How will he be remembered in history books?

How will he be remembered in history books?

Most influential dick pics.

As a stiff

Most Jewish looking man

The pedo jackass who's rat like selfishness helped save western civilization.

>leaky dick

the man who got Trump elected


His face has the ((()))s

Renegate jew who saved the white race and whole world from nuclear fire.

No. But he will get his very own Encyclopedia Dramatica page.

Savior of Western Civ

Revenge against ex-wives will be dubbed as them getting weiner'd.

Savior of western civilization

dony benis

The weiner that broke the donkeys back.



Not even close

If they check The Daily Show archives in the future, they'll see it was all just a bit of fun and He is big for his stature. Because John Stewart said so.

They'll never know or mention that He sent them to underage girls

All just a bit of fun .

>Fuck John Stewart and the daily show

Imagine the piece they would have run if trump did it

Number 1 in the Top 10 figures who humanized pedophilia

Anthony "Saved Us from the Beaners" Weiner

Is there like a 'look' or something high profile pedos use? They all seem to have this similar vibe about them.

the 21st century franz ferdinand


Weiner saved western civilization with his wiener

a true hero

Pedo Gollum sacrificing his dick to bring down the realm of shadows. I'm sure a chemical castration is in his medical future.

>Trump defends western civilization at the gates of Wiener

Anthony "She won't get charged with Just a misdemeanor" Weiner

> Very well, have I told you about the time when a guy named Anthony Weiner saved the world from world war 3 by sending pictures of his dick to underage girls?

One of the greatest fuck-ups of history who accidentally saved the world.

Most reckless weiner

He's like a caricature of a sniveling Jew


>Tfw a degenerate ultrakike saved western civilization with his dick pics

>a jew saves US from a Muslim invasion


his face has the (( ))


most men are in denial about their urges.

these twists are getting fucking cheap, who's writing this!?

>650K Huma State Dept. emails
>On Weiner's laptop
>In a folder entitled 'Life Insurance'

who nose?

The other jew who died for our sins

Encyclopedia Dramatica never forgets


A Jew that did something right.

A jew.

>How will he be remembered in history

he won't.


As the man whose dick saved an entire nation.

Unwitting savior of Western civilization

damn, that bulge though

He was always a dick to Spongebob

Legally speaking, that's pedophilia. Biologically it would be hebephilia though.




That man is a living breathing meme.


He's the Deep Throat of Weinergate


big fat stinking meme

A man with balls who doesn't let anyone stab him in the back without setting them alight in the process


All he wanted was power and to get his dick sucked by teenage girls.

I fail to see what is wrong with this.

Well he has fucked his wife for the first time in 3 years

Remembered as a Kang

He'll be remembered as a man of the times. He didn't even cheat on his wife. He just goofed off on the internet. All of human posterity is going to laugh at him.

Meme it

M Night

He is the real life Quagmire.

Savior of the aryan race

unfavorably. he was already painted as a shitass even before all this started.

For no real reason
He just took dick pics and pulled a Blagoyavich

NO... Vince Foster , he will ""commit suicide""