James O’Keefe’s latest video appears to have violated state wiretapping laws


>Conservative activist James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas (and its affiliated Project Veritas Action) have made their name by surreptitiously recording his political opponents. He then has selectively edited the videos to present a falsely damning impression of his subjects.

>A video released last week, purporting to prove election rigging, shows footage of a September conference call that a Veritas camera operator secretly recorded. The narration describes “daily conference calls we witnessed.”
>But ThinkProgress confirmed with multiple people on the conference call shown in the video that they were on the call from states that have wiretapping laws that prohibit recording of phone conversations unless all parties consent to be recorded. According to the Digital Media Law Project, 11 states have these “two-party consent laws.” At least two people who were part of the call confirmed that they were calling from different states on that list and that they did not consent to be recorded by O’Keefe or anyone else.

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You forgot to edit out the think progress part

>Josh Israel

Did they get Trump's consent when they dumped that recording of him making sexual remarks?

Those wiretapping laws were made to protect faggots like Foval.

t. Angry American

Doesn't make his damning evidence any less true.
Sometimes liberties need to be broken to find the even bigger damage being dealt.
A patriot isn't someone who will simply stand by their country and defend it from external threats, never asking, never questioning, never thinking.
A patriot, a TRUE patriot is someone who is ALWAYS looking out for their country, from threats external and internal. A true patriot knows that sometimes laws and liberties need to be broken, and if they need to take that fall to defend the country from a bigger threat, so be it.
A true patriot will do whatever it takes to defend their country, even if it makes them look like the bad guy.

Fuck is it not getting released?


This dude has been in trouble with the law before I don't think he gives a shit. Check his wiki for details I'm on mobile.

Donald Sterling was wiretapped, blackmaile, and everyone knew it, and yet nothing happened.

However, I did notice that when I saw that video. I remember thinking "I think that's illegal". But any lawsuit against him will only draw more attention to the illegal activities that he showed.

If I remember correctly, wasn't that phone call regarding accepting donations from foreign donors?

We will never have a Hillary nigger tape sad Pepe.

state wiretapping laws should be voided then
clearly there are occasions where it is warranted

>exposes all the corruption and fraud not to mention all the corruption through wikileaks
>lets get after him for wiretapping and trying to fight the system

It happened in California. A two party consent state. So.. no.

Didn´t he say he got a video about Hillary insulting black people? and that he was going to release it on October? what happened to that?

He lied sadly

Hard to show corruption unless you break the law, the FBI aint doing their job

It won't stick and any attempt at punishing him will make the Democrats look even more corrupt.

spoken more lika an american than the entirety of congress and the democrat party, and most o the republican

Why isn't O'Queef in prison yet? He's committed more actual crimes than Hillary and he filmed himself doing it.

Suspicious people following him around town trying to sell him exercise equipment?

I'm not 100% sure of this, but is it possible to break state law for a state that you aren't in?

I mean if I smoke weed in Colorado I'm breaking lots of "state laws" for the other states I'm not in.


Hahaha, he will share a cell with Trump

>john israel

Hmmm i wonder what his motive is?

He needs to choke on a fucking matzo ball, thats what he needs to do.

Yes, that is a federal crime.

I know two guys who prank called two NFL GMs into talking about free agents before they were allowed to and recorded it, and got charged with federal wiretapping crimes.

He just tweeted that he was dropping it early this week I thought?

He can't be sued for it. Since it's interstate and involves telecommunications, it would have to be in violation of a federal crime. As far as I know, there's no law in place against what he did.

If the states were extremely rigged with democrat sheep, they could try him; but he would have to actually enter the state for them to do anything.

He did tweet that.

Yes, and confirmed deadman switch.

>gets arrested trying to expose a corrupt Senator
>nothing sticks except for a misdemeanor trespassing charge
>"Don't believe anything Foval produces, he's a CRIMINAL! "

O'Keefe might be in the legal clear. This looks like a smoke screen.

>Law enforcement officials can intercept communications when one party consents to it, so, if you're suspected in illegal activities and a government informant consents, agents can listen to and record your conversations with the informant


Thank you Brazil, I appreciate it.
Someone needs to do it. While there are politicians who got into it because they genuinely care, most are just trying to line their pockets and hope that one day, they can run for president with the connections they've made and knowledge they have on others.
Now, I'm not saying its possible to remove all corruption, no matter how hard we try, the corrupt ones will always leave someone in their place or some will manage to slip through the net, but if nobody even tries, things will never get better.
The meme about freedom not being free? Its true. Its the duty of every person who values their freedom to fight for it. That fight isn't always physical, and in fact, more often than not it isn't. However, if we just give up and assume our liberties are safe and secure without even giving it a second thought, how can we be truly free?

Thays my ddfenae of the Clintons. They are moderate democrats who care for the people but realize sometimes you have to break the law tp help people.

