Why are atheists more intelligent than religous people?

Why are atheists more intelligent than religous people?

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Intelligent people tend to be correct more often than unintelligent people.

It's impossible to prove or disprove god.
Fuck off faggot, sage

The also tend to be overconfident in themselves.


because many religious people have flocked to it for the wrong reasons: fear of the unkown, fear of death, emotional immaturity, etc.

I know plenty of dumb atheists. I was brought up in a more or less secular family. (christian by name only). Its just a matter of who raises you, though I guess atheism is more "rational" than theism.

So what are you planning on doing after high school ?
Are you going to finally put your foot down on sunday morning after your 18th birthday and say
"No mother! I will not go to church,
I will stay in bed and eat my Tendies!"

> Jump over the gap of uncertainty you pussy -Kierkegaard

Agnosticism is for the weak.

>unironically making this argument
agnostics are to atheists as Sup Forumstards are to white supremacist. They believe the same thing, the first group is just full of pussies too scared to say it.

>So, while it is true that a slightly higher percentage of atheists have IQs in the highest range, 8.8 percent compared to 8.0 percent of those who believe God exists, because there are so many more theists than atheists, there are 9 highly intelligent theists who are sure that God exists, (and 13 who believe in God's existence), for every highly intelligent atheist who believes God does not exist. And on a personal note, visiting atheists who believe that they are more intelligent than theists by sheer virtue of their non-belief and/or commitment to Science Reason would do well to keep in mind that less than nine percent of all atheists reach the level that is from twelve to six points lower than the very minimum you know my IQ could be.


A better question is why are there so many autistic atheists compared to autistic religious people?

the fuck you talking about, taking a stance of uncertainty in front of an uncertain fact that will reamain uncertain for the rest of your life, is the smartest and wisest choice breh


Every atheist I knew came to the conclusion that God didn't exist years ago. They still talk about it now. Imagine a 20 year old bragging about how he can tie his shoes.

They're bluepilled faggots who act like intellectual heavyweights.

They are generally more intelligent, this does not make them right.

This, autists arguing about religion on the internet isn't exactly what id consider "intelligent people".

While it is correct that we cannot know if a god or gods do exist, it is impossible to determine what such a thing would be like. There is almost no possibility that any such being resembles any traditional idea of god.

There is no real difference between atheism and agnosticism .

To be fair, if 80% of adults couldn't tie their shoes then it might be something worth bragging about.

It's only empiraclly uncertain, logic will only limit your understanding of the universe. True knowledge comes from within self.

Agnostics are probably more intelligent due to their scepticism. This then pulls up the average IQ of atheists as theists as a group largely consist of gnostics whereas atheists have a more even spread.

>muh feelings determine truth
religious people confirmed SJWs

b8 threads are NOT intelligent

Because it's so obvious that God doesn't exist, that only stupid people fall for it.


Most agnostics aren't deep thinkers. They honestly haven't given the issue any real consideration. Just like atheists, they take their stance because it's convenient and doesn't put any moral constraints on their lifestyle.

There are many scientifically verified miracles that exist.

>accept things that has no evidence backing it up
>reject things that has no evidence backing it up

Why do atheists claim to be intelligent, then argue like children?

>what such a thing would be like
except most religions do describe their gods pretty well

agnostic: we cannot know
atheist: we know there is not
there is a huge difference in those discourses

>True knowledge comes from within self
who is to determine what "true" knowledge is?
empirical evidence and introspection work together if you ask me...

Why do theists claim to know the unknowable?


>1 post by this ID
>Not a single proof

>There is almost no possibility that any such being resembles any traditional idea of god.

Except you know, if God himself came down to tell you how he looks like. As much as you'd like to believe otherwise, people didn't just sit down and decided to make a religion out of thin air one day.

>Why do theists claim to know the unknowable?
They don't, please grow the fuck up.

I agree it's done quite a lot out of convenience. A shakier worldview however is far more accepting of evidence and reasoning though, regardless of intentions though.

Because God has made himself known to us.

Yet most scientists are religious.

They do. The God of the gaps is unprovable, yet they act as if its existence is a fact.

Known through Jewsus, rite?

>however is far more accepting of evidence and reasoning though
In theory yes, but in reality the same people that preach how evolution is an undeniable fact are also the same ones that deny race that races evolving in different climates would affect be phisically and mentally different in any meaningful way.

Unexplained != miracle.
Yeah except it's pretty obvious that none of those exist. Which leaves only a nebulous idea of some grand unifying force as god.

