I can finally accept that the Holohoax isn't a meme

Ok, so I admit, I fell for the shills. I believed you guys disbelieving the holohoax was "just a meme", and "just satire". After watching this video, I get it now, it really was a lie:


Now I want to learn more, but where do I begin? I didn't save or bookmark any of the links or you guys shared before. I just laughed at you. I'm sorry Sup Forums. You were right. Please teach me more.

Other urls found in this thread:




Holocaust denial is thoroughly debunked. Videos like that are the real lie, they distort the truth to push anti-semetic agendas.

I'm not even going to watch it, you are a fag and everyone in this thread is a fag, welcome to the world of propaganda, enjoy.

Fuck off dumbass. what reason do you have to believe that the Holocaust actually was real???? what is the point of continuing the deception?? What is the benefit of continuing the LIE? The only result is the elimination of the white race. If you support that you should be put to death

Case in point: a rabid white supremacist retard who ignores evidence and rants and raves about "white genocide". The average holocaust denier in a nutshell.

lel another tard falling for the holohoax meme

you don't believe in white genocide? why?

this WHOLE THING is a massive rant of ad homs toward anyone questioning the holocaust. That's literally all lolohoaxers EVER offer as "debunking", just abuse and name-calling. You never actually debunk anything, you just try to intimidate people into conforming to your views.

There are a lot of redpills that I've swallowed this year that I never thought I'd take in the past, and I can confidently say at this point there is a connection between the world powers throughout history and the Jewish people. I'm working on piecing together a personal theory that abrahamic theology was invented by this same shadow order and then purposely divided into three main religions to create world conflict.

That being said, I'm not so sure the holocaust was staged in the sense that it never happened. But it is plausible that the real Gods have been moving the pawns in their game of world control with every world event through modern history.

tldr: The nazis killed maybe up to 10k jews who were basically prisoners of war and the shadow (((power))) has revised history of the holocaust and many other things we think really happened in history.

Because it's a dumb conspiracy theory

>Didn't read LOL

Figures. Don't let your feefees get hurt too much.

0.02 shekels have been deposited into your account

Dank meme, brah.

Do you get paid per reply?

>conspiracy theory

Yeah NBC boy, whatever you say.

The works of David Irving. If you're completely new to the subject maybe check out Dr. Duke's website. He gets a lot of hate, but he's been in the business a long time. Plus if Alexander Solzhenitsyn respected him, that's good enough for me.

Nazis killed 60 million people you dumb ass, you can't even.deny it, every historian says it happened and confirms it. You can't re-write history. The Jews suffered immensely and still haven't recovered from the atrocities committed to them.

What proof do I have the Holocaust happened?

Well my family lived through it. My great grandfather died during it. The entire nation of Israel is kinda proof. The mass graves are proof. The actual photographs circa 1940 are proof. Nazi-trials are proof...
Seriously stop living a fantasy.

White genocide being a conspiracy theory? How fucking retarded are you? Lets break it down for your simple, simple little mind. White reproduction is below replacement levels coloureds are above replacement levels. Pretty easy to see isn't it? Well that is if you're not a indoctrinated goy like yourself.

The Holocaust is just greatly exaggerated for jewish/zionist propaganda. No need to obsess about that, it's how they use the victim card to hide the real evil they do that is important


The holocaust was real enough.

The hoax is that they were innocent and didn't deserve it.

>Get redpilled in under 10 minutes:

Idk how innocent jew meme ever caught on. They selfish greedy degenerate assholes a lot of the time


My nigga. You're ready for tgsnt.

This is great site to become redpilled:


Also, you should read:

"Did six million really die"

They get paid for replies yes.But your replies.

It's more than 10k. German records, British intelligence agencies, and the international red cross put the number at 73k in Auschwitz. Still, a far cry from the six gotrillion number that has been sold for decades.

The best thing you can do is research it yourself. Look at the evidence for it. Government conspiracy. Gas chambers. 6 million. There is none. All the evidence plus the masses if proven fraud and lies contradict the conspiracy theory.

These videos will take you through each of the main camps.




>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor

Do you have more of these? Where can I find more?
>inb4 Google

Search for the David Cole documentary on Youtube.

tl;dw: the gas chamber in auschwitz was either a gas chamber which was later turned into an air raid shelter and then built back to a gas chamber by the soviets (as explained by the "ceo" of auschwitz), or it was just an air raid shelter all along.

Make a thread.

"Need infographics and quotes and all other material on white genocide etc."

And don't forget giving some eyecandy.

During the war hundreds of thousands of jews were put in camps for exactly the same reasons and with exactly the same intent as the Americans put Japanese in camps. In 1933, world jewry declared war against the nazis and used all their financial power to agitate both the British, French and American governments to declare war.

