Was the Holocaust actually 'faked'

Can anyone lay out sauce to a substantial truth bomb proving the Holocaust was a fraud...

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=world jewish population

jews died in working camps i guess
but not 6 million in my opinion

Appreciate it. Any way you can explain further?

White people lost their right to their own clay the moment they tried to take everyone else's clay. It's just Karma. There's nothing you can do about it, white boi. Go live somewhere with white people that didn't try to genocide or enslave everyone else... like Eastern Europe or some shit where they have a legitimate right to be pissed at the swarms of brown people trying to get to France or Germany or some former colonial power.

>White people lost their right to their own clay the moment they tried to be nice to everyone else and treat them as equals when they clearly aren't.
Fixed that for you, no need to thank me.

>muh burden
White people like you lost the right to not be slaughtered by brown people the moment you thought such stupid shit. You had your chance to kill everyone else in the last 200 years and you failed. Now die.

I always wondered why these anti racist/anti white slogans mentioned mexico? I found it so arbitrary

they mention two continents, then mexico? why? is it because of mexican immigration into the US even though it's not an ancestral white country/old world?

or do they honestly have no idea that brown people from South/Latin America aren't all mexicans?

lmao man

White people have nobody to blame but themselves.

If all the white people left America today the murder rate would be that of Africa... We keep you spics and niggers in line... You are shot posting from the same dirt bled and swet for by white people.

Pure ((((niggnerance))))

>If all the white people left America...
Then do it, you stupid cracker. You're about 500 years overdue.

Lmfaoooo that is THE WORST fucking comedian i have EVER heard... My iq literally fell...

Do me a favor and take a good look at the next happy white family you see. Just know that they will smile in your face but in their heads they know that you, the male nigger, are an inferior subhuman species. You, the 6% of America, murder over 50% of our citizen's anually... They know you have no control over your nigger emotions, and can chimp out at any given time...

How does it feel to be inferior? The laughing stock of a society... Kek mah nigger...

Oh and prove me wrong..


Go back to AFRICA nigger!

*David Cole Auschwitz doco:*
*Donahue - 'Holocaust revisionism':*
*Zionist global influence:*

Was it a Soviet propaganda hoax, or pure coincidence that 100% of the holocaust happened in Soviet territory?




>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor

During the war hundreds of thousands of jews were put in camps for exactly the same reasons and with exactly the same intent as the Americans put Japanese in camps. In 1933, world jewry declared war against the nazis and used all their financial power to agitate both the British, French and American governments to declare war. So jews were considered an enemy fifth column like the Japanese.

At the end of 1941 a typhus epidemic raged across Eastern Europe and continued through the end of the war. Anne Frank and her sister died of typhus and Otto Frank, their father, was liberated from Auschwitz while in the camp hospital sick with the same typhus. It was because of the typhus that prisoners were shaved and fabrics fumigated with zyklon b, a pesticide, not a homicidal gas.

At the end of the war, German society suffered total collapse. There was no one to look after basic governmental functions for society, let alone the camps. Everyone was starving. Even in Britain rationing continued till the mid-50s.

On the Eastern Front communists were executed by the SS. It just so happened that 80%+ of soviet government, from the politburo to local commisars were jews. They were responsible for tens of millions of white Christian deaths, such as holodomor and the gulags (90% of gulag commandants were jews), which were later blamed on the nazis.

Hundreds of thousands of jews died due to typhus, starvation and execution. Millions survived. There was no government conspiracy. No gas chambers. No six million. No evidence for any of this.

That's what the historical record shows.


Hitler says some nasty shit about Jews
A bunch of Jews die somehow, perhaps (for the sake of argument) not directly due to anyone's orders.
Can't really blame the Jews for blaming Hitler...

Someone's been blacked?
And I'm not even 1% nigger, even though you probably are thanks to your rapist slave-owning great grandpappy

Only one of these systems is sustainable for at least another 100 years. Hint: it's the one with no white people in it. Kill yourself before we get the chance.


But arab muslims tried to take our clay and everyone else's too from France to India, Vienna to Timbucktu. Why are our lands being given to arab muslims? Surely they deserve the same fate as us. And why does Sweden share our fate? They are worse off than anyone but never had an empire or invaded anywhere. Your explanation for white genocide doesn't make sense. You're just an anti-white racist in a white country hating on white people who built everything you have. What a disgusting degenerate resentful little creature you are.

Why thank you for that thoughtful analysis, person who has obviously never met a black person in their entire life.

