Anyone from Sup Forums adopted? I just found out today, I don't even know wether I feel anger, disgust...

Anyone from Sup Forums adopted? I just found out today, I don't even know wether I feel anger, disgust, dissapointment or all of these.


Get a genetic test done ASAP. You'll feel a little better knowing what you are, seeing as your whole life up until this point is a lie.

I'd be fuckin ropable.

This means your "dad" is a cuck. You should bully him, cucks deserve bullying.

Neither of the 2 people who raised me are my actual parents, I've already taken the test. Real fricking shitty.


Let me guess, you were abducted by gypsies?


Have your adoptive parents been kind, loving, and supportive?

Normally I'd throw a meme back at you, but but feeling too bad today.

Yeah, sorry about that. I hope it all works out for you.

They've been normal, they've been supportive, they got me shit smometimes. I can't say I hate them now, I'm only dissapointed at them because never told me, angry at myself because I never realized it and disgusted by the people who fucked and made me for throwing me away like a bitch. I don't think you can relate to this sort of thing, I could not have if it didn't happen to me.

Wish I was adopted. My father was a serial killer and my mother committed suicide when he was arrested.

Shut the fuck up you crooked toothed mohammad you lost all rights to have an opinion choke on a fucking willy you inbred billy
o i am laffin


Suck each others cock already. Who knows you may be twins seperated at birth. OP grow up youre not the only one to be adopted and not many do or end up in a pedos home. But you will undoubtedly have to do some soul searching to find your true identity.

Come home Radu, I still love you even if you're not my wife's son

If real post story

Your parents are the people who raised you. Finding out you were adopted shouldn't change anything except to learn your parents had a choice about whether to love and raise yoy and chose to love you.

found pic of OP :^)



Being circumcised is worse desu. Count your blessings, gypsy.

You should feel grateful OP. I understand feeling shocked but grow up. Could have been a HELL of a lot worse for you.

I don't get it, how can you not know you're adopted for such a long duration of your life?

I don't fucking question it at all because I look 50% like my mother and 50% like my father. Juxtapose me next to either or and you can see the resemblance clearly. So riddle me how one cannot realize they are of no blood relation as soon as they reach a certain age?

Could be worse. You had adoptive parents that cared enough to take you in. At least you're not a nigger

They saved you from rotting away in an orphanage, they gave you food, clothing and payed for your schooling. They also instilled a moral compass in you.

Are you crazy? The people I loved and thought are my parents are in fact not, I loved and lived all my life around 2 strangers. And they lived all this time leaving me on without having the balls to tell me. You have no idea.

This. Being adopted into a loving family is much better than being a dumpster baby

Delete this that girl is 100% roma loli

Let me tell you, man. My older brother would tease me sometimes by telling me I'm adopted (I wasn't, was raised by my biological parents) and I ended up just believing that if I ever was adopted, I wouldn't give a shit, cause I had a good set of people take care of me and love me more than those other fucks could've ever done. Yeah, it's harsh to know the truth, but be happy that someone was actually there for you, user. That you didn't get left in the street to die. Take care, bud.

You're an idiot. These people saved you from being stuck in a shitty orphanage.

You'd really think your life would be better being around your biological parents who clearly did not want you?

Be grateful. These people raised you the best they could and saved you a life of pain in an orphanage as a reject.

>And they lived all this time leaving me on without having the balls to tell me.
probably exactly because of how you are reacting now. i'm guessing you're still underage b& desu?

seriously, grow up. these people fucking loved you and raised you as their own, you could be living in the sewers right now.

(this isn't a methaphor btw burgerfriends, he could literally be living in the sewers)

I know fucking right?
Like how? They hadn't done the most basic thing of at least telling me. It doesn't feel shitty to you when you talk to your mom knowing that's your actual mom.

Just because they didn't birth you, that doesn't make them strangers you whiny fucktard. They've fed you and clothed you. Once the initial shock is gone, try to put yourself in their shoes. Maybe they didn't tell you because they were worried you would special snowflake and reject them for no reason, kinda like you're doing now.

Yeah they just used the rough side of the sponge to clean her after the last time i suppose...and some bleach

okay, yeah, but what's your ethnicity?

and be happy they didn't tell you from when they adopted you, Kids who know their entire lives get more fucked up than you can imagine.

My point is, even though you had no reason to ever assume you were adopted, you should have at least looked in the mirror once and attempted to find the resemblance to your mother and your father. Is that not something people have done at least once in their life or did I just have too much time on my hands growing up?

Biological parents don't matter, really.