>Josh Israel

James O'Keefe is, as usual, a fucktard. I might agree with him, but he can't ever release unedited tapes as a measure of good faith - not that they've ever really panned out for him. Every time he does this, the reasonable assumption is that he's lying by omission.

He should just retire is disgrace because the smoking gun he claims to have is nothing more than illusion every time he does this.

I highly, highly doubt that is the case. If it was, why would they be fucking over so many Americans in the first place?
Clinton isn't there to help. She's there to prosper.

>Josh Israel

Fuck me.

Well then, who's going to prison for secretly recording the Trump tape? California is a "two-party consent" state.

>I'm cool playing the system to not pay taxes

>appears to

It appears Hillary Clinton broke federal law.

>A video released last week,

Are you illiterate or just lazy?

well I guess that does it everyone if he violated wiretapping laws then that means all the information is faked and everyone recorded did nothing wrong

I'm glad we're past that now

>guys who cares about fec violations he broke the law exposing us!!!!

Grab her by the pussy
> Look at this mysogynist piece of shit
Voter Fraud
> You didn't have consent to record
Fuck the left.

federal. you said federal twice.

(((Joshua))) (((Israel))) says state law. so can he be prosecuted or not?

>He then has selectively edited the videos to present a falsely damning impression of his subjects.

I don't fucking get this meme. It shows that liberals literally don't give a shit about facts or logic:

>catches democunts on tape talking about selling baby parts or disrupting elections, all with no cuts or anything

It's also hilarious because if the tables were reversed, with O'keefe being a leftist exposing republicans, the MSM and all these lugenpresse vermin would treat this as if it were the gospel.

>investigative journalist in trouble for violating an arbitrary law of people committing acts of treason on our elections

Wtf I hate James Okeefe now!

Eric, are you drunk? Is David Brock out with a whip? It's okay, it'll all be over soon. I'm sure they'll make it quick

Quick, post your breitbart rebuttal!!

>((( ThinkProgress )))

its a soros thing, you wouldnt understand op.

Sorry upu fel that way but the truth is that the Clintons arw friends of the poor and if they have to be corrupt to give me fre healthcare they can do whatever. It spunds like a good deal. I mean everyone shoild be paid for their work and thsir corruption doesnt really affect me

>Josh Israel

This has to be a joke

Didn't the Clinton camp tell you guys to stop using memes because they just come off as cringe?

If Trump wins cant he just pardon him?

So what you're saying is O'Keefe is the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now?

this is seriously their argument for everything though
>Let's recall that those emails were hacked
>Let's recall now that those emails were attained ILLEGAL
>Reminder that it's illegal to view those emails if you're not CNN
>Emails? That's what Russia wants us to talk about.
>We should not be allowing Russia to affect our election with these emails.
>Those emails were LITERALLY STOLEN
>17 national security, lifeguard, and child day care organizations have identified those hacks originated from Russia.

>this much of a mess before noon

No, they're friends of keeping the poor in their current state and they're masters of tricking you into thinking that they're helping at the very same time.
The more they encourage the poor to rely on social welfare, the more power and control they take over you.
Intelligence is their enemy. Independence is their enemy. Free thought, planning and ability to create wealth is their enemy.

>Super far left wing website as source
>Pic for credibility IE none

Guaranteed replies

>Federal law permits recording telephone calls and in-person conversations with the consent of at least one of the parties. See 18 U.S.C. 2511(2)(d). This is called a "one-party consent" law. Under a one-party consent law, you can record a phone call or conversation so long as you are a party to the conversation. Furthermore, if you are not a party to the conversation, a "one-party consent" law will allow you to record the conversation or phone call so long as your source consents and has full knowledge that the communication will be recorded.

>Federal law may apply when the conversation is between parties who are in different states, although it is unsettled whether a court will hold in a given case that federal law “pre-empts” state law. In Duncan, the newspaper argued that the federal law should pre-empt the state statutes, because the telephone call crossed state lines, placing it under federal jurisdiction. However, in that case, the court did not address the pre-emption issue. Moreover, as noted above, either state may choose to enforce its own laws.

It's basically a huge legal grey area. If you're in a state where two party consent is a thing (e.g. you live or operate a business there) then you can get sued over it. If you live in a one party consent state and record someone from a two party consent state without their consent, it's legally very murky on whether or not federal law or the law of the state where the call was recorded (if one party, legally) trumps that of the law of another caller on the phone.

It is selectively edited which can mess with the perception of the person watching it, it becomes propaganda rather than informative after a while.

>phone conversations

What phone conversations? I've only seen videos.

O'Keefe isn't law enforcement. That being said, the dems or others on the call would be stupid to sue, it would be an admission that the content as recorded is from them and accurate and put a copy of that in the public record.

Not that the media ever fucking does the same thing. Concern trolling, go to hell.

>visa quota

I bet he thinks there are no illegals in the US.

Oh he wasnt allowed to record, that makes Hillary's biblical scale lying, corruption, war-mongering, betrayal of american values, and cronyism OK.

