Does she have the worst fanbase in Sup Forums?

Does she have the worst fanbase in Sup Forums?

There are still Rick and Morty fags on Sup Forums

Does she have a fanbase AT ALL?

There are people who unironically think she is a good character and attractive.
She singlehandedly destroyed whole show.

I've seen worse, and it's called Homestuck.

There are still Ravenfags posting on Sup Forums

She was handled bad but she was a good character

You're delusional if you think you can place the fault of the season's flaws entirely on one character.

Her being a Jack's lover instead of surrogate daughter didn't sit right with me.


This. Most of the problems from S5's later half were due to execution. I think we just needed MORE.
Also this. In some parallel universe their relationship works, but surrogate daughter would have worked better.

Anyone else think things could have gone better if Jack had been forced to kill her though?

Agree with the execution. This season needed 5 more episodes, or at least the last one to be one hour (aka double length).
The last episode alone had such a fast pace that it said "Screw pacing, just get over it" and it fucked everything. Left a bad taste

>Anyone else think things could have gone better if Jack had been forced to kill her though?
While it would have been a way to kill her off I would have preferred, I dunno... I think that would be too brutal for Jack to endure.
When she died she did it in the past after the world had been saved, but if Jack just lost her right then and there and then was stuck in the future even if he killed Aku that would have been one hell of a bleak ending.

Yep. Samurai Jack's style of pacing, you know, deliciously slow, worked very well because the show had a self contained episodic format. Each story began and ended in 22 minutes. And most of the stories were so simple that you could just summarize them in a sentence.
"Jack fights off the Minions of Set".
"Jack travels to find a portal guarded by an amazingly skilled warrior".
"Jack fights some robots".
You get the idea.
Season 5, on the other hand, was telling a more complex story, with a lot more of steps to take as well as an overarching plot. That didn't sit that well with the original style.
The first three episodes worked great because they were simple.
Ep 1: Jack suffer hallucinations and has to save a village while Ashi and her sisters are trained.
Ep 2: Jack fights off the Daughters of Aku.
Ep 3: Jack licks his wounds and finished the fight.

Even episode 4 is simple enough. It's not until episode 5, which requires character development that things start being rushed.
I get the feeling that they thought that 10 episodes would be enough considering how they could use 22 minutes to tell a different part of the story. But the end result is that those parts ended up being more complex than they envisioned and thus they didn't have that much breathing room to follow in the original four season's spirit and pacing.

And this is all coming from someone who actually enjoyed season 5 a lot and has come to defend it on Sup Forums numerous times.

That would be the Teen Titans animated series.

At least Rick and Morty's obnoxious fans are gushing over a show that is currently airing.

That's not the SU fandom

She had potential but was never fleshed enough.

Pretty much the rest of the thread has established that the problem with this season was its length. The production team rushed the fate of Ashi's family arc, rushed Jack and Ashi's relationship, rushed Ashi's corruption and redemption, and rushed her death, like they were aiming for the endpoint rather than focusing on the journey.

Wait... hating Ashi is a thing?
Wow Sup Forums
I come here and find the weirdest things...

That's not [insert literally any character, even no-name background ones from Voltron: Legendary Defender here], OP.

Truth be told, as a wannabe writer I imagine revisions with a sadistic edge. To lighten up on that, perhaps either Jack loses Ashi but somehow goes back through some other contrived nonsense, or he saves her and doesn't go back to the past? Not that suggesting these things is gonna change anything. Coming up on the season I didn't really expect him to actually go back.
>That didn't sit that well with the original style.
I don't think the objective concept of an overarching plot is what doomed it later in the season, and your example of the first three episodes kind of shows (but that was probably your point). If it had been written more like a 3 1/2 hour movie, perhaps, it might have ended up being more cohesive.
That theory might be constructed on figments of my imagination. I'm no expert but I AM sleep deprived and spending my little amounts of spare time (not spent on Sup Forums) in the middle of a Lord of the Rings re-watch so my mind is on long-ass movies. I'm also an S5 apologist but that probably won't surprise you.

>Coming up on the season I didn't really expect him to actually go back.
My ideal endings would have been
>Jack stays in the future with Ashi and rebuilds
>Jack loses Ashi but goes back through the Guardian's portal
>Jack and Ashi stay in the future and their son many years from them on goes through the Guardian's portal looking exactly like the vision we all assumed to be an old Jack

The ending we got wasn't that terrible; I do like the idea of something being lost along the way. I just wish that Ashi had died sooner so we wouldn't go through the wedding; that part seemed unnecessary.

Zone is a fag. He didn't even like the original series and now since they've introduced Ashi be's been riding the show's dick like one of his porns.

He didn't know, or he didn't like it?

SJfags were going full autistic spamming with their shitty jokes and threads while this show was on. At least that mercifully ended.

what really broke Samurai Jack was not forced romance, was having a plot, let's be honest SJ never had a plot, just an excuse to do cool things, not that that's a negative point the show was just Jack doing things , was incredible and artistic but never had a focus on anything, every episode was a new situation almost always without any consequence, the show simply not made for a complex plot in mind. continues to be one of the best shows ever produced for me, but still it was not a story of beginning middle and end


The plot was fine until the finale. It was cheesy as hell but enjoyment could be found.
But then the ending tried to be dark and bittersweet rather than just meshing with the previous cheesy tone and going full happy ending.
If the whole season had the tone of the first 3 episodes, a bittersweet ending would have been fitting, but the tone of most of the season was incredibly optimistic and positive, especially in regards to the concept of rebuilding something previously thought to be irreparable
