Honest question

Can someone explain to me why actual adults here watch childrens' cartoons? Comics I understand, something like Watchmen or Maus is definitely not for kids. But the cartoons Sup Forums spends most of their time talking about like Steven Universe or Star Vs... aren't you guys ashamed of watching this stuff?

Of course we are. Why the fuck do you think we discuss it in an anonymous enviroment?

I come here for the comics, and yes, I do wish we had our own board separate from the cartoon autists.

Because fuck you, thats why. Also, a lot of those cartoons have jokes and humor directed to adults because they are created by adults.

You're right user, I only watch intelligent shows like the Simpsons and Rick and Morty

>getting this defensive
Touched a nerve?

Becuase the stuff aimed at adults is generally pure shit. No one is going to waste his time with talking about garbage like post season 8 Simpsons Family Guy or Cleveland Show. Even the best adult cartoons are still curbstomped by your average cartoon aimed at children.

This. I don't know why we have to share a board with them.

This is true.

>why watch children's cartoons
Because I can?
>Are you ashamed
Fuck no. Why would I be?

Its fun, who cares?

op do you wanna see my stuffed animal collection

>Adult cartoons are complete garbage with tons of unnecessary shit and become unenjoyable
>CHildren and/or teenage cartoons can be very enjoyable and dont rely on cursing 24/7 to keep you awake

What do you mean? I was being sincere. Are you implying that those cartoons aren't intelligent and mature? Enjoy watching family guy you pleb

>tfw no irl friends that would sit down with me to watch childrens cartoons and genuinely enjoy it
feels bad, why did everyone else have to grow up and leave me behind

So why not just not watch cartoons?
Why can't you face the fact that you watch these things because you're refusing to grow up and develop like a normal person?

Have you ever given those shows a chance? If nothing else you should try Gumball, just to appreciate its awesome art style

I like animation in general, most cartoons today are more "family friendly" rather than for kids (I mean holy shit user, you are posing a picture of Homer). I like AT, RS, Wakfu, OK KO, etc and although I can understand why would someone think they are for kids they are going for more of a teenager/young adult demographic. Also

>watching the same bad guy good guy story about faggots in spandex is way more understandable
This is what comic autists really believe.

this is a bad bait thread

>tfw to intelligent to watch cartoons

Are you implying western live action comedy is good? There's like 1 or 2 good comedy shows a year, user.

This post is the soul of the cartoonfag laid bare. Everyone else grew up and sought out experiences and entertainments catering to adults while all of you stayed behind in your coccoons of children's cartoons and toys. You make up all kinds of defenses like "It's fun, who cares?" and imagine that people are questioning your choices because they're joyless assholes, when really they're just confused and concerned by your arrested development. They know you won't find love or have children or simply experience the beauty of an adult life and it makes them feel pity.

>all comic books are about superheroes
This is what cartoon autitsts really believe.

Why do you need a constant influx of media? The choice isn't just to either watch Modern Family or watch Adventure Time. Go outside.

That's a retarded argument though
>why play soccer as a hobby when you can just write novels in your free time?
Because they are completely different things? Are you really this stupid or are you pretending?

I can function fine in the adult world. I have a job, have had gfs and have friends. I do enjoy "adult" hobbies and experiences. But I'm really interested in childrens cartoons and comics and I always will be and I wish I could share that with someone in my life.

It sucks not having anyone to share your favourite hobby with.

user, you're trying way too hard. You can just post "cartoons are shit, you're all retards" and get the same reaction

Is this your first bait?

Watching cartoons isn't a hobby user

I mean, that's 90% of comic discussion in Sup Forums, user.

Then your argument makes even less sense
>Why are people using their free time to do things I DON'T LIKE??
Maybe you are the one that needs to go outside.

You're doing exactly what I said you would. You're imagining my intentions are malicious because then you can justify hardening your coccoon. I'm just trying to tell you that there's a great big world out there and receding forever into your childhood is not living a full life.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

So what do you enjoy user? What brings someone with such a fulfilling life to Sup Forums?

I watch cartoons because I'm sick of "Police or Hospital Drama #853".

I started watching cartoons as a kid and just never stopped for some reason. Maybe if I'd always been interested in a nice adult past time, I'd be doing that instead.

I didn't say that. You presented a false dichotomy where you suggested you have to watch children's cartoons because adult programming was shitty. All I did was point out that you could simply turn off the TV.

Not really. I talk about childrens cartoons with people I know who also watch it. I'm in college and it's still pretty popular. When I wear a Steven Universe shirt, I get compliments walking around.
Times have changed.

I'm fascinated by people on the fringes of society and use them as inspiration for my writing.

But that doesn't make sense because you are implying the people that watch cartoons don't actually enjoy them and instead just watch them because they have to watch them, which is retarded. I didn't even say anything about "adult" or "cartoon" programming, in my eyes there's just bad or good programing.

So which is it? Are you saying people should watch things they like or not?

That's fascinating. Do you write fiction? As a fellow creative, what are your thoughts on the people who choose to make cartoons for a living ?


