>"Is it representative? - No."

France is the second most retarded European country right after Spain.

Glad to see they are seeing how "good" is cultural enrichment and how the next PM will be from the FN.

Literally everything you said in that post is false

how can I seduce this girl pls

Not even surprised

there is a button for it, dumbass, click on it

>Petit garçon
>Probably a coalburner

Are u crazy?

I hope you and your new wife's son have a great time together.

>maman d'un petite garcon de 2 ans
I don't even know French and I understand you should stay away from her.
Try the "Aleppo and chill" thing.