Vote fraud

How to stop it?
Dems scream racism if you require ID!

Being nationalist in a country with 100 million non whites.


Why don't people just vote multiple times? If you could get every republican to vote just twice, you could easily win. If they don't verify your identity, there's no way to stop it.

I wan to lick the one on the left's butthole while she shakes her ass on my face.

quiz of the day: name 2 countries that dont require voter ID


It's STATES that don't require voter ID here. My state does. Some do not.

Same way some states use computers to vote. Mine uses paper ballots.

if a single state doesn't require voter id then that country doesn't require voter id

>Being nationalist in an Indian colony

>Dems scream racism if you require ID!

Stop giving a shit about being called racist/sexist/whatever by these faggots.

Take that away from them, and they have nothing. It's literally the only weapon they have against us.

>tfw you don't understand you federalism works
>not having a basic understanding that "powers not explicitly given to the federal govt are given to the state" when arguing American politics

You are a failure and you deserve to be annexed by America once your faggoty population is cleansed from the face of the planet.

Any attempt to limit voting to legal citizens is likened to the jim crow laws. Its disgusting.

i said 'if a single state doesn't require voter id then that country doesn't require voter id' to make the question easier for you brainlet

name any other place that doesnt require voter id

it's hilarious to see you and your elections getting cucked by illegals every 4 years because you dont have the balls to put reasonable ID laws in place

>tfw jim crow laws were perfectly normal and were only a big deal because niggers are too dumb and lazy to jump through the hoops

It was a propaganda campaign that is still being ran today. Even in school they show you a fake "literacy test" that's basically an impossible quiz printed out to make it look really old.

They never stopped propagandizing civil rights broheim. Jim Crow is your ally.

>i said 'if a single state doesn't require voter id then that country doesn't require voter id' to make the question easier for you brainlet

And I said the federal government has no business sticking their great big kiked up nose into my state's government.

If you weren't a complete retard you'd understand why it is the way it is. We didn't even have popular elections back when our constitution was written. It's the states that need to adapt. Not the federal government.

Now go fuck off. Your idiocy is unwanted.

>states need to adapt to federal election regulations
alright brainlet, enjoy getting cucked by mexicans again in 9 days, maybe after that you'll wake up and push for the same voting laws that literally every other country uses

can you switch over to metric while you're at it? you dumb burgers need to get out of the stone age

Form a vigilante group and lynch every single propagator of voter fraud you find. Publicly brand and shame their corpse.

I argued with some retard about this and how you have to have an ID to do literally anything of value in the modern world.

Their excuse was that it disenfranchises dem po' inner city folk who don' need no fancy shit like cars or leases.

And they couldn't produce a solution for how we stop individual voter fraud like if my cocksucker uncle decides to pretend to be me and steal my vote just to spite me. Apparently the little old ladies at the polling place just know because of psychic powers or some shit.

Fucking retards.

>Dems scream racism if you require ID!

but are okay wit it when it comes to guns

>Their excuse was that it disenfranchises dem po' inner city folk who don' need no fancy shit like cars or leases.
The next time they try that excuse, point out that those po' inner city folk need an ID to sign up for dem programs.

Watch them squirm with rage when their ace in the hole already has fucking IDs.

I'm volunteering at my local polling station to monitor for fraud

Yeah, some random faggot commented that it would inconvenience his decrepit grandmother and my response was that there are organizations that will take disabled people out to do errands like that and Medicare will pay for some of them, assuming that she has a Social Security card (which I'm sure she does unless she's a dirty illegal).

Yeah when it comes down to it, if a person feels like they don't want to be a part of normal society, why would they want to exercise their right to vote anyway?

Pretty much my thought. Every aspect of modern society is "inconvenient." If you don't like it go live inna woods.