So is this guy actually a philosopher?

So is this guy actually a philosopher?

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>no Ph. D.

Nice bait.

yes but a very shitty one

He's the Greatest Philosopher of Our Time.

Only Sasha Grey rivals his wisdom.

>adheres to ideological belief structuring
The guy is literally making videos saying he was wrong about all of his actually objective opinions from the past. He is just another ideologue echoing whatever the wind of conservative politics is blowing around at the time. If it wasnt for the Trump movement I have no doubt in my mind that this guy would have been a Cruz Missile.

99% of political commentators are opportunists who use politics to grab for attention and gibs which is why they echo popular opinions nested of presenting an original and unique viewpoint.

As much as the Amazing Athiest is

everyone is a philosopher

About as much as Jaden Smith is.

Is it even possible to be one at this point? Every idea out there has already been had by another philosopher long ago. Seems like all there is to do now is read their shit.

how would define what makes a philosopher then, if not having something that shows you are a doctor of philosophy? (PhD)

>The guy is literally making videos saying he was wrong about all of his actually objective opinions from the past
no he isn't

Not an argument

He just has to reword the same ideas better and meme the shit out of them to be greatest philosopher..

No, he has never had an original thought in his life.
He is a mouthpiece and nothing more

He no longer believes in philosophical racial equality. Previously he thought that education could persuade anybody of any race to the philosophy of freedom but has sense realize that only Europeans care about true freedom, both personal and economic freedom. Sure you have a few token non-European liberty lovers but they are not enough to justify unchecked non-European immigration.

Far more of a Philosopher than many tenured academics in the subject. Studying the works of historical greats is not philosophy. Real philosophy involves actually making arguments, you know, contributing to human knowledge of truth and all that.

Stefan is a meme """"Philosopher""""

No, he is the definition of philosophaster.

Mate he was making truth about ayn rand videos years ago criticizing her for just that.

Yes. Who is he?

>"a lot of jews at the top of the fed, and you know what? a lot of jews who oppose the fed because a lot of jewish economists because being an economist is a pretty high IQ occumpation"
-Stefen (((Molyneux))) the philosopher king

Learn to YouTube.


He doesn't hold any academic degrees in philosophy, so I would say no.

i love when people unironically say he is going to be remembered as one of the great philosophers of our time

get a grip

>Wrong About Atheism
Is he a theist now or just an agnostic?

Atheist in belief but acknowledges Christianity built western civilization and hates fedora tipping atheists who think they automatically have reason and logic on their side

I belive he's highly critical of the whole atheist movement if you could call it that, due to the fact that most atheists tend to also fall on the left side of the political spectrum.

would you want to date his daughter in 10 years, pol?


I see. Thanks.

Philosophers existed before phds

Yes, we could have 50% Irish 12.5% Anglo 12.5% Jewish 25% Greek mongrel kids
Good intelligence genes and aesthetic genes. Would make some god tier philosophical off spring.

I like his opinions on some topics and think hes a total nut on others.
Pilosopher? Fuck no.
Smart? Yes, defiantly and most of his podcasts are nice to listen too (except some of his call ins seems to be the dumbest people imaginable)

Taking bets on when the Daughter Molyneux DeFoos Daddy Molyneux.

I'm sick of Stef. He's too much of a Trump shill now. I like the direction his worldview is evolving in, but his videos are too same and predictable

you're right, so how would you go about defining what makes a philosopher in current year?

Molyneux persuades daughter she is "confused" when she wanted him to stop talking


She will be kind of young for me when she comes of age. Any underage Canadian Anons willing to fuck her to make the internet "philosopher" go mental?

He used to be, then he realized the niggers were going to make philosophy extinct.

in the first two videos he complained about certain people within those movements, you stupid fuck. he didn't renounce his beliefs
i know that he hasn't been a socialist for a very long time, since college or something like that. his opinions changed, so what? he started his channel as an ancap, and he is still an ancap
i havent seen the climate change video, but im sure it's insignificant. again, climate change isnt the focus of his channel.

below r 8 cruz

>when your dad is Stefan Molyneux

no, i would like to see if his IQ thesis (IQ influenced by genes and environment) is true

more like a cult leader

I think adjusting your views to reality is a good thing. I wish most leftist would do so too.

>Sup Forums
>get down on their knees
>suck molymeme off

GTFO dickriders

People have been saying dumb shit like this for thousands of years

butthurt libertarian detected

1 doulluh

He's a cultist.

yes a good one with valid points

He's criticizing atheist culture not the belief (or lack thereof).


I like his videos and I think he's right about a lot of stuff but his background is pretty fucked up from what I've seen.
"not an argument" incoming

Does he have a son?

>1 doulluh


no, i don't think so

Not an argument

Most respectable philosophy these days is confined to the university and is more mathematics and logic oriented than metaphysics. Actually it's just as well that there aren't many public intellectual philosophers these days; they tend to be extremely destructive.

Of course, there are loads of smart thinkers and political theorists out there, but it does a disservice to the field to call them "philosophers".

his wife does

stefan molyneux is the philosopher equivalent to those black guys selling their own rap CD in venice beach.




>his videos are too same and predictable
cause he's like logical and methodical or something, kinda like a philosopher

You don't need a degree to be a philosopher

Every retard passing their opinion is a philosopher.

>is he an influential philosopher
Not as a philosopher, but as a personality he is moderately influential

>is he a good philosopher
He was decent, he made some decent argument. I don't think he expanded upon kant, but his application was decent.

