they all compete like crazy and compare themselves to others as the main social sport.

Only the losers think that would not be of top importance.

Social status is the name of the human social game. It is not just cars, houses, clothes, jobs, money.
It is also quality of your children compared with the quality of the children of others.
If you think your mother and father do not care
how well you do compared with rival's parents children then you are deceiving yourself.
Probably your parents are disgusted with your performance and would rather have a better son if they could change it.

You are not lovable or worth something just because you exist. You are only as valuable to other people, your parents, and generally, in therms how much social status in social warfare you can achieve.

Think of yourself as an extremely ugly girl your parents are sorry to have and hide away socially, knowing she will never attract a good husband. You are that butt-ugly girl for your parents, you are a piece of dirt for them, an evolutionary failure.
If they had freedom to do it, many of your parents would probably kill you and try to conceive another son in the hopes for a better performing one this time.
Who do you think you are? You are that piece of dirt that ages in his tiny flat, drinking himself to death alone, dying in front of TV (today maybe PC) and being avoided by everyone.

And you hate family gatherings, because you know you are low-status human dirt that disappointed his parents and that you are a source of shame for your parents and because of that family gatherings, which are displays of social and achievement comparison, evoke anxiety and pain in you, and this is the reason you avoid them.


This is the truth, and nothing but the truth.


Just a reminder that Correct The Record is not a real job.

I've known about this since I was a child. pretentious games people play with each other.

show people actual dignity and respect when you have -$45.77 in bank account and people lose their minds. how could they ever compete with someone that is a better human being and has no money?

stfu you are disgusting

>German being autistic

What a surprise.

>Your parents hate you
Mu parents like me, your ancestors hate you


Happy bump to rub it in

Reminder that humans shouldn't have left the caves.

We'd all have better parents if we could, it goes both ways and life will never be perfect.

If you're comparing yourself to others for happiness you're already chasing a ghost.

My parents love me though because I already have decent paying (70k) job and fiancée at 22

This may be the first intelligent thing an Americna poster has ever said here. Society is so amazingly hypocritical about this, it's not what you are, it's who you are that matters.

If you compare yourself to others you will never find happiness.

There will always be someone richer, smarter, better looking, more successful, and more likable, than you. All you can do is compare yourself to what you were yesterday and steadily improve.

This is something I have long observed about Germans: the reason they are okay with the woman next door getting raped and murdered is because they are unironically the guy at the start of Fight Club whose honest aspiration in life is to own the entire Ikea catalog.

If your parents were too lazy to raise you correctly, they need to deal with the consequences.

I'm sorry your parents didn't love you?

Imagining taking a population seprated in small states for as long as they existed.

Imagine taking said population and putting it in a large state.

Imagine getting that population invaded, made it seem like they are the devil, rape them so that their genetic make up is all over the place.

Imagine then splitting it in two and giving each new entity an identity based off a political system, two very different political systems may I add.

Imagine uniting them after 50 years, and them have them be the leaders of an attempt to unify a whole continent with 90% of the people in that continent hating their guts and being in open conflict with them in recent history.

That's how you get Modern Germany, is anyone surprised it turned out this shit?

I've accepted this a long time ago. Why should I care now?

That's a symptom of welfare, not German-ness. I for one teach self-defense for girls.

Wer hat dir wehgetan?

>If you compare yourself to others you will never find happiness.
Life is not about finding happiness, but killing off rivals through natural and sexual selection.
If you want to be happy, do heroine, and die happy. According to scientists, the deep happiness and
warmth heroine provides triggers the brain's pleasure center most.
This also proves that mere chasing happiness cannot be the goal of life - for life must live on, and that
survival has nothing to do with happiness.
If all you care for is being happy, you die out!

>There will always be someone richer, smarter, better looking, more successful, and more likable, than you.
Yes, for all but one person.
But what matters is not that there are more successful people;
what REALLY matters is that there are as many as possible INFERIOR people, so oneself can
be comfortable in success, security, wealth etc. - the more people are beneath you, the better you
will do in natural and sexual selection.
It matters not that there are a few people better than you in some fields; what matters
is that you make sure the vast majority of people is way worse than you, this is the prerequisite
for being successful and making it - make sure that most people are dumber, weaker, uglier,
fatter etc. than you and success will come almost automatically by itself to you.
I guess that is the reason the upper class poisons the mass with sugar to become obese,
and with entertainment to become dumb and numb. It is all about making sure the vast
majority of people are so far beneath you that you and your offspring will have an easy time
competing naturally and sexually.
Even average people do it - mobbing, peer pressure etc. are all tactics to make sure there are
people beneath you so that it is assured that oneself is not among the losers.
Not being among the losers is way more important to be among the biggest winners!

>mfw my dad died 18 hours ago
>watched him die here at home on a hospital bed

im pretty sure he doesn't hate me anymore, at least

Why should I bother about what my parents think about me? Sure they have some standard expectations about me, like all parents do. And of course they are pissed off when the reality turns out to be different. But I am who I am, and I'm not going to change just to make mom happy.

mach dich ma locker Bruder

>Life is not about finding happiness, but killing off rivals through natural and sexual selection.