I don't think cuck means what you think it means.

Nigger, spic, non-white. Subhuman is subhuman, fuck head. Stop trying to act civilized when you have already proven your self to be blue pilled as fuck.

Less that 2% of whites in America owned nigger slaves... Start checking your facts, nigger. Sup Forums is for the white man. We took this shit over just like we rake everything else when we want it.

This isn't even the smart funny kind of white supremacy.

Western civilisation is unsustainable without white people. Browns don't have enough collective intelligence. This isn't meant personally for you. As a group they simply don't. Biologically. So give up your dreams of flying cars and moon bases because we're heading for brazil tier if whites lose control.

do the math

6million was more than total population of germany at the time

so germany was supposed to fight a 2 front war while killing off more than the entire country's population?


laughable shit


bad troll

What? Pop. of Germany back then was like 80 million.

not sure if disinfo shill or just american education.

What does white supremacy even mean? No one calls themselves that. We just want to live in majority white countries with majority white governments. What's wrong with that? It's normal. Is it wrong if Chinese or Japanese do it? Or South African blacks? Or Arab muslims? Of course we want to live among our own and be governed by our own. Everyone does. There's nothing wrong with that. It's normal. It's weird when people don't want that.

>Western civilisation [sic] is unsustainable
there you go... Whites are going to die out, and the rest of the world will be saved by Japanese agro-robots.

Lol and this is coming from a member of the so-called "master race"

And here we have an insult tied to a movie that came out 17 years ago, a "fact" tied to the fact that slavery was illegal in the North, and a claim on this very website for "the white man", who I imagine must be a pretty stand-up individual

Hrm? Facts are facts, nog...

Why should we care what Hitler did to the jews? Why dies every white child gave to be given constant reminders from birth about muh 6 gorillion? Brits and Americans SAVED the jews. So what the fuck does it have to do with us?


cuz its racey dat superior blacks dont get to rape white pussy free of charge also nationalistics white countries are ought to attack less fortunate and steal dem resources senpai knoo wat ami sayinn yyee whiteboiii

Having pride in your race is completely fine, and even wanting to live in a majority is great for culture, which I respect as a black guy. I'm just talking about the "whites are Gods on Earth and every other race is the dirt under the pond scum that we walk on".

It's because you went around the world during colonial times telling everyone how great your country is while stealing, raping, and murdering to your heart's content. There's no undoing that. White countries have to be eliminated for the survival of mankind. Your culture is a cancer on the planet, and if it is not dismantled in the next 100 years then human life cannot be sustained. Inb4 mars because even India can send shit to mars for a fraction of the cost to white people. Doesn't mean colonization is feasible without first eliminating all the white people that still go around... well... being white people.

Why you put sic after civilisation. Did you know that you're speaking the language my ancestors invented little boy?

Fuck the British

America refused to accept Jews. Boatloads were turned back to Europe. The only country that saved Jews was, ironically, Japan (via Sugihara, et al.) allowing visa-free travel "to Curacao" (actually to occupied Shanghai). You Europeans are guilty as shit. I kind of feel bad for how fucked you are now, but you do deserve it.

I don't think you realize niggers are bound to be exterminated this decade.

All this shit that's happening is due to the Reptilians showing us Whites why you shouldn't intervene in a culture that is 3000 years culturally behind yours.

You either genocide it or steer it from behind, like they do to us.

Look at you filthy niggers even after what? 150+ years of beeing set free and helped constanly by whites in america you still haven't evolved beyond monkey tier.

A poo in the loo can easily come into the States with no money in pockets and succed in life and on the other side you disgusting monkeys can't even find a fking job while being pushed from the back with Afirmative Action lmao.

Mankind has become a virus that to self destruct in order to evolve further, glad we gonna get rid of niggers this century.

Bullshit. The same could be said of any race. Whites never did anything muslims didn't do first. Zulus. Aztecs. Incas. China. Japan. Whites are the ones that stopped all that. Brought peace to the earth. Abolished slavery. Developed civilsation. The empires were glorious, noble and necessary at that point in history to stop people like the ottomans or ussr taking over. Everything good on this earth was put there by whites. And it won't survive without us. You think China are better masters in Africa? Or muslims in Europe? Or jews/mexicans in america? Stop taking civilisation for granted.

Haha if my people invented a language that was co-opted by a rogue colony, and if that former colony then went on to set the standard for my people's language, I would do my best to hide that fact.

Sure we may be shitty and cheap like Brazil, but that would make you Portugal.