I'm saying you should be introspective and consider why you enjoy things. There's nothing wrong with the act of watching these cartoons in and of itself, but with most of you it seems to be symptomatic of a fear of change and growth that is probably making you unhappy in a larger way. Whenever someone questions why you watch these children's cartoons, Sup Forums becomes incredibly defensive and puts up this "I'm totally normal" facade, all the while talking about how messed up, lonely, and stagnant your lives are in every thread where you don't perceive an outside challenge to your lifestyle.

>There's nothing wrong with the act of watching these cartoons in and of itself, but with most of you it seems to be symptomatic of a fear of change and growth that is probably making you unhappy in a larger way
Literally what the fuck am I reading scoob, I don't know if this is some projecting shit or if you know someone with this types of problems that watch cartoons and therefore you are projecting their problems into anyone that watches cartoons but perhaps you should realize that people watching TV.

Like holy shit you could say what you just said to anything, the fantasy genre for example, is anyone that watches GoT a depressed person trying to escape their reality by fantasizing about lands dragons and kings? Don't be retarded.

I write both fiction and non-fiction.
I see a difference between creatives and general consumers in that creatives tend to take a transformative approach to their consumption of all sorts of media. Other stories are food for storytellers.
But really creatives can be just as fucked up as their audiences. Look at half the comic writers that get talked about on this board. There are a lot of unhappy and deeply flawed creatives. I guess that's not unique to creatives though. They just have reason to put their imperfections in the public eye.

Of course I am, but we're in an anonymous forum so it doesn't mater.

Why is it toonfags always try to drag down everyone else with them

What are you talking about? The one making generalizations is you, not me.

I enjoy them.
Now I'm thinking about it, I find a lot of "adult" cartoons more juvenile than kids cartoons.
Besides, adulthood is a meme.

It all comes down to pedophelia and autism.

>adulthood is a meme
Says the manchild.

Nigga you're on Sup Forums, everyone here has something wrong with them

This thread is like going to a mental hospital and complaining that there are crazy people everywhere

You could reasonably argue that the reason we're so obsessed with fantasies divorced from our own reality at the moment is because we as a society are unhappy with our reality, but you'd have to do a lot of work to substantiate that.
Don't be so afraid of introspection and investigation. Deflection won't improve your life. Mocking won't change the truth.
Considering the "whys" of your life is a path to making it better.

That wasn't me. My response is below.

Better to try to bring a mentally ill person around than to say "Eh he's a retard, what can you do?" and abandon him.
Also on a more selfish level prodding at you incites reactions I can use to make my work more believable. I'm not being completely altruistic.

I'm not, but I hardly see how a "kid's cartoon" like AT or OK KO is any different from the "adult media" people like you digest and because of it look down on others. At the end of the day it's all drama, we laugh, we cry, we get excited at these stories because life more often than not is not necessarily exciting on it's own. At the end of the day it's all entertainment to kill time, we all get up to work, we all earn money, we all get families and we all know how to differentiate between what makes us who we are and what entertainment we consume. Being a pedant faggot because people watch moving drawings instead of overpaid actors is really stupid.

this honestly. I don't hate cartoons but I noticed that they beget a particular breed of autist, like that TTfag who posts his "Best Cartoons Ever Made" chart everywhere and Mr. Enter

I like cartoons but I hate this meme. Most cartoons suck too, most of ANY medium sucks. Just say you don't like adult stuff, not that it sucks, because you're being disingenuous

Sure people consume what they consume and maybe this consumption is purely neutral in terms of what it means for your quality of life, but if a person watches nothing but children's shows, there's a reason for that.

>"Okay kid, you've spent the past 18+ years in the sandbox, now it's time to experience the real world"
>it's the same shit, just a bigger sandbox
>everyone takes it extremely seriously

At least you're able to admit that this is about refusing to grow up. That's more self-awareness than most toonfags manage.

I wouldn't disagree with that statement, but they are the extreme minority, groups like bronies or the such are weird bastards with real obsessions, it might not seem like it because we are in the Cartoon board, but most of the people here consume things like anime, video games, live action shows, film, literature, etc.

Coming to the cartoon board and asking the users if they don't feel ashamed for just watching cartoons it's fucking retarded and I don't understand how can anyone come to this place with that mindset.

childhood is enjoying "immature" things because they're fun.

adolescence is shunning "immature" things because they're childish and enjoying "mature" things exclusively because "that's what adults do"

adulthood is enjoying what you want, as long as it doesn't hurt others, because you realize it's silly to shun something just because it's marketed towards a certain age group

I'm not really interested in those people. The ones who fascinate me are the obsessives, who I think make up a larger part of this board than you imagine.

This is the same CS Lewis bullshit every man child trots out to make a case that watching My Little Pony is incredibly mature.

Well, you are wrong, one of the beauties of Anonymity is that here we can be exaggerative on the things we like or dislike because if it comes across as weird the thread will 404 and the comment will be forgotten forever. Give everyone an username and suddenly conversations become way more civil, the reason Sup Forums exists it's because here it's understood the more civil also means less genuine. It might be weird for easy-to-impress retards like yourself but it has always been like this and we all do it, including you.

