Come up with some new Simpsons episodes

Come up with some new Simpsons episodes.

>Homer Sucks Cock
>After fucking marge fucking cunt ass piss dick all over the fucking anus bitch WHORE WHORE WHORE and save the rectum before nigger fire

Bart Does the Thing

Bart finds out he's really talented at X, but at the end it's forgotten about and never mentioned again. Also according to the same show he's a loser who'll never accomplish anything.


Bart's bear gets a cellphone.

I'd watch that episode.

Lisa tries to convince people about THING but everyone but her and CELEBRITY LIBERAL CELEBRITY are the only ones too smart to know how THING is better.

Lisa's Addiction

Lisa gets hooked on on that stupid Final Fantasy XV mobile game. Meanwhile, strapped for cash, Homer & Bart record a promo spot for Lords Mobile.

special note: episode is done in real time

Moe becomes a robot and has a crazy wedding.

Maude Flanders comes back from the dead and constantly references Ned's enormous penis.

The Simpsons have a crossover episode with...THE SIMPSONS (season 1)

How about, they are strapped for cash BECAUSE of Lisa's addiction and she accidentally spent too much real money on the game, and instead, Homer creates a female pop singer persona in order to sell albums and pay off the debt?

I'd put money on this actually happening some day.

The Simpsons Halloween episode did it!

Tie the A plot into the B plot? GET OUT OF MY OFFICE THIS INSTANT!


The Jetsons meet the Simpsons!

It kinda happened during a Halloween episode i think in a one off scene with them being haunted by the s1 Simpson's ghosts.

What if we took a BELOVED MOMENT FROM THE SERIES GLORIES DAYS and revisited it while retroactively making it worse

Don't Have A KKKow, Mom

Marge is worried about the kinds of "music" Bart has been listening to lately.

FINAL APPEARANCES OF: Apu, Dr. Hibbert, and Krusty The Clown

"Too much of that stuff will kill you."

>An old Assassin Albert Mark(Liam Neeson) escaping his old life finds himself in Springfield while Homer tries to convince Moe to buy and sell all of his Absinthe his distant relative left him in a will. Moe refuses to buy the absinthe, but Barney ends up chugging a full glass of it before Homer has the chance to tell him what it is. Albert, running from 6 other assassins busts into the tavern to fight them off. Liam with a wounded leg stumbles in, with Homer and Moe jumping behind the counter. Liam is firing cover fire out the open door. Camera pans to Barney in a stool still sitting at the counter. Barney grabs another mug, pours more absinthe into the mug, he takes a huge swig before slamming it again back on the counter.
>"Hey, homah. Hand me that 12-guage."
>Homer tries to hand Barney the gun.
>Moe, stops him.
>"Hey! That's not your gun to give!"
>Moe takes the gun from Homer
>Moe then gives the gun to Barney
>Barney cocks the gun
>He jumps out the nearest window
>tucks and rolls onto the pavement
>Goes from roll to his knees
>shoots two assassins
>They start aiming at him
>He breaks a white van's window
>Hotwires it while Albert hobbles around the bar door to give him cover fire
>Tosses a brick on the gas pedal
>He tails behind the car while it's running at them
>Car hits one of them
>Barney's shotgun is shot out of his hands
>He moves to the side of the van that puts him out of harm's way
>Tears off the damaged door off the passenger's side
>Rushes one Assassin
>They exchange blows
>Knocks weapon out of his hand
>Barney is pinned
>Hot air blinds the Assassin's eyes as he gets pushed off of Barney
>Barney grabs the Assassin's pistol and quickly fires into each assassin's head
>One person, one bullet
>Astonished, Albert asks him. "How did you do that? You look downright plastered!"
>Homer now relieved, interrupts with "Don't mind Barney. He's just a little absinthe-minded."


Homer meets
Lisa says
meanwhile Bart
Marge looks

Lisa does acid

>it is a flashback episode to the ever so distant past of 2001
>homer and marge (not yet married but dating) are on a trip to the new york
>during the trip marge comes to the conclusion that homer is cheating on her after homer accidentally touched another woman's hand for a second in a subway
>now it is homer's task to convince marge that he isn't cheating on her and winning back her trust
>the sideplot follows moe's attempt to open a singles only bar in new york
>the episode ends with homer managing earn back marge's trust before she can go on a date to the wtc towers with her new boyfriend
>the final shot is homer and marge embracing while a plane hits wtc north tower
>quest appearances: backstreet boys, michael jordan, donald trump sound-alike

