How will this affect Trump's chances of winning?

How will this affect Trump's chances of winning?

According to Sup Forums I'm completely heterosexual for being attracted to her. :)

Wtf I love hillary now

Someone should get this man a twitter account, him and Trumps obama shill can go at it.

>grabbing literal boipussy
That's gay

Who cares about mentally ill peoples' opinions?

Why do people assume buck angel can fight? I kno people who work out who dont know how to throw a punch. Also lets not forget shes a girl and would probably fight like one

I arm wrestled him at a bar in LA. I won easily. He's not very strong.

What is "buck off"?

isnt buck is 5'2?

trump could break that stupid woman in half

So what, JamesYeager says he supports Hillary.

That tranny bitch tells all his students to throw loaded guns onto the ground. Even if he doesn't know they are dropsafe.

His Judgement is off and has been.

James Yeager is a Joke, tranny gun operator.

If so please tell us more about it

>LITERALLY asking for it.

>implying this degenerate wouldn't enjoy every minute of it

why are these people such clowns

top kek.

done, next?

lmao, drop them roids, ''buck''. Lets see how long you could keep that image without them.

Same person.

Why is this guy talking about his pussy?

>those comments

>he doesn't know

it's an it, not a He is a She

I just looked through the thread. I'm disgusted.

And Buck's post is just the tip of the iceberg

Well that is an impressively masculine woman - not gonna lie I'm impressed. Would definitely not have guessed she's a she.

>I'm attracted to an ugly fuck constantly on drugs to try and become a male :)

>I had a mental breakdown from people saying things
lmao weak ass bitch

Drumpf is done

How much you want to bet all of these people oddly support Islam?

>Wanting your kid to have good morals and decency is child abuse
>This isn't child abuse
Why isn't child protection taking care of these kids?

I can't take the degeneracy anymore

How is telling your kids they're gonna burn in a lake of fire if they don't obey something that may or may not exist teaching them morals and decency? I wouldn't call it child abuse but it's pretty fucking morbid.

>scaring your kids away from gay = child abuse
>telling your kids they are trannies = totally fine

>God either doesn't exist
>or he doesn't care
It sounds odd to make being gay a sin, and not care.

A lot of single-minded people who identify with a single archaic prophesy are absentminded in this way. They actually believe morals exist dependent to one's religion (although their God leaves every moral decision to the people and their weakness to "Satan") it's a fucking joke if you ask me.

>implying you should be explaining things in any more detail to CHILDREN

they only understand things in basic terms like that, so why the fuck not

good luck explaining to a 5 year old why being a special snowflake damages social cohesion and contributes to the fall of civilization

Fear is the last resource to keep mentally retarded on line and away from perversion.

Being gay isn't immoral.

Being a flamming outspoken promiscuous drugged up faggot is immoral.

He'll never recover from transman


>tfw this woman has more testosterone flowing through her veins than me because doctors give mentally ill people steroids but not people who suffer from low t like me

Is a a sex toy to help transmen get off. No idea how it works though.

Probably not much

yes because there totally is a difference between being attracted to one masculine trait and another masculine trait :)))))))

>as a catholic
here we go again

so this is the depths of degeneracy

This is the worst thing I have ever seen

Exactly, she is mentally unstable.

Does anyone care what that homeless women thinks on trumps star who was attacked? Nope cause shes probably crazy.

that freak's like 5'4 and has the bone density of a girl. Very bad for her to act with such toxic masculinity and painting herself like a 90s neonazi

wtf do people think i'm some tough dude just because i have muscles?

Made this a while ago for one of these stupid arguments.

fear works until they become a teen. then they rebel against you and go full degenerate.

see the 60's.