Hello bait.

fuck, i didnt quite erase the original statement i was making before posting it. It looks likea mess

I meant: "deny that races are different in any meaningful way despite evolving in different climates and backgrounds"

In my personal interpretation of the divine, nature is God-like.
Natural beauty is God making himself known.

Atheists like Albert Einstein and Isacc Newton?


It's not bait. Only a minority of scientists are atheists.

That is both vague and subjective.

Yeah dude. My whole reality exists through the filter of my senses. And I make sense of it through my brain.

This is quite infuriating, aye. This hypothesis is not allowed to be researched because it would be offensive.
Fuck PC culture, especially in academia.

Newton was religious. Not even Stephen hawking is an atheist.

>why are there so many autistic atheists compared to autistic religious people?
m8 there have been wars fought over whether what happens to the bread during Eucharist

Wrong. It is all based on faith.

But not through logic. You make sense of reality through a prepackaged series of ideological lenses. Ignoring critical thinking is unhealthy.

>mfw this question again

Most religious people come from low IQ populations. Athiests are more likely to come from East Asia or Europe.

God is real.
Do you believe in the supernatural despite being a athiest?

1) Only a small percentage of Wars have had anything to do with religion.
2) Atheists have killed more people for ideological reasons than Christians ever have.

He's German, it would be on Saturday.

>Not even Stephen hawking is an atheist.

Pretty sure he is?

>I'm an atheists but i don't want to offend anyone
No wonder you are from canada

They have the basic capacity of questioning children's fairytales instead of believing it and basing their entire belief around trying to defend the first silly beliefs they were told.

It really boils down to the fact that religious people want to defend babby's first world view to the death instead of genuinely questioning it. If they spent even a single afternoon honestly questioning their beliefs...if they aren't completely stupid, it will fall apart.


So do you.

>implying that's why those wars were fought
By the same rationale, WW1 and WW2 were fought over language.

No, God makes himself personally known to every single person that He calls.

If I tell you that my life and my heart were and are being completely changed by God, how am I supposed to prove that to you other than telling you it's true? What standard of proof can you possible try to bring in, other than "I haven't been called by God"?

And forget the intellectualism for a minute, the fact that you can't experience God should be deeply troubling to you.

>Atheists have killed more people for ideological reasons than Christians ever have
I'm not sure throughout the whole of mankind but I agree it's let to the highest death tolls in recent history. That being said, atheism itself isn't an ideology so it can't be blamed for that. If anything, it's the lack of a religious ideology.

And what about atheists who become theists later in life?

>No religious person has ever seriously examined their beliefs

You fucking dunce.

Critical thinking is a spook.
It is logically consistent to say that human beings cant truly make sense of the divine. We are limited. Cant even see infrared, how sad!

you have been misled

Ya newton was a fucking retard

There is nothing ideological about critical thinking.

The divine is a spook. It is logically consistent to say that there is no reason to believe in the unprovable.

We can't see infrared but we can feel it in our skin and can build sensors to detect it. Build me a god detector that doesn't fall apart in a double blind trial and then I will take theism more seriously.

kys you're self, retard

Atheism is a religion. Every single time one of you people brings up le atheist communist murders of Mao and Stalin I can only imagine how you simple minded your thought process must be to think 50-75 million people were killed because they believed in a god and that if the leaders were Christian it would've never happened, never mind you saying it in the same post as "hurrrr people don't really kill as much as you think in the name of God bro"

You're missing the point. Go look up the major conflicts in Christology to see how autistically trivial theological disagreements can be, and they still haven't been resolved after thousands of years. Or watch those movies about Bible bowl and that other one about Talmud scholars. Theologians especially those working in their specific religions are probably the most anal people in the world.

>atheism itself isn't an ideology

Oh, it's this meme again. Atheism is an ideology as much as any other metaphysical standpoint it.

I don't know, but one thing I know for sure: agnostics are more intelligent than both

What about shit like Goldbach's conjecture? Plenty of people believe that yet there is no "proof"

Supercomputer simations have yet to find a counterexample.

>were Christian
Hitler was christian.

Agnosticism is a meme for people too lazy top want to think about the issue.

>agnostics are more intelligent than both
>sitting on two chairs
Pick one, gypsy

The point is you have no ability to descern this from a delusion, an alien, a devil or a god.

If YOU were to HAVE THAT EXPERIENCE, you couldn't know, despite having that experience, as you couldn't demonstrate the truth of it.

YOU would be hasty to conclude 'its god'.