At the end of 1941 a typhus epidemic raged across Eastern Europe and continued through the end of the war. Anne Frank and her sister died of typhus and Otto Frank, their father, was liberated from Auschwitz while in the camp hospital sick with the same typhus. It was because of the typhus that prisoners were shaved and fabrics fumigated with zyklon b, a pesticide, not a homicidal gas.

At the end of the war, German society suffered total collapse. There was no one to look after basic governmental functions for society, let alone the camps. Everyone was starving. Even in Britain rationing continued till the mid-50s.

On the Eastern Front communists were executed by the SS. It just so happened that 80%+ of soviet government, from the politburo to local commisars were jews. They were responsible for tens of millions of white Christian deaths, such as holodomor and the gulags (90% of gulag commandants were jews), which were later blamed on the nazis.

Hundreds of thousands of jews died due to typhus, starvation and execution. Millions survived. There was no government conspiracy. No gas chambers. No six million.

That's what the historical record shows.

Anne Frank's book has a co-author.
It's fake.

Just like virtually everything else about the Holocaust.

>Abolish whiteness:

You will hear that nazis confessed to the holocaust at Nuremberg. This is not true. Everyone denied knowledge. They did have one star witness though: Rudolf Hoess, commandant of Auschwitz.

>"I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear."

>"The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'"

You realize there are people alive right now that spent time in those camps right.

But guys like Goering denied any knowledge.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: The Fuehrer, at any rate, must have had full knowledge of what was happening with regard to concentration camps, the treatment of the Jews, and the treatment of the workers, must he not?

GOERING: I already mentioned it as my opinion that the Fuehrer did not know about details in concentration camps, about atrocities as described here. As far as I know him, I do not believe he was informed. But insofar as he …

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: I am not asking about details; I am asking about the murder of four or five million people. Are you suggesting that nobody in power in Germany, except Himmler and perhaps Kaltenbrunner, knew about that?

GOERING: I am still of the opinion that the Fuehrer did not know about these figures.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: You heard what I read to you about Hitler, what he said to Horthy and what Ribbentrop said, that the Jews must be exterminated or taken to concentration camps. Hitler said the Jews must either work or be shot. That was in April 1943. Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of this policy to exterminate the Jews?

GOERING: For the correctness of the document.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: Will you please answer my question. Do you still say neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?

GOERING: As far as Hitler is concerned, I have said I do not think so. As far as I am concerned, I have said that I did not know, even approximately, to what extent these things were taking place.

Sir David Maxwell-Fyfe: You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy that aimed at the extermination of the Jews?

GOERING: No, a policy of emigration, not liquidation of the Jews.

Thank you Austriabro

1 million jews died in the holocaust, goyim. To say otherwise is to disrespect those 2 million lives. We need to remember what happened so that never again will 4 million people be killed like that. Please don't ever say that those 6 million were not real.

No one denies the existence of the camps, just what happened to people inside them.


>swimming pool
>art classes
>forty-five thousand volume library
>special money
>six orchestras
>theatre, including children's opera and weekly Saturday review
>football field (next to the "gas chambers") with weekly games between inmates and SS
>fencing classes
>legal advice, including standing order that inmates could personally submit complaints to the commandant
>mail service
>education centre

Some of them recall it not being so bad.

>youtube: The Holocaust Survivor Stories They Don't Want You To Hear


Always remember Falsifiability, always escape confirmation bias.

>agrees that its just adhoms, not arguments or proper debunking
that was easy. You clowns will always choose insulting the opponent over offering and argument; its because you have no arguments to make.

No they don't. Most historians do deny it. Only historians with tenure or reputation to lose don't touch the holocaust with a bargepole. It's illegal to deny or investigate the holocaust across the whole of Europe where it's alleged to have happened, and historians where it's not illegal have to go on what those Europeans tell them. Even then, denial doesn't come without repurcussions. Why is talking about a historical event illegal? Why are deniers persecuted by law, media and death squads? They could just show evidence and win the argument once and for all. But they don't. Because there is none.

I wish they'd put a Sup Forumsack on public-displayed trial for holohoax denial. It would not go well assuming he's been saving sources.

JIDF pls go, your jewish mind tricks have no effect here.

Yup, death camps don't have fucking swimming pools.

We let Jew into our country at every level something unthinkable to grandfathers and great fathers. They will fuck everything up. They will get expelled or purged. And the stupid cycle will repeat.

>there are people alive right now that spent time in those camps
but why do you cherry pick which ones you listen to?


Glad to help.


Yeah it's easy when you don't even read it.

Every one of Sup Forums's dumbass arguments against the holocaust are debunked in that with documentation to back it up.

Sup Forums is a fucking joke if it can't handle dissenting views on Holocaust Denial.