Have you ever given up on a community, Sup Forums?

Have you ever given up on a community, Sup Forums?

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why doesn't he just get off the damn internet

>all those people laughing at him

Also, why delete his deviantart account? Doesn't he just disable comments and block people? What drove him over the edge?

Because he's a massive attention whore and making a huge deal about deleting his deviantart because "people have been mean to me" is guaranteed to get him a few pats on the back

I gave up on Sup Forums a long time ago. And yet I keep coming back.

I used to post my art on tumblr but I left after I got called a pedophile for drawing 30 year old Star Wars characters

Why does dobson shamelessly virtue signals to SJWs so much? Does he really believe the shit hes writting, what does he hope to acomplish from it?

are you happy with yourselves, Sup Forums?

>dumb kid

Wasn't he like in his late 20s when he first found this place?

Like all male feminists he's just hoping to get laid.

I used to post photo sets of my body painting artwork on Penny Arcade's artists' forum, which for the most part was well-received, but there were always those who just could not get past the fact that it included the female form as part of the process and who made me out to be some sort of sexual predator for even wanting to create this sort of art. When this screeching chorus reached a certain volume I just quietly deleted my account without another word and never visited that place again.

I give up on Sup Forums every Thursday.

>check out his Twitter account
>Location: Minneapolis, MN
Had no idea I lived in the same city as Dobson all this time. How neat.

Also this

I thought we got rid of you.

>going to such lengths as to embaress yourself, your male identity, and your writing integrity, all in a vain attenpt to get pussy from ugly ham planets who are known to hate sexuality of any kind because its "degrading"
I fucking hate this timeline, for the fact of not only that this man exsists, but there are literally a few million of them. The day dobson dies from and inflation accident cant come soon enough. I just want to piss on this mans grave and be done with his stupidity.

What is his obsession with lesbians? I reckon he's going to do a Chris-Chan and become a "lesbian tomboy trans" in hopes to get some lesbian puss

user, please go to to all the macdonalds, and take a pic of him in real life.

We all know he's going to decide he's trans eventually. These sort always do.

He's 34, so he'd be no younger than 20 when it launched, and obviously he wasn't here first thing.
But considering he did this at 23, it's probably fair to call Dobson a dumb kid at any stage of his life.

What was he like 10 years ago? SJWs werent around then, atleast not in their current form or numbers. Was he still trying to pander to feminists with his shit comics?

/cyoa/ back on /mlp/
They would bitch and moan about shit that didn't matter then complain when people fought back.
I still play the cyoas themselves but I gave up on the general.

A lot of you guys probably remember a website called The Escapists. Back in the mid to latter 2000's that website was the tits. Yahtzee, Unforgotten Realms, Doraleous and Associates. All the other web shows they had. Gaming articles that were alright. Webcomics. It was pretty great but once you get to the top of the hill the only place to go once you see the view is down. And down it went. I believe if memory serves it was when the chief editor left. His last name was Butts I think. That was the real end. Content went mostly to shit. Lot of the good members of the community left. I stuck around only for the forum rp. Once I found something better though I got off the boat. And I never went back.

He he directly antagonize us or something?

It's wasn't just Sup Forums. Dobson pissed off everyone. He'd treat his own fans like shit. All he did was act smug and and egotistical. And whenever someone called him out on it (or just had a different opinion) he would reply either with a smug retort or a strawmans comic. Also most of his opinions or beliefs were controversial/splitting ("All Nerds/Jocks suck balls! But me, the man who can whistle through his nose is awesome!").

It's kinda hard to feel sorry for him being "bullied" when he was literally picking fights with everyone on the internet (still does).

>giving up over a minority
Neat art though. Got a gallery somewhere?

>but there were always those who just could not get past the fact that it included the female form

ONLY the female form? Because yeah, if you only painted on chicks I'd agree you were probably just using it as a means to creep on art students.

When Chris first said he was trans I genuinely thought he was and thought maybe some of his problems in the past came from hiding that.
I was wrong. I stopped calling him her after a while. Still say Christine because of personal hangups with calling people things they don't want to be called.

I assume user was painting on herself.
If not I don't know about creepy but it would be excessivly restricting to only paint on females.

It's mostly a matter of pragmatism, honestly: Body hair is fucking murder on body painting, and the hairier male body is a pain in the ass to work with. Also, bodily protrusions like large breasts, testicles and penses mess with the flow of a design, which is why I pretty much exclusively worked with small-chested women.


It's actually been several years since I've touched the site and I just now notice that there's some weird code shit at the bottom of the page that I ought to tidy up. Anyway, what's there is there.

Your just jelly because no women would ever get naked in front of you

I gave up on that Cartoon Network orbit picture trade thing/card game
I gave up on runescape and adventurequest
I gave up on homestuck
I kinda gave up on facebook (I very rarely post. Mostly just wish people happy birthday).
I haven't posted on tumblr in forever (just look at porn tumbles instead)

Also Lego Club and Nintendo Club