We are not Komodo dragons you retard. Few species seek to do real harm to the same species members. Add up Humans live in groups for as long as we know. And for all recorded history humans live in Agrarian or Herder societies where survival was the objective not some show of force

>If you want to be happy, do heroine, and die happy. According to scientists, the deep happiness and
warmth heroine provides triggers the brain's pleasure center most.
>Happiness is just pure response

>This also proves that mere chasing happiness cannot be the goal of life - for life must live on, and that
survival has nothing to do with happiness.
If all you care for is being happy, you die out!
>Autistic German doesn't understand the concept of happiness
>Older news at 11

>Yes, for all but one person.
But what matters is not that there are more successful people;
what REALLY matters is that there are as many as possible INFERIOR people, so oneself can
be comfortable in success, security, wealth etc. - the more people are beneath you, the better you
will do in natural and sexual selection.

No you dumbass, biological success is measured by how long a gene lives on.

>It matters not that there are a few people better than you in some fields; what matters
is that you make sure the vast majority of people is way worse than you, this is the prerequisite
for being successful and making it - make sure that most people are dumber, weaker, uglier,
fatter etc. than you and success will come almost automatically by itself to you.

You must be one sad sack of shit then. Again Germanic Autism is ridiculous.


What a wonderful example of verbal diarrhea. It contains so many sentences with "you must" that I lost the line somewhere in the middle of that steaming pile of shit.

Life is all about getting high on endorphin and avoid pain. That's the simple mechanism that mother nature uses to make sure that you stay alive and procreate. Drug users just cheat the system and inject themselves with endorphin-like substances.

Also, if you want to make people get motivated, you've come to a wrong place.

1/10 globalist shill

>it's not what you are, it's who you are that matters.

Everyone says this, but few apply it.

>We are not Komodo dragons you retard.
Your impolite behaviour shows you are defensive or stupid already.

We get born like animals, live like animals, die like animals.
All that makes us special is that our brain allow us to be the apex predator, and our inter-species
success comes from that.

>Few species seek to do real harm to the same species members.
Animals fight and kill for food, territory, reproduction partners, social status.
Many species wage war, for example ants and chimps.

>Add up Humans live in groups for as long as we know
Yes - to better fight and kill and wage war on other groups.
In prehistory 85% of men died from fighting, only 40% of men had offspring.
And of course, there was in-group fighting, for status, resources, and sexual access.

>And for all recorded history humans live in Agrarian or Herder societies where survival was the objective not some show of force
Social/group success was warfare success, always.

> biological success is measured by how long a gene lives on.
There are only so much women, so few birthing time slots. And even fewer high-quality women,
gene-wise. There is a social war for those women. Most men are killed off (non-breeders) or are forced to mate
with low-quality women, which produces weaker offspring, lowering chances of your sons to compete with
rivals right from the start.

THERE IS ONLY SOCIAL WAR. Nothing else really matters.


OP you're so low-consciousness it fucking hurts
protip, the stories you tell yourself in your head are just your fantasy

>Your impolite behaviour shows you are defensive or stupid already.

You are on Sup Forums you faggot. By the file names it shows you are quite new, not to add your atrocious writhing style.

We get born like animals, live like animals, die like animals.
All that makes us special is that our brain allow us to be the apex predator, and our inter-species
success comes from that.

Not all Animals are the same you retard.

Animals fight and kill for food, territory, reproduction partners, social status.
Many species wage war, for example ants and chimps.

They don't kill each other for food, Bucks stop and first blood, so do bears. And we are not insects you fuck.

>Yes - to better fight and kill and wage war on other groups.

Most until the formation of mass state where solitary and mostly hunted.

>In prehistory 85% of men died from fighting, only 40% of men had offspring.

Both statistics are bullshit.

>And of course, there was in-group fighting, for status, resources, and sexual access.
>Humans live in villages or herd groups, where the point is to have 10 kids so 3 survive to be adults
>There will be lots of fighting

Again Germanic Autism

Social/group success was warfare success, always.

With the exception of the Romans and the Mongols most Empires where forged through Dynastic and Diplomatic medaling with a minimum of war. War is expensive and dangerous.


Preventing the other from reproducing doesn't lead to your genes lasting longer.

>There are only so much women, so few birthing time slots. And even fewer high-quality women,

Women out number men, not just as modern reality but as a natural state

>There is a social war for those women

Not when aranged marriage was the norm till modern day

>Most men are killed of

Until modern medicine you where not killed of you died before you even became a man. Stay in school.

fuck. It's easy to forget this sometimes.

humans has an ability to transcend the natural reward system and hand over the control to the prefrontal cortex
true happiness, inner peace as they call it, is state of mind and it's an ability to be content regardless of the current circumstances
most people access it this state when they achieve goals i.e when their current consequences are in line with their agenda
some pepole are so braindead that they suffer even when experiencing pleasure

people who chase dopamine spikes are going backwards in evolution

Yes, but at least I'm a warmly regarded Canadian on Sup Forums.