Let's settle this

Is Doom white or not? I mean, he's supposed tobe a gypsy, but he's drawn as white. So maybe he's not Romani but something like... dunno, the Irish Gypsies? Can someone help me here? Should he be drawn as brown or something?

He is now and has always been portrayed as someone with Caucasian skin tone consistent with the typical idea of white.

Like Mexicans, gypsies can range from being pale as ghosts to a very crisp brown.

Yeah, but shouldn't he have been drawn as brown since they stuck with the gypsy origin?

>gypsies can range from being pale as ghosts
Wut? Everyone around me is a crisp brown.

By now his image is cemented in the public's mind. If there's one character who won't magically shift skintone at Marvel it's Doom.


The racial obsession is primarilly an American thing. He would be considered white there.

If it makes you feel better, imagine his parents or grandparents were infants stolen from Bulgaria.

I guess.

He's white. But the way his real face is screwed up, he's usually drawn as brown or red. Like raw or cooked meat. And a healthy bronze of a tan is a sort of brown. The mask is the only part of his clothing any of the writers ever takes off. Wasn't there a comic a few years ago that replayed an early FF moment where Ben breaks Doom's hands? Doom ends up sitting in his parlour bleeding through his iron gauntlets while his shocked manservant tries to coax him into seeking medical help. And the piano performance at the children's house is canceled.
It's always the face. And when it isn't, it's a hologram. Or magic. Or the Beyonder. So yes, Dr VonDoom's white.

All the gypsies are from a low nomad cast from North India, they are asians, there's a couple more of nomad races that are in Europe, not only gypsies, in most of the countries they call all the nomads gypsies but they aren't.

Gypsies come in different forms.

Question, Sup Forums. Do we have a map of the main marvel universe? Like, do we know all the countries Latveria has borders with?
I'd be similarly interested in a full dc-verse map.

>do we know all the countries Latveria has borders with?

Hungary, transylvania, symkaria(?) and serbia?

I was asking, because the way I see it, a proper series on doom should focus on some conquest. Ignoring him as iron man (which we should) doom had three goals.
>save mum's soul
>prove to be smarter than RICHAAAAAAAAAARDS
>and conquer the world.
1st is achieved. 2nd can't/won't be done, because even if he outsmarts him a couple of times, you can't undo decades of richards being on top, with just a few victories.
So , we're left with 3. We can't have him conquer the world and have it be set in stone, but maybe, he can work his way there.
Get part of some neighbouring country and expand latveria's lands.

Who gives a shit?

It doesn't allow Yuropoors to self-insert.

He's been drawn Caucasian in alternate universes where you see his face.

His face's drawn brown-ish in Secret Wars.

This is pretty much exactly what Doom 2099 was.

He's the same as Nightwing, they're white passing Gypsy/Romanis.

He's a gypsy, but he's pretty pale (excepting of course how fucked up he is, so now he looked like he's sorta been through a meat-grinder) and an aristocratic elitist, so he's pretty much just a rich european dude

I miss Doom 2099. Such an amazing character.
>come to life in an alien future and quickly rise to be a ridiculously major player
>take over the corrupt corporate US, make it a dictatorship yet improving on the former regime
>generally an insane bastard
>generally just a badass

>white passing
Is there a more moronic phrase? White is a matter of skin colour. If it has the colour to look white, it's fucking white be definition. And people with white colour are white.

Romani are whites.

>the piano performance at the children's house is
Why is doom so great

No it isn't, that's not how ethnicity works.

Colorists care

"White" isn't an ethnicity.