Judith Butler DESTROYS Trump and his supporters

In this interview, famed philosopher Judith Butler lays the smackdown on the alt right and Trump


>Well, it is all rather unfathomable. I think there is an economic component to the support for Trump. For some of his supporters government has gotten in the way of their capacity to make a good living and to succeed financially, so they are against regulations, against government. And that can include paying taxes and workplace regulations meant to secure the health and safety of workers. They applaud the fact that Trump has not apparently paid federal taxes and they think: "Yeah, I want to be that person".

>I think they have an enormous rage. Not just against women, not only against racial minorities or against migrants – they are thrilled that that their rage is being liberated by his public and uncensored speech. We on the left, we are apparently the superego. What Trump has managed to do, rhetorically, is to identify not just the left, but liberalism – basic American liberalism and the left – as just a bunch of censors. We are the instruments of repression and he is the vehicle for emancipation. It is a nightmare.

>What Trump is emancipating is unbridled hatred and, as we see recently, forms of sexual action that don't even care about anybody's consent. Since when did we have to ask women whether they are okay with being touched, or why? He does not actually say that, but that is exactly what he is indicating. It liberates people, their rage, and their hatred. And these people may be wealthy, they may be poor, they may be in the middle; they feel themselves to have been repressed or censored by the left, by the feminists, by the movement for civil rights and equality, by Obama's presidency, which allowed a black man to represent the nation.

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(((((((( Judith Butler ))))))))


No one gives a shit about postmodern academics.

Not an argument. But thanks for literally proving her right with your vitriol.

Yes, "no one cares" because you aren't smart enough to understand it.

Eat shit, you huge fucking faggot.


Not an argument. But thanks for literally proving me right with your vitriol.

>user posts a who

Bitch dont have one either
> i think

Is that what you think?

Her opinion is based on misinformation.

Discarded, sauerkraut.

And another one


>if I repeat what they say that means I win the argument!
>hurr durr what is context?

At least she's capable of thinking, unlike Trump supporters.

>Her opinion is based on misinformation.
Please elaborate.

Why do the enemies of Donald Trump always go to the hate argument? It literally means nothing. They just sound like kids on the playground who got blown out and all they can say is "well they hate ____!"

Why do liberals think in a dichotomy of love and hate, when I have never heard anyone on the right speak like this?

is this just

>women """""intellectuals"""""

Is that the dead Danish woman from South Park?

>hate argument
Excellent point, see:
Thanks for playing.

fed by billions of tax money the german cultur cucks act as if they are important. no one except maybe 10 readers care about such bullshit.

>a woman says this about trump supporter.
Still not an argument.But thanks for literally proving me right with your vitriol.

reminder to sage this thread OP is a german cuck who posts these threads everyday and nothing constructive come out of them

>I hate free speech and opposing views should be suppressed

I guess going full tampon is so much easier than just reading the interview and commenting on it constructively.

>woman philosopher
>a woman

Yeah we get it, you hate women.


The first part of the last paragraph, specifically. Most of what she says is hearsay, though.

Let's be fair here, you'd hate women too if they kept rejecting you and you were still a virgin by the age of 40.

>yes i hate women because I don't respect what this woman says about trump supporters.
Still not an argument.But thanks for literally proving me right with your vitriol.

Do you think her criticism of Trump is valid, given how she didn't present a single argument against him?

You deserve to be mocked for appreciating an opinion based on wilful ignorance.

I'm not a degenerate who thinks sticking a piece of flesh into another piece of flesh is the height of human experience.

If you had an argument other than "hurr durr women can't think XDDDDDD", I'd agree with you.

>maybe if I say they're RACIST SEXIST XENOPHOBES in enough words it'll stick this time

I hope you are not in academia, because this "analysis" is so simplistic. She dosen't understand Trump and the phenomenons surrounding him at all. She belongs to another time and she knows it, the world is falling apart around her she wonders why, but the only thing she can come up with it's rascism/capitalism/patriarcy. Her so called scientific works ad nothing of value, all the merits were given to her to clam her down and to Signal how progressive the jury or university is. Her writings are a cerklejerk, bring something of value/insight be it left or right and i will gadly discuss it with you in great lengh.