Later on though he's turned into a pundit dealing in emotion rather than argument, but likes to keep his philosopher mask on. Anything involving trump is strategic voting veiled behind a facade of supposed objectivism. He's been willfully ignorant of any negatives of trump.

It will be interesting to see if he is just doing it for the election, and if he drops the act after the election, or if he continues being a faithful sycophant.

Either way his credibility on anything other than the fact based case study type things is shot. Even then his bias is starting to seep through the cracks

If it wasn't for trump he wouldn't advise anyone

He is acting now purely because of demographics i.e. he has realized just how important whites are and has dropped the smug impracticability of siding with libertarians

stefan is great, and his vids (especially in the last few weeks) are amazing.

especially his talks about how much of a fucking idiot you have to be to vote hillary:

but his talks about feminism, immigration and welfare are fascinating too, real Sup Forums material, with STUDIES AND SOURCES INCLUDED IN THE DESCRIPTION.

pretty much no one commenting above has the attention span for 1hr+ videos though, so please ignore all posters above this comment, thanks.

>adjusting your views to reality
Or, like we call it in politics, the bandwagon effect

This is some weapon grade autism of the highest order, mate...

> echoing whatever the wind of conservative politics

he literally advocated ignoring politics up until this election. He didnt like Cruz and supports Trump because he believes that we are at a critical moment in western civilization where political action is necessary. If anyone besides Trump becomes president, the western world will inevitably be overran with 3rd world immigrants that will permanently outvote the native population, effectively killing the last remnants of western civilization.

And its good that he admits he was wrong when he changes his mind. Id be much more concerned if that in his decade of doing this he hasnt learned any new information that could lead him to adjust opinions.

He has said numerous times that political philosophy has literally ran out of time because of demographic change

If we don't act now, THAT'S IT, there are not enough white people to make any political changes before actual warfare

He is acting out of necessity , stop being a gnat like cynic


>history major/theaterfag
>never been published
>no original ideas/never contributed to philosophy
>spends all his time on YouTube giving shitty relationship advice and political commentary

literally not a philosopher at all

he was pro Trump pretty early. He also alienated much of his old audience in the process. He was really the first person from the libertarian sphere to come out in support of Trump and took quite a bit of flak for it. Hardly bandwagoning.

He wouldn't have been a "cruz missle" because pre-Trump he denounced politicking entirely and focused specifically on anti-state philosophy.

>is literally making videos saying he was wrong about all of his actually objective opinions from the past
>He is just another ideologue
pick one. he is literally doing the opposite of what ideologues do. if you use the word ideologue both when he sticks rigorously to an ideology and when he admits he was wrong about it, then it's now just a meaningless scare word

>no original ideas/never contributed to philosophy
Serious question. What is left to bring new ideas to philosophy? Hasn't it all been pretty much said by now?

If anyone of us knew, we would bring those new ideas to philosophy, would we not?

But it's pretty significant that most of the new philosophy in the 20th century was about deconstruction and the circle of vienna failed in creating an "objective philosophy" like a natural science and instead spawned people like Wittgenstein. Then it got really memed up with quantum physics.

the left is totally philosophically stagnant right now. The fact that most committed leftists dont even know anyone besides Marx is proof of this. The right has many interesting ideas being formulated in recent decades and is starting to pick up steam. I think we're heading for a philosophical renaissance soon a la the enlightenment era.

The only true philosopher

Libertarians have made huge strides from where they were

Change without violence is slow. If you think something is impractical because it's not immediate you're a fucking retard

Fast enough against the mass migration of hordes of dumb savages who are destroying your nation and preventing any peaceful political transition into freer nations?


Tall poppy syndrome

>male pattern baldness due to excess fapping

pick one

>this makes it not a bandwagon
How is that applicable here?
He assumes trump will make this demographic shift

He makes the same mistake all the idiots on here do thinking electing trump will be the end of the demographic problems in the US.

A wall isn't going to turn Texas, arizona, cali, etc. Into not shitskins land.

>but it will help
And that's the limit of what trump will do.

He's frequently said he's fine with more legal immigration, which by the way is what europe is doing. As if open legal immigration isn't just as bad.

Stop projecting

his ideas are too biased/distorted from his difficult childhood.

most top philosophers on history are from priviliged backgrounds for a reason.

Best opinion in the thread.


You imply there is a viable alternative

You imply trump will be a bulwark against the shitskins. You are mistaken, and so is molyneux

>tall poppy syndrome
Literally what? I'm not criticizing him because he's popular you fucking retard.

>someone who cant work through a simple logical problem trying to insight us on what it takes to be a philosopher

>i love when people unironically say he is going to be remembered as one of the great philosophers of our time

never heard that in my life and ive watch well over 100vid and spent thousands of hours on pol

but hey im sure its gonna happen one day

the only jewtuber I know that is not just hot air hiding behind big words and is deeper than a puddle of piss and I would call a "philosopher" is

*drum roll*


That's question made you a retarded philosopher, but a philosopher nontheless

Pro-tip: a degree is merely a signal that, more likely than the average person, you may know what you're talking about

He had cancer tho

She must support violence against him

>this makes it not a bandwagon

do you even know what bandwagoning is? If you support something early you are by definition not bandwagoning

He will be remember among the great ones as the one who held back the tide of ignorance with one simple phrase.