Property is legally owned by whoever just happens to be holding the deed at this particular moment

>property is legally owned by whoever just happens to be holding the deed at this particular moment

Yeah it's fucking dumb. Pretty much everything about that episode was.

The joke is that absentee and or passive property is already arbitrary.

They aren't the first ines to do it either

This pissed me off. So it's not illegal to break into somebodies home if you can grab the deed?

it's a common trope
wich i hate

It's not realist and niether is it original, but do you really think children are gonna understand or want to learn about the intricacies of Legal Ownership of Real Estate while watching their mystery adventure show?

I think I liked learning about things from cartoons when I was a kid.

It's called a cartoon

Bo one believed that Gideon would steal the deed. They explained that in the episode.

*No one.

Well here in the UK until a few decades ago this basically was true. It was only when they brought in land registration a few decades ago that things changed.

>Implying that there wouldn't be paperwork showing that Stan owned the land somewhere in some country office with no record that a transaction between the two ever took place.

Seriously, this is what lawyers are for.

You're all missing the point: Stan's NAME is still on the fucking document. Even an actual kid watching this would probably question that.

To be fair, Alex did give a bad response to this in a Reddit AMA

Like a high stakes game of Capture the flag.

>That response just blindly accepting this terrible excuse.

technically Stan didn't own the land, his brother did. Even if the law was on his side, getting higher authorities involved might not be in his best interest, not only because of the stolen identity thing but also because all the other illegal shit he did might come to the surface.

This is a legitimately good excuse. Too bad it was thought of after-the-fact and not actually established in the show itself

>technically Stan didn't own the land, his brother did.
There is no proof of that, or none that is available to the authorities at least.
>but also because all the other illegal shit he did might come to the surface.
None of which was important, otherwise he'd already be in jail.

I doubt legalities would be interesting for even the most curious of children, especially not if they interpret a climactic finale.

But again, this is something so basic even a 5-year-old could understand it. You can't just claim a document if it has someone else's name.

Yes, but what your failing to realize is that it's just Handwave, so that the plot can move along. The still want to have to events it causes to go into motion still happen. That means that if they didn't do this, they would have to find some other quick explanation that is either equally or more stupid than this one, or they would have to go through a whole long winded process about how Gideon gets the property of the Mystery Shack, which would interrupt and take time away from the plot, which is what actually matters.
Although I would like to see this trope turned on it's head with someone stealing a deed and getting arrested for theft, but this particular situation in the OP is neither the time nor the place for realism.

Hirsch tends to do that. Heck the journal he put out is filled damage control like this.

The excuse for wacky and nonsense shit is that it is a surreal comedy cartoon show and is actually a good excuse.

> I would like to see this trope turned on it's head with someone stealing a deed and getting arrested for theft

Yeah, it's about time something did this.

He could just say "a wizard" or cartoon logic but this makes actually sense.

>The excuse for wacky and nonsense shit is that it is a surreal comedy cartoon show
Except it isn't, it's an adventure-mystery Cartoon that contains supernatural and Science-Fiction Elements, but still remains entrenched in reality. The closest the show ever got to wacky surreal nonsense shit was The Episode with Quentin Trembly, and that was because the episode was focused around justifying Mabel's Quirkyness.