I'm certainly not going to take a strangers word for it,

"Why would he make that up?" Martin Harris, Southpark all About Mormons

We are only given the ability to observe the physical. Whether with or without instruments.
S - ultimate reality
Pr - physical observable and "provable" reality. We have slowly been taking from S and adding to Pr, that doesnt make S equivalent with Pr
S > Pr

You can't think very critically if you end up making claims about the unknowable. Oh look, I used your own arguments to show you your error. What do you know. Maybe you should think more critically.

No he wasn't. Hitler he used it as a tool to deceive the German people.

I think if god is anything its a represetation of the universe itself and everything in it.
We are all one (i am guessing) the tribes that did ayahuasca in peru knew this.
But they also knew the dangers of other tribes which they accepted.

I think the cucks we're onto something, accpeting everyone as one.
But also accepting that human nature and other tribes will have lust for conquest.
This way the acceptence of death and war we can love our enemies but still be ready to kill them if the line is crossed, Not out of hatred but out of assertiveness.

This is a horribly stupid stance to take though.

You can't be certain that there are no pink unicorns. You can't be certain that there isn't an invisible elf up your asshole. You can't be certain of a near infinite number of things. This is not an argument in favor of the existence of god. There is no "middle ground" here. All things are assumed not to exist unless we are given evidence of their existence. There is no other way to logically operate.

Observation is necessary for existence. SOME effect must be observed in order to posit existence. No human observer can point to any actual phenomena that hints at the existence of a deity, and thus it is natural to not consider deities to exist. If an entity or effect is beyond any being's cognition, it effectively does not exist.

Most atheists accept that logical conclusion that it is essentially impossible to prove a universal negative as we will never be in possession for perfect omniscience. This is not an indication that all possible imagined things have a 50/50 chance of existing. Entertaining such thoughts is stupidity.

Over the years i have come to the conclusion that Atheist's in my area atleast are very un-informed, my Christian friends literally know 100% more about the world than the Atheist's i know.

Really it's pathetic they call themselves Atheists but they are actually just Socialist's. They aren't scientific being's at all, infact they reject science and human nature.

One thing i noticed about 3 atheist friends of mine is they all believe in Socialism and that human greed must be eradicated, that's literally insane talk, and goes to show how stupid they are.

How do you know God does or doesn't exist? We don't even fully understand how our bodies and planet work. Actually, agnostics think more than atheists or religious heads. That's why are are called "free thinkers".
Agnosticism is more than that, but I don't espect a drunk mongoloid slavshit to understand it.

Because christism is bullshit and by extension the rest must be bs too.

>2016, still not being a naturalistic pantheist.

Idiots gravitate towards religion, but so do brilliant people. From a logical standpoint there's no real reason not to be religious and moral. There are arguments like Pascal's wager for example, and also as Kierkegaard points out, a truly moral man beats the hedonist at his own game; The joys that com from morality and faith are much greater and fuller than any to be found in hedonistic pursuits.

> le god can be disproven meme
> le agnostics are actually atheists meme

Fuck off, gaytheism is for fags who think they unlocked the universe

Agnostics are not atheists. We aren't your allies or friends, you and Cuckholeists can go fuck each other for all we care

A lot of genocidal leaders were Christian. But we don't blame the genocide of 50 million Native Americans or the 15 million Congolese dead on Christianity. Yet christ cucks blame all the communist killings on atheism. Weird double standard.

I have 132 IQ and I'm agnostic, I just know I lack actual proof about the existence of something I wouldn't be able to fully understand by definition.

That said,
we literally know the actual elites of the world, the most important, powerful and rich people out there, are meeting annually to adore a 3000 years old Jewish divinity (from the same "family" of our God) that gains power from sacrifices.
Isn't it a bit pretentious to believe we know the deep intrinsic nature of the universe at the point we can be sure no force bigger than us can exist at all?

>One thing i noticed about 3 atheist friends of mine is they all believe in Socialism and that human greed must be eradicated, that's literally insane talk

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

The funniest aspect of leftist atheists is that they're basically just secular Christians.

Hitler ultimately wanted to co-opt Christianity after the war, create a new neo-pagan state religion built from the existing foundation of Christianity. This was never achievable during the war, infact many Christians joined him in fighting the godless hordes of Bolsheviks.

Simulation theory means deism is the only objectively correct religion

You need to read Kierkegaard my autistic friend.

Hey, look at that - a cuck.

What happens to your allocated memory when you die?

I believe in gods inasmuch as I don't. It's not that I don't want to offend anyone, it's that I want to offend atheists as well as Christians.


>naturalistic pantheism

Fuck off, you hippie faggot.


Why are religious people more intelligent than atheists?