How does Sup Forums feel about this?

Why is the right so against the idea of Superman protecting innocent people from being gunned down by a psychopath?

If there is one person who shouldn't be politicised in this way, it's Superman. And before someone posts him slapping japs, it was the fucking 40s and we were at war.

Because their endgame is the race war. Also, Milo openly support pedophilia so you can't sink lower than that

I think superman will save any human.
but take this to Sup Forums, please

If they're important to the story, sure. It's comics.

Seriously, what was the other option? Let them die ?

Social media was and still is the biggest mistake to happen to the internet.

Because it has given a triggered idiots a voice.

Because pushing politcally-based agendas is stupid.

In his first issues he beats up an abusive husband, and I know damn well that if that was put in an issue today you would still bitch about it being too political.
Superman SHOULD be political.

**Meant in comic books, specifically.

>Why does an illegal (literal) alien who has spent a good deal of his life dealing with people trying to kill him for being so protect illegal (non-literal) aliens about to be killed for being so.

Why is spousal abuse political?

There is nothing wrong with pedophilia

>Milo 'Hump Dem Kids' Yolo

No, this faggot does not read comic books, his opinion does not matter.


Stopped reading there. There's a debate we need to settle about immigration that's long overdue, but we don't need grandstanding asswipes inserting themselves into it.


It'd probably be considered anti-male or something.

And what agenda did he push?

because it demonizes white men, same reason anything triggers those types

>REE why are DC showing men being assholes fucking feminazis

Milo is just a shitty triggered crybaby.


non-American citizens don't get any rights

At all

>Superman saving people from being gunned down is too political

God fucking damn it, is any super hero allowed to do anything these days?
Next thing you know, Superman can't save a kitten from a tree because it appeals to animal-rights groups.

Superman is literally an alien he doesn't care

Factually incorrect you literal retard, illegals still have some rights.
Also even if they were allowed to be publically murdered would that even matter to Clark? He'd still stop it.

guns have rights, Superman is a gun-grabbing lib

>unless it is alt-right agenda, then the creator is BASED
Here, i finished the sentence for you.

fuck off DREAMER

your kind will be sent back to the shithole you came from

This is bait and you all should be ashamed of yourselves

Who is talking about legality? Superman isn't allowed to save anyone by your logic because vigilantism is illegal. Why do you choose to draw the line there for the purposes of the story? The right thing to do is to save lives, period. They can be arrested later if necessary, but they shouldn't die.

or they can fuck off back where they came from and stop shitting up a great nation

Are you saying that it's ok to gun down non-citiznes in America? The heck wrong with your country?

Why am I supposed to care about some random retard that can figure out why Superman would save a person?

>Not knowing the laws of his own country

That's what I don't get. People like that talk about how they hate people injecting politics in their stories, but can you imagine how they would react if someone like Clark Kent or Hal Jordan were to be seen wearing a MAGA hat as part of their civilian attire?

I thought he supported his own molestation? Which is his own business. I was molested once too but I dont really care. I wouldve been more into it if she wasnt black

Why are there no comics where Superman has to protect a pedophile from an angry mob?

Yes and nowhere in deportation includes civilians killing them. If you care about regulations why wouldn't you want that to be followed too? You're not making sense.

They're the ones getting jobs and being productive members of society user

At first they are all like fuck you Mexico rules, and then they are all NOOOO please don't send me back to that hellhole

Oh my haven't you heard? I mean being a Sup Forumstard I would've thought you knew

Maybe you should head back and see what's triggered them today

I'm okay with Superman saving some illegals from being murdered, but only if he did the right thing and called ICE on them afterwards, he's dedicated to upholding the law so that is part of it.

It's okay to gun down citizens too, if they're in the right groups.

>niggers molesting kids

I'm shocked, well, not that shocked

Lex Luthor for president

Superman is still doing what's right

some illegals aren't responsible for the actions of all illegals and deserve to be treated like human beings although i do respect the law

BASED supes

Exactly like pretentious hypocrites would react.

Trump dropped the border wall in favour of legalising DACA

Superman was created by two Jews self-inserting.