Yes, I see she would be a great President now.
Thanks for correcting the record.

>corruption isn't corruption if nobody knows
>corruption isn't corruption if laws are broken to expose it

Other way around. O'Keefe is the hero America NEEDS, but doesn't deserve. Not until America is ready to accept what he has and is willing to act upon it.
This election though? This is the point where we see if America will start to deserve it.
Vote Trump, make him President. Support Trump in his campaign to rid the political landscape of the massive corruption. Move forward into a brighter tomorrow.
Then America will deserve these heroes.
At this very moment though, the heroes America needs are often the ones they hunt and kill.

THIS. There is a reason why suddenly they are spending MILLIONS on gipsies, blacks and muslims instead of helping legal people and create jobs.

Too bad leftists are useful idiots who are colaborating with the thing they say they hate.

Every video he has released has shown law breaking conduct. What the fuck even is this?

Worth it to expose the bullshit.

A patriot does what is needed regardless of cost to self.

It's smart to sue because then the full unedited tape can be admitted as evidence and made a part of the official record. This exposes O'Keefe's lies and tricky editing.

That's retarded. How is cutting out all the fat and leaving only the pertinent bits deceptive? It's what all documentaries do. Do you expect him to just dumb massive 2 hour+ conversations with democunts only for 12 seconds of damning info?

And you know that's not what they mean when they say his stuff is "edited."

Trump is corrupt as fuck.

>11 states have these “two-party consent laws.
Well thats just an avenue for complete corruption


Oh, he has?

I wasn't aware he put arms in the hands of enemies of the state.

he shows how the election is rigged and phony.
so he goes goes to jail....
this country is dead.

and there will be no revolution because you are all to cucked and weak.

RIP murica. you started off great, ended up total 110% SHIT

Meanwhile, the NSA...

And I guess Hillary it´s not and we are sexist for not voting for a woman, right?

>Concern trolling,
Nigger pls. You can't fuck up time and again like O'Keefe when your enemies are the establishment. All it does is discredit you.

Note how O'Keefe's smoking gun always turns out to be smoke and mirrors.

Prove it

>OKeefe: You see, I got it recorded
>CIA: Okeefe, I believe you have broken the law
these people should burn

This assumes that at least one aggrieved party on the line *wants* the entire contents of the call in the public record and wants to be subject to depositions/cross examination by any attorney that O'Keefe would hire.

It's also legally a very grey area on whether or not it could stand if O'keefe was in a one party consent state himself when he recorded the call - see

Of course she is too. But only one of these candidates is a Russian agent. And the other one is the only one who can actually do the job despite being corrupt. Better to be corrupt than to be a Russian puppet.

>Trying this hard to correct records

You're really earning those Rupees.

Trump's corruption is a different kind to Hillary's. I'm aware that he has corruption, mostly in the form of avoiding taxes where legal loopholes allow him to do so.
But why should he have ignored them when they were there for anyone of his stature to do so? By playing the system for what its worth, he's learnt it from the inside out. By doing so, he's acquired the wealth he needs to fight it.
Trump's corruption is in avoiding taxes and getting hold of land that would have otherwise not have been for sale (or at the price it would've gone for, be it time, red tape or money).
Hillary's is suppression of as much of the nation as she can. By beating down the lower classes into submission while also telling them that she's their best friend.

Trump can make a true difference. Hillary? Hillary is full steam ahead to the same old same old.

Holy fucking shit you are still pushing this meme. Nobody under the age of 60 is going to fall for red scare propaganda you lazy bastard.

Doesn't matter where the callers are. It matters where the "crime" was committed. O'keefes agents were in all likelihood Virginia in that video. Virginia is a one party consent state. Therefore, no law was broken. If there was a federal wiretapping it would be different but there's not.

Go commit suicide Hillshills the law is on us Conservatives side once again.

Come on. When in the past has one of O'Keefe's smoking guns actually been realized?

In Spain things work like that. If a thief enter in your house and you defend yourself the thief could sue you for a huge money compensation or even go to jail.

Even if thiefs enter your house you have to pay water and electricity or they could sue you. Also the police won´t help you, and if you try to enter your own house you could go to jail for scaring the thiefs.

Yeah, this is Cuckspain.

why don't you Sup Forums fucks bother your great republican representatives to change the fucking law.

you have a majority in the house and you have done shit beyond try to stop obamacare.

hell the republicans can barely pass a fucking budget. you are a party that has failed to govern

Committing a crime across state lines is a federal crime, friendo

If selling weed in massachusetts is illegal but i sell it to you from colorado, that is a federal crime

Hard to type with the CTR shock collar on, eh bud?

(((Israel))) (((ThinkProgress)))
Yes goy don't forget to inform all parties involved when you're under cover that you're recording them.


>it's ok when the NSA wiretaps the entire country
>it's bad when one guy does it to corrupt political fixers

Deminigger logic.