Every person needs specific things in their life.
> Maslow's hierarchy
Those things are 'hard-wired' to be provided PRIMARILY by our biological parents. The confusion you're feeling is your hard-wired instincts telling you that ''WHY DID THEY NOT PROVIDE FOR ME?''

But let me tell you user, it's irrelevant. As long as you GET these things, it doesn't matter who they come from. You don't get to pick your parents, but someone picked -you- to give you all that. That's all you need to keep in mind.

You don't know how fucked up I am right now.
What exactly to you know about love you retards? You don't lie to someone you love. It's the first premise that defines love. You're advocating for someone who left me life a lie all these years, it's probably because you just want to anger me more.

Yeah should have done that. Who gives half a shit, I'm leaving them soon anyway.


What do you mean by 'fucked up'? My dad is a hapa and my grandfather is a white cuck who raised him with my biological grandmother. So obviously my dad caught on early in life that he was adopted, but he ended up turning out fine. He has some issues of course, but he's not a drug addict, a felon, or any other degenerate combination under the sun.

>a bloo bloo these people raised me as one of their own and saved me from being a life of misery in the orphanage so I'm gonna whine on the internet because they didn't tell me I was adopted when I was a kid

They didn't lie to you, they omitted that information from you when you were the most emotionally vulnerable. You really think you'd be better off knowing this information when you were a zit-riddled teenager?

>What exactly to you know about love you retards? You don't lie to someone you love. It's the first premise that defines love. You're advocating for someone who left me life a lie all these years, it's probably because you just want to anger me more.
No it's because I'm not a fucking child anymore and I'm being hones with you. you have no idea who I am, how much I resent my parents for ways in which I still percieve they wronged me growing up. But the thing is, you realise as you grow up, that parents are the people that fuck you up by trying to do the right thing.. Unless, of course, they are bad people desu, but it DOESN'T sound like they are since, you know, they fucking adopted you and raised you.

You could unironically literally be living in the sewers beneath Bucharest if it wasn't for them. And you have to try and put yourselfs in their shoes. Perhaps you wouldn't have done the same thing, I don't think I would of either, but that doesn't mean they weren't TRYING to do the right thing because they didn't want you freaking out like this... The longer you leave it the harder it got to tell you I suppose?

You're the biggest pussy ever, you were adopted, boo fucking hoo.

Grow up you manchild, it literally changes nothing about your life, you're just punishing yourself believing otherwise. Your parents probably never told you because they know this too.

Get over It fag, dont make your Foster parents regret that the choose you! Nobody Cares about you! Make América great again!!!!

You should stop being a little bitch.
Be happy you got stuck with adoptive parents who gave a shit about your well being, and didnt end up a child of the system.

gypsies just stole your romanian ass when you were young. It is pretty popular thing to do amongst them.

>I'm leaving them soon anyway.
Here's some more insight.
When certain adopted people (teens mostly) yell
the one they're actually angry with is the real dad who wasn't there for them. This is one of the reasons what said is actually correct. You don't need to know that information earlier. Perhaps you find out, but they were right not to tell you.

If you were raised properly, when you're done with this confusion you will accept and respect your family MORE than you actually would a biological one.
'Foster' families who treat adopted kids as if they were their own have gone into great lengths to love a kid they didn't need to love in the first place.
And you need to realize this.

unless your parents died in a car crash you were most likely an accident and they never wanted you. at least your adopted parents wanted you and wanted to be parents

>implying there's a system in Romania and he wouldn't have been left to fend for himself on the streets

Just to add to this: there's a SHITLOAD of people on Sup Forums who have fucking terrible parents, some of the stuff I've read here is really sad. Doesn't sound like that's the case here at all. I understand the shock factor but you need to get over it asap.

I am, but I've known for years.

can't really hide it cause I look like your typical Norwegian and my siblings don't.


excellent post, worded way better than I've managed to

You don't fucking get it do you idiot? You only put them in their shoes, and trust me I've tried doing so, too. You never put yourself in my shoes though. Everything I've felt, at parties, at cinema, at birthdays when we sang together, all of these were basically faked, I've lived these moments by 2 people who are NOT my parents and they had lived them by someone who is NOT their kid. I just found out about this, but they knew about this all along and still had a mile long smile on their faces when we lived all those moments together, they knew the truth but never even told me about it. Stop fucking responding.

I have three adopted siblings in addition to my others siblings and they will always be just as much family.

Nobody lied to you, you're just brainwashed if you think this is something to be dramatic about. Your definition of love is also very idealistic and dare i say, retarded.