Being a woman isn't an argument to an end, it's an end to an argument.

>ad hominem

What's this guy's problem?

>people who support Trump hate women

into the trash it goes

It' neither. I never claimed that being a woman was an "argument". Yet you think an argument is invalid simply because it's made by a woman. If you truly were capable of independent though, surely you would realize that that is an ad hominem and therefore invalid?

What's with the kindergarten-tier objection?

Observable facts do not need to be supported with arguments. If I say "The sun is hot", you don't get to yell "OMG YOU DIDN'T PRESENT A SINGLE ARGUMENT" without looking like a complete retard.

She distills readily available information and presents them poignantly.

not an argument

>invent queer theory
>expect to be taken seriously ever


>This women generalizes her hatred for media's narrative of trump onto all trump supporters. >Generalizing my disdain for this woman as hate for all women.

Still not an argument.But thanks for literally proving me right with your vitriol.

>I think (insert unsubstantiated claim here)

Not very much of an argument either, faggot.

Germany has become a joke of a one-sides country, you realized that, right tan German?

Hillary, her donors and the Clinton Foundation didn't pay several years of taxes as well. She's just not that rich and the media won't report on it.

On top of that, you're so concerned about the words of Trump rather than the actions of Clinton. Her no-fly zone debacle is important for a reason. Why don't you get off of your sand nigger-loving ass and realize that Trump is a safer candidate than Clinton?

Is that what you think? If so, could you please present in argument in support of it?


>Butler is wrong because Hillary

Literally not an argument, back to the drawing board.

>do nothing of note, ever
What's your excuse, fag?

>I don't believe women are capable of thought

Not an argument.

Simply quoting your opponent and then saying "into the trash" is not an argument. It's the equivalent of saying "Oh, you believe the Earth orbits the sun? Well I find that belief utterly laughable, therefore you are wrong."

No it really wasn't but even if...
So are her statements, especially about the trump supporters, so it was her, who chose the manner and quality of discussion.

> famed philosopher
> Judith Butler

Literally nobody except Radfems even know she exists. Not the SJW "literally", either. The actual "literally".

>My candidate may be bad but we can't let yours get elected
The major argument behind every presidential election in my lifetime

>Literally nobody except Radfems even know she exists.

By your own logic, you're a "Radfem" since you know she exists.

Hello Radfem, nice to meet you. How's the Radfemming going today?

Must be pretty nervous because you can't argue against it. Your only rebuttal is "literally not an argument". Everything Judith said is "literally not an argument", might as well. Typical tan German.


>assuming that your candidate isn't bad either

No, women are stupid.

>She distills readily available information and presents them poignantly.

She evidently failed to do so in this article.

>Observable facts do not need to be supported with arguments.

Except these aren't facts she's presenting. She's stating her opinion, which is grounded on falsehoods.

>What Trump is emancipating is unbridled hatred and, as we see recently, forms of sexual action that don't even care about anybody's consent.

To what is she referring to? Pussygate and the convenient rape allegations which ensued thereafter?

She can't call herself an intellectual without harbouring at least a shred of doubt as to the legitimacy of those allegations -- yet she is prepared to defend them readily, as if they were fact, despite not having been proven.

Not an argument. Try again.

>cannot compute opponent's argument and reframe opponent as misogynist.
Still not an argument.But thanks for literally proving me right with your vitriol.

>No, women are stupid.
Not an argument, unless you can provide proofs. Until then it's just an opinion, and thus not an argument.

So then you withdraw all claims that women can't think?

>Female "philosophers"

The proof is in the article.

>Since when did we have to ask women whether they are okay with being touched, or why? He does not actually say that, but that is exactly what he is indicating.
>He does not actually say that
So it's not a problem then. Everything else she said here (in the op greentext because I'm not clicking that link) makes sense and is correct. People think the left is censoring speech and people are fed up with regulations and taxes, good to know she understand Trump supporters then.

