There are people on this board that are unironically anarcho capitalist

>there are people on this board that are unironically anarcho capitalist

no one here is a fucking spider you floorwaste

>there are people on this board that are unironically marxists

Libertarian here. Ancap is a retardation

>there are people on this board who unironically deny the holocaust

ancap here, libertarians claim to hold moral superiority but their government exemption to their principles of non-aggression makes them retarded hypocrites



thats different


If the world is going to shit ancap is my preferred dystopia.

>violate the NAP
>no one sees

not an ancap scholar here

enlighten me

Why would they get killed? Because buying from their competitor is a violation of the NAP?

Is ancap this much of a meme?


Going on private property to save lives doesn't break NAP, just as using violence to defend yourself against someone who initiates violence against you doesn't break NAP.

5 witnesses right there.

You could pull the lever then kill the witnesses and it'd be okay though.

What is a strawman

So how exactly do you propose we resolve disputes like this, especially with people who don't understand the ethical nuances NAP as well as yourself?

Certainly not with an organized group of people asserting any sort of... laws... or anything, to be sure.



I'm a militant Discordian. I'm afraid I'll have to let someone else to the mocking laughter on this one.


I gotcha famalam.



>there are people on this board that are unironically statist


I thought the strength of this meme was that strawmanning wasn't even neccessary to make ancap sound ridiculous. That's why I asked.

Wait so TPP is ancap?

Well it's trade deal dictated by oligarchs so kind of. Inb4 huge companies in high-initial-cost sectors will get outcompeted by small biz because Friedman siad so.

>secret police executions

During the union-busting years private "detective agencies" were doing exactly this.

The NAP isn't a dispute resolution mechanism, it's more of a common sense ethical stance. Don't steal from others or initiate violence. You can look up things such as "polycentric law" and Dispute Resolution Organizations" to get an idea of how law could work in ancapistan. Ancaps aren't against laws, just against a monopoly on law and violence.

It's funny for people who don't know much about anarcho-capitalism and just think "corporations will just become the government!!"

It's funny for ancaps because it's funny that people think that kind of shit would be rampant in a libertarian society and that somehow without government everyone would just throw morals and common sense out the window.

If there is no government what would there be to stop mega corporation from using their funds and power to become the government?

Do you expect me a disorganized militia of neckbeards to be able to stop all the people attempting that, or they won't attempt that because the NAP, though not enforced by anything will totally work. That's why nobody breaks the law.

With no minimum wage what do you think WalMart workers would be getting per hour?

>autist fails to comprehend how humans aren't robots the image
should really pair up neuroscience/psychology with econ/politics

>If there is no government what would there be to stop mega corporation from using their funds and power to become the government?
To understand the misconception about it that ancaps share you have to understand the school of economics they adhere to.

They look at the microcosm of economy. Your family, you yourself, things like that. Hence the small business buzz and stuff. Their theories work very, very well when you analyse the economy like that.

However, when you move on to the scale of multinational companies that have enough power to not only hire their own, private army and things like that but have the ability to influence the rationality and thought-patterns of the population via media(don't believe me? Well guess how the SJW's were born) they struggle. They struggle to explain how can free market break their monopolies or oligopolies, they struggle to explain how can outsourcing be stopped without standard of living dropping etc. etc.
Hence why economists that work as an advisors and lobbyists are generally quite centrist, because they understand both the inefficiency of government intervention and sociopathy of the CEO's very well, while academy rats take sides, as they are confined to their academic bubble.

yea have fun with nonenforcement of private property laws and any laws at all
even a lolbertarian like me can see the how fundamentally flawed ancaps are, edgy teens who never held any job talking baby's first politics 101

Mega corporations already lobby for laws and regulations, so that shit is already going on with government. For the most part mega corporations have a hard time staying afloat without government. Corporate welfare, bailouts, and deals between politicians and corporations keep them alive. Only way a corporation can really stay alive in a truly free-market is if it is so much better than all of its competitors. Even then corporations would not be able to grow as big as they are now.
Now I imagine a corporation that wants to become some pseudo-business would not do so good in a free-market. I wouldn't want to buy from this business and I'm assuming you wouldn't either. Not to mention shareholders would laugh at this idea of trying to become some pseudo-government. Too expensive and way too risky...also completely fucking retarded.

Competition. If X-Mart will pay me $10 an hour and Y-Mart will pay me $12 an hour, who do you think I'll work for?

>he pulls the lever
now the property owner has 2 options
>prosecute the leaver puller
>shake his hand congratulating him on saving 5 people
what seems like the more racional thing to do here?
still seems more fair to me than entire comunities being jailed for repairing their village's ruined roads or 20 years in prison for lighting a leaf

"B-But all private property owners are sociopathic and irrational!!!!"

Ancap is stupid but this meme is so absurd it's cringe worthy. If you're going to argue, use arguments, not absurd straw men.

I wouldn't pull the lever cause the entire situation is really none of my business
maybe they're committing suicide, maybe they deserve to be there

I mind my own business tah

>tfw wal-mart and y-mart both agree to pay their workers $4 an hour
>tfw wal-mart eventualy buys y-mart and decreases the wage to $2 an hour

yes let's take over a land where civilians own ICBMs

>tfw Y-Mart realises it could pay workers higher to get more employees going to them instead of their competitor
>tfw Walmart isn't as big since it's not getting government bailouts and subsides and can't afford buying Y-Mart
>tfw Y-Mart isn't Walmart"s only competitor

ICBM's are so expensive and complicated only a mass corporation could own them outside of a government.

please there are plenty of billionaires