The holocaust just doesn't make sense.

It is a mathematically impossible event. There simply was not enough time to kill/cremate the number claimed by Jews.

Were Jews rounded up? Absolutely.
Was their property seized? Sure
Were they worked like animals? Yes
Was there a systematic extermination of their people? Not in the slightest.

Typhus and starvation killed between 600k-1m Jews. The holocaust did not happen.


Are you fucking retarded? There are at least 10 million jews in America. Double even than that of Israel. What is this shit you're chatting? Literally an anti-white drone brainwashed by jews. Absolutely degenerate.

It's not gonna make me put random zeds in my words mate.

Bullshit. Do you really believe the things you just typed? China could have colonized the world up until about 400 years ago. But they didn't. Because they're not dicks like you. And yes China is better for Africa than Europe was. You're simply projecting your genocidal tendencies on the Chinese, who literally dindu nuffin except invent a bunch of shit you eventually borrowed from sandniggers centuries later.
There's more slavery now than there was when it was legal. World war was caused by white people. Civilization was invented by niggers, curries, and chinks while you were still cavemen. YOU WUZ CAVEMEN

>even India can send shit to mars for a fraction of the cost to white people
Stop taking civilisation for granted. Are you seriously advocating India for the West's future? To build moonbases? They can't even invent proper sanitation...

China alone is 1/5 of the world's population. And there are Chinatown colonies in every major city on earth. They are all over SE Asia (for example 75% of malaysian singapore is chinese) and rapidly taking over Canada and Africa. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make, but it seems to be reaffirming mine.

Yeah there were more than zero Jews in America at the start of the holocaust you retard. During the war, about 200000 Jews could have been saved if America's racist immigration policies had been changed, but instead they were turned away by the boatload to face their doom at the hands of the Nazis (and the rest of racist 1940s Europe)

>even India can send shit to mars for a fraction of the cost to white people

When I read his post I pictured Indians sending an actual turd to Mars.

Don't you have more usefull things to do? Like putting that melanin to work in Africa by tending the fields?

Mate. Chinese are the most sociopathic, uncivilised robots on earth. And everything decent they have is, again, from white people.

And how many civilizations have the Chinese wiped off the face of the earth in the name of some ancient Jewish zombie? You just don't like them because they're better than white people at being white people, except for the genocide part.

Haha well judging from your flag I know you have nothing better to do XD

Fuck off. Look at what jews have done to America. They did the right thing. Shouldn't have let one single one in. They should have joined the nazis and helped put them all back in Israel.

Thank you for that insightful response.

Only white people think this. Everyone else loves the chinks. Also all of the tech you brag about was invented in China. Firearms, rockets, printing press, mathematics, compasses, you name it. Only difference is white people got it in their head to go around the world and use their "new found knowledge" to beat up on more ecologically sustainable cultures.

Do you think Chinese became 1/5 of the world's population without wiping out any natives? How do you think they colonised literally half of Asia? What about Tibet? That was just 50 years ago. The Chinese Empire was 5,000 years old. You should read about it. It's fascinating. And brutal af. Like I said, what you accuse whites of is not a white problem. It's a human problem. One that whites put a stop to by imposing world peace.

I see what the Jews have done to America.
And it is a thing of beauty.
I'm not white, though, so their powers of white guilt don't affect me much.

I love chinese. But they're much much worse masters than whites. No sympathy. No honour. No nobility. No culture. No common manners. Every bit as exploitative but without civilised restraints.


Jesus can't you see that this always happens on this board now?
What would've been a perfectly decent thread about holocaust revision is now an anti-white shill fest.

This is why there are no more red pilled generals and you can't get a decent holohoax thread going anymore.

Jesus Sup Forums after Sup Forums-harbor is shit.

Gunpowder was invented in China. The rest of what you listed was invented in the West. Google it.

Oh man, it sure is tense in here

I actually have been in Tibet. It was tragic, but maybe not brutal once the invasion was over. Basically the chinks got a bunch of dumb ideas from the russians and made the local Tibetans grow rice based on "communist principles" applied to agriculture. About a fifth of the population starved when they found out that rice wouldn't grow. Basically anything in the last 50 years is suspect since the chinks were overrun by communism (a German invention). China has a bunch of ethnic minorities that are arguably better off than Native American tribes.
Ask someone in Africa if they prefer the Chinese who make bilateral business deals or the Europeans who literally got together and decided how an entire continent that wasn't theirs would be divvied up once they finished kicking the shit out of all the people living there.