Because he is a psychopath.


except that's not what he meant

Eh, she wasnt really a nigger, just really trashy sometimes. She was a pretty long-time family friend who also talked about my dick when I was little, but we all laughed it off. I didnt think she'd molest me, but I also wasnt surprised when she did, mostly because she was pretty drunk.
I almost wish I let it go a little further. Even though Im not into black people, she's decently high up there for people I'd consider.

>It's a I see bait and I must bite it episode
That issue had a rather diverse set of criminals

Not just pedophilia, but male/male pedophilia.

You got that right.

I'm sick of these political bait posts ruining Sup Forums. There's a place for politics in comics - both left and right - but low-brow attention seekers like Milo have no place here.


>Milo "If his age is on the clock, it's ok to suck his cock" Yiannopolous

Also where's that scholarship fund Milo?

the right gets upset when men can't beat and rape their wives

>unless it is alt-right agenda
But I think that would also be stupid, if not more so. My issue is that most writers have it come across as incredibly forced, if they held some sort of subtlety with their delivery then it wouldn't be a big deal.

But a lot don't, so I just find it a general annoyance.

Superman IS an illegal alien. Why do people keep forgetting this?

>and stop shitting up a great nation
That's why they came to USA, the opposite of a great nation.

He never advocated pedophilia you gibbering twit, he didn't condemn his own. Also, the only one's who want a race war are paranoid lefties

You're what happens when we let progressive infect our boards with heir cancer.

Because he's white and male


Kek. Also, what is wrong with superheroes saving people from getting killed?

Milo would love that

He also helped take down the KKK with the old Adventures of Superman show.

go kill some illegal aliens
see where it lands you

They're brown

Milo doesn't actually care, he just hopped on another "problem" in the hope of maintaining his meager infamy

Give it a rest ObamyDrones

Trump is going to fix it, but even he can't do it in a few months, not when Congress and the Senate, the media and the judges against him

>If there is one person who shouldn't be politicised in this way, it's Superman.

Superman singlehandedly killed the popularity of Klu Klux Klan by fighting them in a story, faggot.

And it's kinda hilarious how right wingers take offense that Superman protects the weak and defenseless, i.e. illegal immigrants.

Just you wait the race war is coming...... any day now

Enjoy your fence and Illegals, they aren't going anywhere

>Illegal immigrants
> Innocent

They can't be innocent if they're breaking the law

Well he is supposed to STOP the criminals

>The President confirms he is building the Wall
>lol this mean he no buld wal

Lib Logic

He isn't though, he has a legal american citizenship as Kent.

And people who follow the law aren't always innocent.
Superman stands for what's right, not some bullshit Authority to obey.

See, this is what bias and projection looks like.

When did mass murder stop being a crime?

>renovation of existing fences

Fences aren't walls

was he born on Earth?

Did he come to the country legally?


Were the people he saved actually identified as being illegal aliens in-universe? How do we know they didn't have green cards?

When the people you're mass murdering are Mexicans

>bias and projection looks like
>When did mass murder stop being a crime?
Well if he the illegals had been stopped this wouldn't have come to this

maybe not, but now he is there legally.

parts of the border are literally rockfaces - off course you can't build a wall on that and you have to put up netting or a fence.

As a construction expert Trump understands that.

If it's 99% wall and 1% fence are you going to claim Hillary was right?

The religious right is all for Bible time husband and wife relationship where abuse is a normal thing.

Not only is that bullshit but the left has literally defended Muslims for beating their wives

Americans sure love their racism.

how so?

Eight years ago beating up your wife was perceived to certain degree that maybe the woman was asking for getting slapped. And it's something people outside of the family shouldn't intervene unless it gets "too violent"

Supes is THE Dreamer. Came here when he was like ten minutes old, and has never known any other home besides America/Earth. If anything, Superman would be the leading advocate of letting the Dreamers stay

Silver age he was given amnesty, and legal citizenship.

there ARE programs for immigrants to become citizens.

Where was innocence mentioned in that comment.

>Captain America: HAIL HYDRA!!!

He was granted citizenship for every nation on earth IIRC