Operation Brazilenuts



>be dumb nigger cunt
>shuck and jive for decades
>get made DNC chairdindu
>give debate questions to your white master
>leave paper trail because dumb nigger
>get caught
>everyone calls you a nigger on Twitter

Have you called Donna "I'm being persecuted" Brazile a nigger yet today? She's cracking under the pressure. Let's show her Pepe's love.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to waste the police's time with non-crimes. Unless they are directly threatening to harm or kill you there's nothing you can do about it.

>Sent from Donna's I Pad.

wait, that 1st tweet was real???





calling a nigger is stupid just pepper her with her leaks and pepes of the non nazi variety. you are a fucking moron or a shill (probably both)

Fuck Brazile. This proves HILLARY is a fucking Cheater. This proves it.

This KILLS HILLARY, not Brazile. Fuck Brazile.


o i am laffin

>Fuck Brazile

I don't what it is about her but I seem to hate Brazile the most.

Sorry, Donnog, the only thing ending soon is your career and reputation

Obvious CTR bait is obvious

I liked her better when she was Mike Tyson's boxing promoter

My grandpa used to call Brazil nuts "nigger toes."

It's because it's painfully obvious that she climbed the ranks solely due to diversity and lack of ethics. She is indistinguishable from the average black women who is the desk clerk for a small county traffic court.

She is so obviously unskilled and low IQ that it's physically painful to see her in charge of a massive organization

>used to
Get better grandparents

Funny my grandma still calls the nigger toes and is the biggest hill shill in the world. Total Johnson democrat

From watching interviews she seems to have a sub 85 IQ and just repeats talking points given by her masters

I'm sorry to hear of your grandma's untimely death later today.

i would call false flag but Sup Forums is full of retards.

Using that translation, it looks like Donna "Nigger" is going "toes" ... am I right.

>Fuck Brazile.
I'd rather not.