"I'd rather vote for Hillary Clinton than destroy true conservatism."

— Ben Shapiro, July 2016.

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give me one reason why i should ever care about what this Jew has to say?

Yeah, like Ben Shapiro is gonna change my mind.

That's a straight up lie, and you know it brownie.

Since the nominees have been decided he has said he is skipping the top of the ticket all together.

because his relatives control your country

wouldn't that make me trust him less?

"Kike conservatism is the only and true form of conservatism".

— Benjamin Al-Goldstein (Shapiro's father-in-law)

he thought he calculated the risks vs rewards for going all in against Trump.

He overestimated his value (typical jew) and overestimated his support base for his True Conservatism™ (which is really just mild neo-cohen-ism).

He's a loser. A classic cuckservative that we knew would kvetch until the last moment and then slink back like a beaten dog. A spineless coward.

That's a bold-faced lie you stupid cunt. Ben doesnt support Trump, but he knows how much of a geriatric felon Hillary is and destroys libcucks without hesitation

I'd rather destroy what he considers to be true conservatism in that case.

Technically he's not a cuck. The people following him that aren't jews are though. He's the bull in this analogy.

>He overestimated his value (typical jew) and overestimated his support
this. but when his isnt shilling his analysis is golden. and when he is shilling its pretty obvious because he uses the same arguments liberals use.

He's right, you know.

True conservatism = the ones who approved almost every Obama anti-american proposal.

He never said this and has maintained that he thinks Trump would make a better president than Hillary, but as of now, he says he will not be voting for any candidate.

Cuckservatism destroyed itself.

>I don't care if the poor goyim dies in World War 3 I want my cohenconservatism intact

People like him are the reason a country like USA is being destroyed from within.

wow his show tripped its audience since the primaries

guess somebody's getting rich off this election shitshow

he actually said it. Here is the full quote:

>I’m not going to be complicit in the death of the conservative movement at the hands of Donald Trump.

>And it seems to me starting with the guy who’s happy to appeal to a bunch of people who like the KKK, that starting with the guy who’s happy to talk about the size of his genitalia on national television and endorse Planned Parenthood, that starting with the guy who has undermined every conservative principle at some point during this race, that might be a good place to start.

>...If conservatives don’t say “no” to Nelson Rockefeller in 1964, there is no Ronald Reagan. If conservatives don’t say “no” to Gerald Ford in 1976 and George H.W. Bush in 1980, there is no Ronald Reagan. And if we don’t say “no” to Donald Trump now, we will continue drifting ever further left, diluting conservatism into the vacillating, demagogic absurdity of Trumpism. Conservatism will become the crypto-racist, pseudo-strong, quasi-tyrannical, toxic brew leftists have always accused it of being.

Let me repeat that:
>And if we don’t say “no” to Donald Trump now, we will continue drifting ever further left, diluting conservatism into the vacillating, demagogic absurdity of Trumpism.

Never trust a jew. Especially Shapiro.

He's right, you know.

Where have I seen that stance before?

No. He's a cuck because he essentially framed his mental breakdown and kvetching on some moral crusade against the purity of the Faith™.

He knows very fucking well that the Left doesn't play that game, there are no moral high grounds in politics. Its just exactly the kind of thing that happens with Republicans. They kvetch and moan about this or that, then in the cover of night reverse course when they realize the sky isn't falling. What he should have done was say 'Trump is a shit candidate, but he's our guy so lets do this.'

The democrat True Believers all rallied behind Hillary Clinton! think about that. they knowingly backed a ruthless, psychotic crime lord.

Ben showed his true Jewness with trump. He didn't cover that some polls (especially the +12 Clinton poll) was actually rigged by a super PAC.

He has been wrong this entire election cycle and will continue to do so until he gets BTFO.

As much as he shits on leftist he's just controlled opposition.

Benji could be a turkish rape baby

for those who dont know

TRUE CONSERVATIVE means : endless wars to defend israel no matter how many americans die, ensuring all economic deals benefit the plutocracy and american workers get nothing, and thinking abortions are an important issue

glad I'm not the only one who noticed

he is a satanic jew, fuck off.

And I'd rather vote trump than destroy true liberalism. Checkmate, atheists.

Fucking manlets. When will they learn?

>not voting Trump means he is marking Hillary on his ballot

learn to read or know your place you subhuman 3rd world mongrel

What will happen to Glenn Beck and Ben Shaphiro when Trump becomes President?

