Philosophy comics

Falacy Man is the hero that Sup Forums deserves.

Post funny philosophy comics.

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Is this all the same guy?

I like this.
The ones I posted, yeah, I think he hires another artist sometimes tho.

Okay, that was a little funny.


Instantly my favorite

I have a feeling that if I remember more than a few bits of Crime and Punishment and knew more about philosophers than just their names, these would be very entertaining. As is, they're worth a smile because goofiness is nothing if not universal.




I wish I could go back in time and kick it with Diogenes and bant with him all day.




That just isn't funny, no matter what your politics are.



I like this God Man the most.

What if philosophers are just really fucking dumb?

I believe this, but I'll concede the point that I may just be to dumb to understand them.

That said, right or wrong, how the fuck does any of this help anyone? Genuine serious question. Questioning the human condition seems pretty damn easy if you aren't starving to death. I think it's telling that there are no famous philosophers who weren't nobles, elites, or otherwise dirt poor.

And no, don't fucking say Diogenes. He came from a family that literally made money. His father minted coins. He had everything and he CHOSE to get rid of it all. You don't really count as homeless when you could theoretically just "call" your parents and go home if shit gets too bad. He was a fucking Millennial over 2000 years before the term was coined.

I want to know about someone who honest to fucking god didn't have any other options.

Of fucking course many philosophers would come from rich families, becaues how the fuck would they get education otherwise?

>You don't really count as homeless when you could theoretically just "call" your parents and go home if shit gets too bad. He was a fucking Millennial over 2000 years before the term was coined.
This is the dumbest thing I've read whole week. How is choosing to live in poverty despite coming from rich family not admirable? Knowing all the luxuries and willingly refusing them? People born poor didn't know any better!

>Knowing all the luxuries and willingly refusing them? People born poor didn't know any better!
I'm saying he always had a safety net. It was never poverty. He was never truly poor.

Someone who has nothing and embraces nothing and turns down fucking anything? When it's an unknown dream?

That's worth respecting.

I see philosophy as a luxury for people or societies who are well off; something you can afford only after you reach a certain level of wealth and comfort. Those who struggle just to survive will be too busy trying to cover their basic needs, while those who live comfortably can have idle time to think about existential questions.
Philosophy doesn't have too much practical uses in a person's everyday life, but I think it's still an interesting topic.

>but I think it's still an interesting topic.
Oh it's infinitely interesting. Sorry, I didn't want to come across like someone who says it isn't. Bujt like you said, I'm just saying I don't see an actual use and it only spawns from people who have everything already provided for them. It seems to me that philosophy is just getting paid to smell your own farts and write about it.

this is the best philosophical comic yet

Good gosh, yes! I wish there were more like this!

accurate as fuck

>how the fuck does any of this help anyone? Genuine serious question
stress causes physical ailments
a solid philosophy greatly minimizes the impact of stress
it also vastly diminishes time wasted on indecision
one might argue that the main goal of philosophy is to come up with a worldview where you neither fear nor embrace death, and broadly speaking you thrive more as a calculated risk-taker than as a coward, so philosophy implemented properly significantly enhances your survival

D&D Ladies Night!

This was pretty funny, actually. De Beauvoir and Arendt always did strike me as pretty cool chicks.

I think this one is my favorite.

>you were doing that on purpose? I thought you were just an idiot!
lul, pretty good user

And I just found this one.

>I've been imagining that he woudl ruin the vibe this whole time
That's super good.

Nietzsche standing up the whole time would really throw anyone off their game.


>not "Ha-ha!" laugh at the end

Almost perfect, almost.

Is that Tim from Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

How dare you ruin that video for me


I didn't expect to get a genuine response to that question. Thank you, that argument is very much worth considering.

Defining what is right and what is wrong is one of the necessary parts of creating a society or culture. Laws for instance are ultimately an expression of what a society defines as acceptable or not. How a society is governed is likewise determined by what the society thinks is the "right" way to rule is. Every society and culture, as well as every person, has certain beliefs and truths that form the foundation of their worldview. These underlying truths are what philosophers study, and their works do influence rest of the world.

Many of the founding fathers for example were greatly influenced by the work of Descartes. So the structure and function of America's government is ultimately based on Descartes ideas. Even people who have no understanding of Philosophy can benefit from it, because it can give them a better way of perceiving the world. Look at how widespread existentialist beliefs are today. Existentialism has influenced how people see the world, even if they don't know what Existentialism is.



...I don't get it.

why no Saturday morning breakfast comics?

this recent one has to be one of my favorites

This I like.

I'm pretty sure that one is just a wacky gag, playing off of the Honest Abe nickname.


that is glorious.

That's fucking hilarious

I don't think there's a "what if" there. I mean, in reality, there's exactly two types of philosophies that people follow:
1: You should do what evolution taught you to do.
2: You should do what your religion taught you to do.
But both are really inconvenient to philosophise about, because they basically make no sense from any sort of. So instead, philosophy is all about trying to describe moral systems that nobody uses, based on premises that there's no evidence for - like "helping out others is most important", or "life is about getting the most happiness", or "it's all about improving the self". The only one that people are actually in favour of in more than just a theoretical sense is existentialism, and that's only because it's a convenient excuse for dismissing all philosophies and doing what evolution taught you to do.



Philosophers came up with various systems with logic if you're a stemlord. I have no idea why one profession should have to argue it's usefulness, when we just by default assume things like computer science are useful for some reason. Those nerds try to solve every fucking problem with an algorithm, yeesh. I blame reCAPTCHA on CS.