>You don't lie to someone you love.

Are you stupid? Everyone fucking lies, there are all kinds of lies, and your parents have probably lied to you and to each other a million times and it doesn't mean they don't feel love.

It'll feel upsetting for a while.

The with luck you'll also be able to see there are some very beautiful things about it too.

So hang in there while you're upset. It's fair to feel that way. But someday after the initial shock and pain has subsided try to see things from the standpoint of both your biological and adoptive parents too.

For today and maybe the next few, however, I imagine this is gonna hurt like learning there's no Santa.

they weren't faked. please see the finns post above, he's put it very well.
leaving this thread now, but i really hope you get over this shock soon, good luck bro

Not for the sake of stirring up shit, but I sympathize with how you feel. Just know that within the next year, perhaps even month, you'll look back at this here day and realize you were overreacting, even if you still haven't come to grips with your situation. Good luck bro.

Holy shit, all the people in this thread are actually being kind of helpful but this post implies you're a total retard teenager.


You parents loved you enough to raise you as their son, quit being a selfish faggot you absolute nigger.

You only get ONE family and eventually they will all die and you'll be alone so cherish them while you can.

Fuck you.

You don't know what a family is until you realize you don't have one. Everything you said can by dismissed easily, you can just be rich as fuck and "have provided for you" or get shit for yourself, it's not the same with parents. It's about the social relation between you and them and moral connection which I thought I had with them, and they knew it never existed in the first place. Call me stupid but I'll tell you, not everything is this life is about money.

>basically faked
what was their interest in faking it for so long? They are the ones who raised you and the ones who loved you. They are your parents. And they didn't tell you precisely because they knew you like parents know their children, they knew would react like a stupid piece of shit and they still loved you. There is nothing to even get over. Any decent human being would be thankful as fuck.

You are being an ungrateful little shit. Go visit an orphanage in your cesspit of a country and get some perspective on how fucking lucky you are you grade A cunt. Sitting here bitching about two people who took you in a treated you as their own. On a computer. What a little bitch cunt you are. Grab your bollocks, stand up tall, and act like a man and stop snivelling. Thank them for wiping your shitty arse all those years.

>father and mother take the cuck route and raise another pair's child
>spend years of their life and tons of money raising the little shit
>only for him to call them "strangers" when he discovers that he was spawned in someone else's vagina by someone else's cock
>but "muh feeeeelings", right?

OP, you're an asshole. Have some fucking gratitude.

He is overreacting very badly, but what he said about empathy is true. You can't boil things down to a simple greentext like that.

Your adoptive parents raised you as their own, time and effort n shit.
I bet you have some nice memories with them.

"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home."

You should chill with the language towards people who are actually spending their precious time trying to 'help' you in the way they know best, even if they don't gain anything out of it.

> Everything I've felt, at parties, at cinema, at birthdays when we sang together, all of these were basically faked, I've lived these moments by 2 people who are NOT my parents

Perhaps you've come barking at the wrong tree. Sup Forums is riddled with people, me included, who never really had parents to begin with. They had no one to support them to go to parties, cinemas or sing with and have fun. They lived lives devoid of a homey hearth with people they knew would be there for them. Put ourselves in your shoes? How about you put ourselves in ours for a while. You are funneling your anger towards people who had MUCH less than you have and you strike me as very ungrateful.

These 2 people ARE your parents and it seems to me you found out you're adopted way too soon. You obviously are younger than 20.

How about gratefulness, you cunt? They cared for you as their own.

>You don't know what a family is until you realize you don't have one.
exactly mate, hence I hope you get over this asap and make the most of the connection you have with these "strangers" because nobody will ever love you more.

t. dead parents

>You don't know what a family is until you realize you don't have one
The thing you don't realize, because you're being OVERLY dramatic right now, is that YOU HAD a family and many of us here didn't.
Knowing your bio dad or having him around is not a family, friend.
I also never mentioned 'money' or implied it has any kind of gravity in all this. I don't know why you brought it up.

Damn, I thought people only got this melodramatic about adoption on fucking TV shows, not in real life.

I bet my head it's easy to say all this shit when you yell "mami" and your REAL mom responds.
No refutment to anything I said, I knew it. Put myself in your shoes? K. Summing up because I've got packing to do. Let me tell you, you lived a somewhat shittier REALITY which is by the way better than a beautiful life, I doubt you can understand it. Have fun with your real life.

Posted with this shit because other IP got b8 thanks DIGI

so . . . your dad had a stepdad?

please tell me how the fuck that's considered adoption.