u madman

Moe and the drunks accidentally discover that he has some darts in the bar, it's just the box was so dirty it looked like part of the wall
Meanwhile the gym teacher finds out Bart actually has some aptitude for sports
Homer keeps trying with the darts but he sucks completely and everyone at the bar makes fun of him over it, he comes home angry about it while Bart comes home proud after practice goes on until too late
Bart tries to tell homer that he found something he is good at but homer just blows out at him expecting Bart to be lying to get away with something, he ends up telling him some hurtful things because he is drunk and Bart promises himself to never tell anyone about it again because everyone thinks he is good for nothing
Homer makes a plan on how he is going to beat everyone at darts by getting them drink so much that they can't even throw and he gets them to agree that the winner will be declared the best forever so he has to pull it off once while Bart keeps taking out his hate for homer in the field
Turns out there is a game the same night homer is planning to do his darts thing but Bart doesn't tell anyone, on his way to the bar homer runs into Bart's gym teacher who is talking about his star boy and how great he is and that he is going to save his ass at tonight's game, homer realizes that Bart was telling the truth and has to decide if a stupid game of darts is really more important to him than his son he has been neglecting for a really long time

Family Guy did it-- which means it'll happen to them at some point.

I'd actually watch a young Homer & Marge episode set in the 00s

The Simpsons meet Egoraptor

A heartwarming episode where the A and B plots tie together without a Celebrity appearance and Lisa?

You're fired.

He'd do it too.
That sellout fuck.

Wouldn't watch it myself, and I believe it could happen. I have no idea how they got Dan Harmon on gamegrumps ffs.

I enjoy listening to interviews with Harmon but since 99% of Egoraptor & friends content is just someone saying "poopie" with the rest of them laughing nervously, I refuse to watch it.

Homer has been coming home later and later lately, but no one has noticed somehow except Maggie who goes on a Baby's Day Out ripoff adventure through the scummiest parts of town to discover that Homer has been losing a bet with Moe every night with the payment being longer and longer lessons on how to be a family man. The episode ends with Homer finding Maggie in a pile of garbage and kissing her filth-encrusted face and going home.

>Arin: -overly long diatribe about some infinitsimal thing he's blowing out of proportion.-
Everyone else: -laughs obnoxiously because they don't wanna get fired like Jon.-

Am I wrong

Homer meets Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, and Chris Evans doing a pub crawl. They recognize him from his B-Sharp days, and invite him to tag along. There's a running gag where they are exclusively referred to as just Chris, with no distinction made between them, and every time it cuts back to them from some other scene the three have swapped clothes.
Lisa says her usual tirade about bullshit after Bart won't shut up about how excited he is for some new movie that she finds offensive and storms off. She goes to her local monastery and comes across this chainsmoking old woman with a thing for younger guys, who turns out to be a respected Zen Buddhist monk. She teaches Lisa in-depth bout the Middle Path, and the difference between blindly conforming, and going with the flow in order to game the system and get what you want anyway.
Meanwhile, Bart gets grounded or spraying graffiti all over Skinner's clothes with UV reactive paint then replacing the bulbs in the school auditorium with blacklights. He concocts a plan to sneak out of the house at night, scrounge up some money, and go see the movie.
Marge looks to home shopping channels to try and find something worth spending a 50$ gift voucher she won when she ordered a replacement vacuum cleaner the other week.

when Bart is right about to finally get into the cinema, Homer and the Chris trio stumble across him. Bart manages to take advantage of how drunk Homer is to not get in trouble for being out late, but still winds up taken home.
Lisa hears what happened and tells Bart that the movie he wanted to see was actually an american remake of an obscure chinese movie. she assures him its much more gory and shit, that it even even got banned, and offers to watch it with him. In an aside, she mutters that it got banned because of its anti-authoritarian political nature, the remake (as shown earlier) had replaced that with a story about an american cop going to china to shoot yellowface bucktooth opium lords.

John Oliver comes to visit spring field! After the entire cast sucks his limey cock for 10 minutes he teams up with Homer and Lisa to expose Mr. Burns' crooked business deals only for the final joke being that Burns gets away with everything because he's rich. Burns is also a thin allegory for Trump.

As far as I've seen in the last 4 years or however long it's been, yeah.

yeah you're right*, I mean to say

Did they punch Trump?
Did BLM visited their town?
Did Homer tried to start a wrestling federation?
Did Homer got impregnated by an alien?
Did Homer tried to be a rockstar?
Did Homer got his family to make cringy videos for America's most stupid home videos?
Did Homer went to Mexico?
Did Bart started playing with little plastic horses?
Did a crazy social service guy tried to take Bart away?