In short, look more and I believe the place you are looking for is

And this is the same cynical bullshit every underage b& trots out to make the case that if you like children's cartoons you're having badwrong fun

Agreed. I fucking hate all cartoonfags and their shitty generals.

>grow up
Up and down are relative, user.
What most of society considers "grown up" I'd consider to be rather unhealthy behavior.

Give everyone a username and they start hiding the truth. This anonymous forum is where people are the most honest. That's why I'm here.

>I am an outsider that comes to a place like this criticise and judge what makes it unique, thus ruining what """interests""" me about it
Well we don't want you here, fuck off back to lurking or get the fuck out, nobody cares about you baby-tier psychology studies of Sup Forums culture.

I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm saying there's nothing mature about ravenously consuming media produced to be palatable for the most shallow and uneducated demographic in existence.
It's not some grand act of personal emancipation to watch Cartoon Network.

>What most of society considers "grown up" I'd consider to be rather unhealthy behavior.
You mean like having jobs, responsibilities, and raising children?

I don't "want" you to be the way that you are. You just are and that's interesting because it's real. If I change or upset you, that's just as interesting.

I wish so too. then maybe you comicfags would be left with all the Sup Forums faggots taking about capeshit movies and the cartoon board could actually be good.

Then stop posting and start lurking, nobody cares about what you think.

>some grand act of personal emancipation to watch Cartoon Network

I never said that. I was just saying that knowing when to give a fuck about society's expectations and when not to, with children's cartoons falling under the latter category, is a mark of true maturity. It's not the act itself that matters, but the context of of the act, and you're still exaggerating my opinion to the point of strawmanning.


If you didn't care I wouldn't be getting so many responses.

I'm famous!!!

I watch cartoons as an adult because tv shows suck and nobody really cares if you pirate or watch cartoons on a 3rd party website

>try to watch The Mist TV show since I really didn't hate the movie
>agendas being shoved everywhere
>turn it off and watch an episode of Scooby Doo
Best choice I've made so far, sometimes I want to watch TV but then everything is shitbut everything is shit, currently thinking of cancelling my cable cause I don't need HBO to watch movies online

I have those, except children anyway.
I mean causing themselves and others a lot of suffering by taking things seriously which really ought not to be taken so seriously.
Like the word "adulthood" for example.

I honestly don't know. I come here for reading advices, and once got a great suggestion to read Scout when asked for some non-cape action stuff, but there are so little threads where you can ask something that russian /co is a better place for asking.

Only normalfags are ashamed of their tastes.

That's exactly what an aspie would say.


That would throw the Sup Forums universe out of balance though Sup Forums parallel universe is Sup Forums >Cartoon & Comics
>Anime & Manga
If you separated Cartoons and Comics then Anime and Manga would separate as well that wouldn't decrease autism it would just increase it then the other boards that are parallel would also suffer and bleed into other boards do you really want that.

>aren't you guys ashamed
he said while posting on Sup Forums

Kill yourself newfag.

OP, youz a little bitch.
My grandpa killed lots of Japs back in the 40s. He loved the simpsons. He's ten times the man anyone on this board will ever be, myself included.
What the fuck do you know about being an adult?

Why would one feel shame? Do you imply we make people watch these things with us?

Because animation > live action

Cartoons can be enjoyed no matter what age.

eh, not necessarily. A lot of anime are manga adaptaions. A lot of cartoons are original IP.

some of us just like animation, and there is no american animation that isn't targeted toward children or comedy. Stupid immature fart humor comedy isn't everyone's cup of tea, so that leaves us with japan, usa kids' shit, or nothing.

A lot of the time it's marketers and other non creative types who decide what labels to slap on something to sell it better. The authors of the actual work didn't make it thinking they were catering for one particular segment of the market, or were deliberately layering it so that there's something in it for different ages or genders etc.

This particularly applies to the publishing industry and "young adult" fiction, but cartoons get it as well.

Did Tex Avery or Bob Clampett make "children's cartoons"?

It's a bullshit label. Good commercial art is still good art, and what you like is what you like. People who think they're rebels for enjoying something aimed at another demographic group need to meet a few people who transgress by throwing rocks and setting shit on fire. There's nothing like perspective to show us what is important.

This. Do you really think that I would be here if I could casually discuss Lolirock, Tinkerbell, or Star Darlings in normal company?

I dunno, OP. I like what I like. I do see a shrink and I do have issues, but I don't think watching cartoons is a part of those issues.

That said, my friends and my girlfriend watch cartoons too so it's not like I'm an outsider when it comes to that.

arrested developement.

Being an adult means I can enjoy whatever I enjoy with no shame.

people obsessed with shame are the worst. why would anyone be ashamed of anything they enjoy? as long as you're not hurting anyone and you're happy with whatever you do, who gives a fuck?


Like, I just love the fact anyone can come here to praise/bitch about some preschool cartoon, and hundreds of people swarm on into the action.

Disagree with this. Like, I personally don't care for capeshit, but I really don't mind sharing a board. Such hairsplitting would be confusing and frustrating. This board isn't just comic series and cartoon series, but also webtoons, webcomics, interesting PSAs, all the like.