You did nothing to refute the central point
Your argument was:
1.)She doesn't understand (no mention of why)
2.)Multiple attempts at discrediting her

You're attempting to dismiss her claim without substantiation. Either the work of a stupid man or a scared one.

>philosopher and gender theorist
Not this narrative-peddling, lesbianic demagog again.

Coming into the thread without reading it, and making the same tired unsupported meme opinion argument, does not make you "profound". Not even if you use le epic maymay image.

Point me to a specific line.

>the literally who of philosophy

Not an argument. Go do something else.

>everyone who doesn't bow to a woman's shit test is a virgin
found the virgin
>make a point about how the "hater" argument is based on emotion and is not a valid criticism
>responds with the fallacy I pointed out

wow stop posting anytime

"Lesbianic" isn't a word. That's like saying "heavyriffic" or "expensaquacious".

Some people are famous, because they are used as example, how things shouldn't work and this is the case with judith Butler.

This was posted yesterday... just another Jew who can see the writing on the wall that the world is tired of their tricks. Sage.

Not an argument.

>shit test

>ZEIT ONLINE: Why did you decide to write a book about public assemblies right now?

Everything below that.

>people only support trump because they don't want to pay taxes

That is not why Trump has support, and is a stupidly simplistic fallacy to support, only a complete moron would make that statement.

So then apparently literally doesn't mean literally?

>"Lesbianic" isn't a word.

Oh yeah? If "lesbianic" isn't a word, then how come Hillary sacrificed 90 white babies in Benghazi?

Checkmate, libtard.

You do know the answer deep down, don't you?

White males especially but also males in general are workhorses for the global Elite.

With the left wing, they get to be hated and reviled workhorses that have second class rights to every other kind of person and have to use their natural advantages for the advancement of everyone but themselves.

With the Trump right wing, they get to be celebrated workhorses that are allowed to use their natural advantages for their own benefit.

All your hate whitey and hate males propaganda has come back to bite you in the ass in the form of Trump!

Don't cry too hard on Monday when Hillary can't continue campaigning.

I think Germany is fucked and no one should listen to them.

>famed philosopher

>Hillary sacrificed 90 white babies in Benghazi

wow you really blew me out there

care to refute the fact that her huge appeal to emotion is just a big shit test? hoping that white knights will just fall for her damsel in distress and disavow donald trump?

what an awesome family


stopped reading there

Both right-wing and muslim krauts would probably like to oven this "philosopher," so good things are bound to happen to her in the near future.

This election is very simple really. GOOD vs. EVIL





Same person, right? Who is she?

She doesn't understand because she cannot see the perspective of trump supporters, she makes a baseless assumption that they are hateful. That is not the case.

Leftist female who has been given special rights and privileges in her life and enjoys a high paid job in which she does nothing talks shit about working people who are about to vote in their self-interest in a democratic election.

Sounds about right for leftists.

Not an argument.

A real philosopher would actually analyze the situation with intellectual honesty, not simply regurgitate the approved political message of the day.

If this woman was a real philosopher we would all actually learn about new perspectives to look at the situation from you know. There's nothing to learn here though, except for the fact that a fake philosopher is trying to secure a political position through repeating garbage arguments about "hitler du jour".

>shit test
A term which apparently means "anything I don't like".

> hoping that white knights will just fall for her damsel in distress and disavow donald trump?
And here you demonstrate a fundamental inability (and unwillingess) to understand the liberal mindset. Liberals aren't the one who thinks the world owes them sex.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Are they not hateful?
The supporters I know personally are mad at the gubment, welfare leeches, undocumented immigrants, liberals, the media, muslims, etc.

Not to say that the left doesn't also have hate.

Prove it.

She's right, we're the ones preventing trump supporters from cub stomping half the planet.

It's kinds sad. It's like the democrats are the party of nofap.