What is being white people?

Why you germanics pigs talk like that?

Why do you think you are special?

You got civ just 1500 years ago, stfu

He's talking about destroying it financially you moron and perverting in morally.

Only the weakest of the subhumans have white guilt, and they will be destroyed since they are weak, they can't survive by themselves they need the government to keep them alive(like all those niggers on welfare)

What do you think will happen with all that filth that's on welfare once civil war breaks out and welfare ends?

Yap you guessed it, the plantation dries out and dies nigger, same thing with Africa, Africans in Afrifca.

That continent doesn't even make it's own food by itself, you only need to look at Zimbabwe to see what's the future of Africans you primate, once the Civilized world enters civil war state and all the Gibmedats run out niggers will be dying by the hundreds of millions monthly.

Glad i made you realize you're an extinct disposable species.

Nah man, i'm just playing his game :)

>There was no government conspiracy. No gas chambers. No six million. No evidence for any of this.
Gas yourself stormnigger

Sup Forums would say that the holocaust never happened. Evidence says it did.

Making fun of kikes is cool here. So for the benefit of pol yeah! Faked. As much as the moon landings.

Lurk more kid. We'll teach you about the jews. There is nothing beautiful about jewry. They are the enemy of beauty. Their main contribution to cultural aesthetics was marxist postmodernism, the literal denial that such a thing as beauty even exists. They're halfway through turning the America that everyone loves into a third world hell. All for their own naked ethnic tribal interests. Completely devoid of any higher ideals or virtue.

No the evidence says it didn't. Unless you have seen something we haven't.


>What is history
There's a reason you retards aren't taken seriously

Haha I'm no kike, but I'm honored that you would feel such hatred.

Only thing White people invented was the list called the "Four great inventions".
As in "Four great inventions that the chinks totally invented and we borrowed"
They are:
Printing (including movable type)
The west had to make this list because they had previously claimed three of these as their own (compass, guns, printing). Then they sent people to China and discovered that the chinks had beat them to the punch by centuries.

White man with a black fiance here. Tthe white race is a myth and it is inevitable that weak european genetics get bred out. Thefe is nothing special or unique about europe or european people

Let's see the evidence then mate. One piece of evidence for any of the following will do.
>Government conspiracy
>Gas chambers
>6 million

Haha you're just mad that they own all your shit. I'm not white, so they can't pull that shit on me.

I too see what's going on. I love it. Squirm little goy.

>Only thing White people invented was the list called the "Four great inventions".
>Proceeds to list chinese inventions

Back to history class, amerifat

If the holocaust didn't happen, where did all the jews of Europe go? The simple answer is: they emigrated after 2,000 years of persecution because for the first time in history they could, either to America or Israel.

You can compare the number of jews in the whole of North America and Asia in 1939 with the number of jews in Israel and the USA today.

Whole of North America 1939: 4,383,643
USA 2014: 10,000,000

Whole of Asia 1939: 582,509
Israel 2014: 6,451,000

>World Almanac says no population drop during the war.

>Jewish census showing 6 million discrepancy - one number for the media and you, one number for reality.

The Third of the Holocaust documentary discusses this in more detail from primary sources at 4:04:41.


Holohoax affirmers will tell you that the World Almanac revised their figures after the holocaust.

Here is the original World Almanac showing no population drop.

>World Almanac says no population drop during the war.

But yes, the numbers were revised. Let's examine how. They explain here in this jewish source.


NB how in 1949 the World Almanac mysteriously revised its post-war figure to 11 million (they don't explain how). However, this still didn't fit their story of 6 million, so they also had to mysteriously revise their pre-war figure by 1 million too (they don't explain how).

1948 actual: 15,753,638
1949 revised: 11,266,600
1938 actual: 15,748,091
1939 revised: 16,643,120


Look at who was making these revisions. It wasn't the World Almanac on its own. There was another organisation called the American Jewish Committee working with them, producing a different set of data.

If true, it would mean that despite all the chaos of post-WWII Europe, some random agency in America was able to take more accurate censuses of pre- and post-war Europe than the World Almanac could at the time in question.

It would also mean that, despite all the chaos of pre-WWII Europe, during 1 year the jewish population mysteriously EXPLODED by 895,029 or 5.7%, or 285% faster than the world population growth rate at this time of around 2%.

The Nizkor source itself explains that the numbers weren't revised because of a new census.


No, merely to fit retroactively the mystical number of 6 million, as stated in the letter at the bottom of the source.