Beautiful *LIE
Oh well I guess

Sounds like they did a shit job of raising you, you fucking child.
Grow up.

You sound like a pretty selfish special snowflake tbhf
The fact that you're only finding out now means these people treated you like their own child all this time.

This. Can't say I'd feel the slightest bit different about my parents if I found out I'm adopted.

How were they as parents though? If they were kind, loving and raised you as their own then I see no problem.

If it's really an issue you could try to find your biological parents

My mom died January last year


Try a nice long night of sleep, always makes me feel a bit better.

>Don't forget, Sup Forums will always love you.

> No refutment to anything I said, I knew it.

To be honest, the only problem I see in all this is not that you're adopted or that ''your life has been a lie'' as you imply for some mysterious reason, but the fact that you're a little ungrateful asshole, ungrateful to your parents and everything they did for you, ungrateful to strangers on Sup Forums who wasted their time trying to help you.

Therefore I am also done with this thread, I can help confused children to cope with adoption but entitled late-teen assholes or just trolls, no thanks.

>muh dick skin
If it's that bad just kill yourself already

The people who loved and raised you are your mother and father. Don't disrespect them by looking for the people who abandoned you to die.

I have an idea of how shitty and ungrateful a person you are.

they clearly love you as their own, i understand you might think you lived a lie but maybe with some time you'll understand you just put a bad label over an otherwise good life with people who loved you. take your time and process it, in the end you may grow closer to them than ever

>but the fact that you're a little ungrateful asshole

Very much this.

It makes literally no difference OP.

OP is so fucking ungrateful.

I didn't know my father was my step-dad until I was 18, I didn't bitch and moan like a little faggot, instead I loved him even more for putting up with all my shit.

He never once treated me any less than my little sister. He even cried, because he felt that he deceived me, but I hugged him and said it was alright.

OP if we ever met IRL I would beat the living shit out of your for being such an ungrateful little fuccboi.

Sorry to hear about your Mum. Lost my Dad a few years ago dude, Mum's still around 2bh - worded that badly, but shit sucks. Miss him like crazy, and yet I was often an ungrateful little shit at times like OP over the years.. ;_;

Find them for what? Tell them what disgusting people they are? Ask them why they didn't want me. Was I too ugly? Or perhaps too stupid? But come on, you can't know that until at least 3. Were my eyes not blue enough or what? Ask them why they didn't at least tie up a letter to my ass to read when I'd've learned to? Yeah no. Love your parents dude, unless they threw you away like a sack of shit.

You see, if you wertent adopted you would be stuck in a family that hates your guts,. But you were adopted, your familiy saved you, they wanted a child, and have cared for you how your biological familiy never would.

Oh wait, you're probably a gyp, that'd explain why you're human garbage. You biological gyp parents probably dumped you on a doorstep without a single regret, but no, it's these '''strangers''' who raised you that are the monsters.

>adopted parents had the means, morals, and resources to raise you
>real parents did not
You don't know the whole story OP, so don't be angry. You have no idea what was going on those people's lives and the decisions they had to make when you came into the picture. Why even look at your parents any different?!?!

>You being "adopted."
>Realizing that it is just a cover for the German birthing program
that brought you into existence.
>Understanding that the love and need for a parental figure is a love
You Give as you are a Proud White Man or Woman, confident in
yourself, your race, and your culture.
>Eager to demonstrate your capability to find a White mate whom
you'd be proud enough to name as your spouse.
>That feel when you are an Aryan Parent with beautiful White children
aware of the Jew and understand nothing can stop you.
>Looking back at the people being all emotional and discontent.
They will never know satisfaction like you do.

imagine what it's like to yell mami and to hear no response though. You are luckier even than the kids whose mothers are dead. While I've been blessed with a loving biological family, I have an adopted friend who got over it and he doesn't feel wronged. He says the fact that he was accepted compensates for the fact that he was abandoned, so the score is even, just like for everyone else who has parents.
Don't pack up because you've lived with those people for too long. They aren't at fault that your real parents abandoned you. You will break their heart for no reason. Instead, call them at the kitchen table and discuss openly. Describe it is a shock, tell them you will call them by their names until you get used to the idea, cause you will get used to it and you will realize they are your only parents.
I know your genes are dictating you to abandon your family, but as you can see, it leads to heartbreaks.

I found out I was adopted when I was 12. Didn't bother me in the least because the people that raised me treated me like blood and loved me. You had the same treatment. Don't be an emo bitch.

my mother was adopted
i'm 1/8 nigerian