What if we beat the Left at their own game and start calling Hillbots "slavophobic" when they use Russian hysteria to...

What if we beat the Left at their own game and start calling Hillbots "slavophobic" when they use Russian hysteria to deter criticism? If they can use buzzwords, why can't we?


It wouldn't work.
And even if it would, slavs aren't people.

White people cannot be oppressed, unless they are Jewish.

i dont think normies know what slavs are.

but hillary is clearly anti russian what would that be called?
Russiphobia we could get that trending maybe if KeK agrees?

1.step one collect olt anticommunist propaganda
2.edid it into hillary campain material (propaganda)
3.spread it


Won't work, because slavs are white.

you may alter communist into russian

What ever you say satan


I was thinking something like this

True. Maybe another word would be better. But it does have to end with phobic or ist

Bolsheviks were kikes.

it would legitimize their strategy

something like "help the authorieties and report known trump supporters!"

If they don't know what it is it could work to further enrage them

Make a kony 2012 tier video that's somewhat condescending. "Don't know of the long history of oppression the Slavic people have faced? Here's what the Western media doesn't want you to know."
I think it'd only work if it included sjw buzzwords.

alter the teyt yourself

Lets call it Ivan bashing

Something like:
slave comes from slav, so they have been opressed for centuries by this evil word you slavophobe,
from now on we use the word unconsentual working relationship

beware of trump suooprters

can't be racist toward pale-skinned people.

I truly believe those retards will fall for it.

include a few sentense hitler sayed about slaves and it's over

Connect it to anti-Semitism and add "No, you see, Putin WANTS you to hate them because then THEY win!!"

Are you high or just retarded?


Lets play the "west split them up" meme, the one thats dropped when talking about muslims


Nazis empowered croat nationalists which killed other slavs(serbs)

The civil war in yugoslavia is self explanatory
Hurr Durr Muh west destroyed a "working" state trough proxy

Now Putin wants to found some sort of slavic union to bring peace there and the west is like

Some leftist will fall for this shit

We have to help Putin bring peace to all slavs, who have been opressed by both the germans and the mudslimes

So the latter, gotcha.

I'm so discriminated fucking american racists, they import in USA niggers, latinos, jews for vote for Democrats, but nobody imports Russians for GOP vote. What am I worse fucking niggers? I'm so sad ;_;