What authorities? By what means? Not the World Almanac, that is certain. The AJC just lied.

It is all a lie. It’s time to accept this historical fact.

I meant that the only thing whites invented was the actual list, not the things on it. Go eat a kraut sandwich and cry Aryan tears.

If that were true, none of us would have a problem. But it's not.

More commentaries on population statistics. This time, how they are lying to you about the jewish population today.

First of all, we have this. Yes, it is a wikipedia page for summary, but I'm about to source it fully below.

>Jewish census showing 6 million discrepancy - one number for the media and you, one number for reality.

The world jewish population is officially 14.2 million, slightly less than in 1939. If you do a google search, you will find a big wikipedia inset at the top of the search results stating this in big bold font for your convenience.

google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=world jewish population

These population statistics find their way into the media in articles such as this.



But why would only the white people leave when you are saying that the problem is that some people have karma because they took other people's clay. A more realistic scenario would be if everyone but the first settlers of the Americans (the Indians) and then, a more realistic rate of murder would be that of the Indians before the Vikings and Columbus came along.

However, as you will have noticed on the wikipedia page, there are two figures with almost exactly 6,000,000 discrepancy.

Core Jewish Population: 14,212,800
Enlarged Jewish Population: 20,109,400

The source of this data is here, buried on page 88 (pure coincidence).


So there must be some reasonable explanation for why the numbers have to be separate like this, right? Maybe we're just misunderstanding the statistics if we call it a discrepancy.

Here, at the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, they explain the difference.


>The “enlarged” Jewish population includes the sum of (a) the “core” Jewish population; (b) all other people of Jewish parentage who, by “core” Jewish population criteria, are not currently Jewish (e.g. they have adopted another religion or otherwise opted out); and (c) all respective non-Jewish household members (spouses, children, etc.)
>all other people of Jewish parentage

Why are these people not included in the core figure? Children of jews? Non-religiously jewish offspring of ethnically jewish parents? They would certainly have been considered jews by the nazis.

It's because they are lying about the statistics.

>"We need to feel superior to other races"
>invents IQ test
>gets wrecked by Chinese peasants
>niggers with same access to nutrition and education perform the same as whites.

Are you aware that no revisionist uses these claims ever because they have been debunked, even by revisionists?

The funny thing is that when I wrote this copypasta, the wikipedia page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_population_by_country#Countries_and_Territories listed the Enlarged Jewish Population of America as 10,000,000, matching the census on page 88 jewishdatabank.org/studies/downloadFile.cfm?FileID=3257.

However, Nationalist View (I'm sure some of you are familiar with this Portuguese JIDF) noticed that it didn't say 10,000,000 anymore on wikipedia. Also note that the Enlarged Jewish Population column doesn't add up to 20,000,000 anymore.

Some JIDF had possibly read the copypasta around youtube and gone back and altered wikipedia. They also removed the link to the census. We caught the sneaky kikes spreading disinfo on wikipedia red-handed.

>JIDF conference for wiki editors

NV soon shut his dirty lying kike mouth after that and abandoned thread.

The bigger question I have is why are you trying to deny the Holocaust when you probably want a Holocaust of the Jews considering the threads and content of the board.

>"Hitler should have finished the job"
>"Hitler never did the job"

You can't debunk statistics mate. They're just statistics. There are too many jews in the world for the holocaust story to be true.

When you are really interested in this stuff and want to go more far than just Sup Forums memes, you will find that the truth comes always in different ways but hidden.
E.g. for Yuri Bezmenov they were the communists, for this book it is the current capitalist system. When you see both arguments and compare, and when you keep going on and see who are the ones behind what these two man denounces, you will find out that is notnreally tye capitalism nor communism, is (((them))).

I listened this podcast talking about this book and how kids are no more children. In the whole podcast they keep redpilling, until there is a moment when the guy sayd something like "is not communism, is not capitalism or any other system, we can find any enemy we want or that they told us, but I think there is something more deep". You and me know the answer.

When I was much younger I knew survivors who were still alive.

Firstly, it's not true and inly the truth matters when it comes to history. And secondly, holocausts are bad user. Didn't your parents teach you that?

They didn't survive a government conspiracy to murder 6 million jews in gas chambers, just a war in which tens if millions died.

The same could be said 'bout you burgers :) Burn in our sauce for tacos

Like I said, if that were true, no one would have a problem. But it's simply not. According to the science or simply looking around the world, and especially America, with your own eyes.