No, he isn't, you fuck off.

at least Rato supported Trump later on



Tweet this to him, I'm blocked.

"Don't confuse the sidelines with the moral high ground."

and a vote not for Hillary is a vote that trump doesn't have to fight against.

you cant be that dumb that you don't understand simple logic right?

If trump loses the wider margin in the popular vote and the electoral college would mean a bigger "NO" against him

if you really cant understand such simple subtext then damn son i would really recommend you try to get your ged at leas someday unless your actually still a dumb highschooler

>"I'd rather vote for Hillary Clinton than destroy neoconservatism"

He's right, you know.

"true conservatives" literally take pride in losing because they can still feel "honorable"

they're opponents have no such reservations, just look at their fucking nominee for fucks sake. have you seen a single prominent dem refuse to support her?

this is why "true conservatives" will always be pathetic losers, because they actually take PRIDE in being pathetic losers. they sit in their irrelevant think tanks "debunking" media reports, too bad no one sees them outside of their echo chamber though.

they believe someone who would grant amnesty and permanently destroy any chance of a gop victory till the end of time is "true conservative"

these faggots are scum and i cant wait till they fuck off permanently. this of course only refers to the useful idiots like shapiro who are pretty much indoctrinated (even they present themselves as "logical" because they dont argue with "feelings").

the plutocrats who are really behind the true conservatives dont give a fuck about it and just do whatever fills their pocks and protects their chosen state of israel

fucking cocksuckers


hillary IS a neocon you dumb fucking faggot

He's completely wrong for alot of reasons, namely Reagan wasn't a champion of the conservatives. That is an absurd revisionism myth. The cuckservatives of the day absolutely hated Reagan.

Ford was the quintessential cuckservative of his time, only that he did not share the extremely hawkish disposition of Kissinger and Rumsfield and Bush.

He barely lost his election and it was almost certainly because of the economy not because of some cuckservative moral crusade.

Professional Forfeiter

the media will be blaming everything and anything on Trump, so they will provide the "I-told-you-so" snark-isms that 'high minded' individuals will crave.

>who’s happy to talk about the size of his genitalia on national television
No, he was just responding to an accusation, it's not like he started talking about his dick out of nowhere, someone else brought up the subject.

what are you even going on about? OP made an explicit claim that Ben would vote for Hillary, which is completely false. If you want to spin how a non-vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary you need to get your head out of your ass and do a better job convincing people to vote for your candidate

>I'd rather vote for Hillary Clinton
My one comfort is that people like this will eventually be overthrown by their own creation even if they "win" in the short term.

(((Donald J. Trump)))

Trusting and caring for are two very different things.

Trump knows Israel is behind terrorism just like Saudi Arabia and Turkeu

However he can't simply declare war on Israel. That would destroy not only his presidential plans but his entire life.

He's a retard that believes his own propaganda. He's like a Wolf Blitzer. Totally self-pwned.

>you don't own conservativism goy, you can't just do whatever you want with it
Sound like any other kikes you know?

He talks like Trump is bringing down the perception of conservativism, but has he not been paying attention? Being a conservative in 2016 means you are automatically a sexist, racist fascist. He and his allowed this to happen because "muh principles."

In the 1700s, people's personal libraries were some of the most valuable items in the house. If you look a the bookcases of the time, they were sectionals with built-in handles, because when the house was on fire you could try to save them easier that way.

Ben Shapiro cannot find which principles have handles and which don't. This likely means he never understood these principles in the first place.

Yes goyim, let's vote Hillary to make sure the right grows stronger while the left exposes and destroys itself, but don't worry, next election, let's vote left to make us stronger and leave them destroy themselves even more, and then, in the next election, we will become stronger enough, but not enough to take over them yet, so we will leave them in power since they are destroying themselves...


How can anyone take this dude serious once they've heard his voice, he's a complete faggot.

Ben Shapiro is a victim of his own bad choices.

He follows the Talmud, a satanic book.
Nothing good can come out of it.

He's right, you know.

>we will never see Tay again
I'm still upset about this.

>left exposes and destroys itself

Like he doesn't know the left has people with hundreds of billions of dollars to fund it as many times it is necessary.

It's the ONE THING that bugs the shit out of me about him.

He's a team guy.

Maybe it's his upbringing, but man, you can't let your party define you. It makes you look desperate.

NO, don't be a bad goyim and believe in what he's telling you!

