Evil Morty

Is Evil Morty the greatest cartoon villain of our times?

Knowledge is knowing Evil Morty is a villain.

Wisdom is known Rick is the villain.




nice bait


You are wrong

Fuck, no.

he hasn't done anything yet, and he hasn't exposed any motive.

he's hardly even a character that matters whatsoever yet.

>The massive frog dick


she ruined that show tho

You don't mind if I call you d-d-d-d-d-d-daddy, right?

He hasn't even done anything yet and we know nothing about him. So, suffice it to say, no he's not. I'll even go a step farther and say he's actually a really weak villain because we don't know what his motivation is.

tl;dr Rolland is a hack

If Roiland had done the show the way he wanted Evil Morty wouldn't even be a thing anymore.

Harmon's the buuuuurrp hack here, bro

wtf i love roiland now

>He hasn't done anything yet

>Murdered ricks, and framed a specific rick so said rick could be lured to his lair
>Created a morty torture dome to hide said lair
>Used an 'evil' Rick as a puppet to mask his actions, and prevent any potential fallout on himself
>Proceeded to infiltrate the citadel on it's rebuilding, passing unnoticed by huge numbers of ricks, bar one
>Proceeds to take control of it officially in an election where he is the minority, in such a way that he's loved publically
>Proceeds to take control of it unofficially by murdering heads of business and wealth that don't agree with him in a single finger click
>Unleashes a banner that's literally an M stabbing an R, and no-one bats an eye

I mean, he's not actually finished his arc yet, but he's pretty good for a guy who's been in one and a half episodes.

That being said, it's too early to judge, my vote goes to either or

Wait Roilamd said he didn't want Evil Morty to come back?

Yeah, Roiland originally wanted the show to be self-contained with little to no continuity (outside of little nods like in Rixty Minutes). Then Harmon and the fans sorta shaped the show in a different way. People praised what little continuity and drama WAS there in S1 and the writers went forward by adding more of it. Unfortunately that lead to S3 having some of the most shoehorned, forced drama of the lot. Namely with Mad Max and Pickle Rick.

Back to Evil Morty, the whole Evil Morty twist in Close Rick-counters was just meant as a joke, a little stinger twist to cap off the episode as a parody of those kinds of "sci-fi twist-y turn-y epics". Then the fanbase took to the character and pushed him EVERYWHERE afterwards.

Why do you think Evil Morty never showed up in S2?

You have to go back

You know, a show like this was obviously intended to lack any sort of continuity or deeper meaning at the offset, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get chills when "For the Damaged Coda" started playing at the end of the last ep. The episode was dramatic as fuck for a show that started off as a joke about Doc Brown telling Marty to lick his balls, but I still dig it.

I like surprises. A show like this having any sort of cohesive, dramatic plot is a surprise.

Roiland was in the wrong here then, because the best two episodes this season are when he escapes prison and this most recent Tales From the Citadel one

I'd have to agree with you guys to an extent. Continuity works well in this show 50/50.

When it's relates to Rick and Morty and the adventures, it works well. When it's relates back to Beth and Jerry's relationship, it fucking sucks and will always be the worst aspect of this show.

On a side note I think I would've preferred if Damaged Coda didn't play last ep, at least not at first. Imagine if the shot of all the bodies floating through the air was dead silent, and then the song slowly crept in as the eyepatch photo drifted into frame.