>In the 1700s, people's personal libraries were some of the most valuable items in the house. If you look a the bookcases of the time, they were sectionals with built-in handles, because when the house was on fire you could try to save them easier that way.

>Ben Shapiro cannot find which principles have handles and which don't. This likely means he never understood these principles in the first place.

bretty good analogy there



ben shapiro thug life is a howl

ayn rand was right always

youtube yaron brook for real answers
hint: lower gov regulations and spending 99%

There was a time I thought he was based. But I learnt my lesson.
NEVER, under any circumstance, trust a Jew. He pushed me over the edge to full antisemite

Poland was historically a haven for kikes

>the divide and conquer people just arrived to start bad feelings between white people

You arrived a bit late I must say

What are you blabbering on about? I'm a big time Objectivist, but when it comes to politics, Brook is a cuck.

Honestly, as a Berniebro I'm doing the same thing by voting for Trump.

I'd rather have Trump than let Hillary warhawk Clinton become the face of leftwing politics in America. She's the worst possible representative available and it'd probably set us back by decades through shifting the paradigm.

Ben's a cuck though. The GOP going nationalist is a way better alternative to the neocon and theocratic establishment shitlords.

>Technically he's not a cuck.

Ben go to bed

He's right, you know.

You're voting for Trump because Hillary taint the image of american leftism?

Well, at least you are honest about it.

Long live to Bernie bros.

Wtf is "true" conservativism anyway?

The one that say you must not support a person even if this person is the last obstacle for a World War or a destruction of your home country.

I don't think he played Oblivion, so I don't think he can be a hero of Kvatch.

Shapiro is a selective puritan. He only cares for "pure conservative principles" when it fits his agenda.

Damn shame. Used to enjoy watching him destroy lefties. Fuck him now tho he lost all credibility. Neocon cretin

True conservatism is the belief that you must spend every waking moment defending yourself against accusations of racism and sexism as you lose the election against your liberal opponent who takes a less principled approach. You may have lost the election and caused a greater shift towards liberalism, but at least you have the moral highground.


Dying for israel

That Brietbart guy was offed by the Clintons.

I'd rather kill myself than die!

>You're voting for Trump because Hillary taint the image of american leftism?

Damn straight. During the Bush era Democrats were the main source of opposition to terrible policy like the Iraq War and Patriot Act. If we compromise now by electing a "leftist" that supports these things then we may lose on those issues forever. What was once the party of opposing war and corporate corruption could become the crony party of perpetual warfare and pet SJW issues. Obama delivered the first disappointing blow. Now, Hilldawg would finish it and make this shit our new normal.

That, and nationalism is needed badly right now.

Ben Shapiro will be voting Trump on election day. Guaranteed.

He may not like Trump, be he really, really REALLY hate Hillary.


He's right, you know.

crying anti semitism at every opportunity while denouncing every other ethnic minority in society for having a victim complex and playing the race card

>true conservatism
It's reaganvatism.

Thump the bible and try to pretend you're perfectly serious and competent candidate. Apologise for everything, always.

>you're no true Conservatist!

Why does the sound of bagpipes come to mind?

I like this analogy user, I hope you don't mind if I borrow it from time to time.

please do

You are right but you should be aware that many leftists(like Sanders) were not totally against the bush war.

this rings true
Ben Shapiro would rather, while America burns around him, stand with his arms crossed like a petulant child hurumpfing "Well its not MYYYY fault" as others desperately fight to stop the destruction. Then just shit talks people actually doing something like "Oh you're hosing down that fire all wrong, and your buckets of water are barely helping. You''re not TRUE fire fighters that's for sure"

>Ben Shapiro would rather, while America burns around him, stand with his arms crossed like a petulant child hurumpfing "Well its not MYYYY fault

Because Shapiro has no moral at all. His moral is attached to his appearance. His moral is attached to his love of externals


>In the book, Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, "Henry's friend moved the bookcases in Mr. Emerson's study." This photograph of Emerson's study was taken in 1888. You will notice in the book that the bookcases have handles on the ends. The handles allowed the bookcases to be removed quickly from the house in case there was a fire.

you can't actually see the handles in the picture but if you visit the museum in MA you can see them

I don't know when this practice started. I'd guess it's pretty old, books have been very valuable historically.

By "True Conservativism" does me mean the country becoming a one party system where conservatives become controlled opposition and Democrats rule very aspect of the system and governmengt forever?

Americans always built the most beautiful bookcases.

Muh True Conservatism™®©