Infinitely smart

>Infinitely smart
>Infinitely rich
>Infinitely resourceful
>Decides that the best way to make the world a better place is to fight crime in New York

Other urls found in this thread:

>Infinitely shit so they had to try and pair him off with Storm to save sales

>superhero comic books don't make sense


All mainstream superheroes are like that.
The only superheroes worth a damn are "bad guys" because muh put the world in a bottle or some other damn bullshit.

If you ain't destroying all the world's nuclear weapons and establishing a utopian world state, or at least building a greenhouse on Mars, then you're wasting your powers.


read it as to "sale slaves"

>Infinitely smart
Smart enough to realize that if he actually fixed the worlds problems there would no longer be any use for him. Becoming a super hero is a power trip, that is all.

> King of one of the richest kingdom on Earth
> Decides to waste his time by fighting against the gentrification of Harlem ('cause white people are bad).
> Get cancelled after 6 issues (Black Panther & the crew).

Shit character.

Yeah, Storm is a shit character anyway. Should have just had him cuck reed with his slutty hotwife.

More like
>cuz White people don't respect the people who were already living in the neighborhood they're trying to take over. But i guess you knew this and are being purposely obtuse. Or maybe you're just a fucking idiot. Whatever the case eat shit and die

Presumably Wakandans are like most other Africans and don't give a flying fuck about Blackness vs non-Blackness. They're living in a world where the folks from two villages away might as well be another race. Why isn't he in Lagos teaching the Yoruba about not abusing Nigerians from other parts of the country?

The answer is that he's a piece of American culture so he needs to be in America, but I wanted to ask that anyway.

Remember when he and his people had the cure for cancer but wouldn't give it to anybody?

So? Fantastic 4 can cure, x-men can cure cancer. Iron-man can cure cancer.

Why is i always New York? Is that the only place in the world with crime?

>Iron Man
>Mr Fantastic
>Green Arrow

That's every fucking one of these mary sue assholes. Shit, almost every "Nonpowered" hero needs those powers if they want to be able to keep up with heroes who actually have abilities

If you have ever been in New York, you would understand why everyone wants to destroy it. I guess some people don't want anyone to do it?

Big question is, why aren't more comics set in New Hampshire? Presumably because no one wants it not to be destroyed. In the Marvel universe, is NH just a smouldering crater periodically renuked just on principle?

Always assumed because Marvel is based in NY so everything is NY

But Reed/Tony are even worst since they don't have a kingdom to run and they're a shit ton times smarter than BP.

We even had an entire story arc pointing out how shit the world is for it in Reed's case.

>All mainstream superheroes are like that
Marvel is the only company with the new york obsession.

What a realistic character!

>unironicly defending gentrification
>thinking gentrification is about race

>most other Africans and don't give a flying fuck about Blackness vs non-Blackness
You so funny muzungu.

>>Decides that the best way to make the world a better place is to fight crime in New York
that's when he's kicked out of Wakanda

Not as much now that they have dumped 45k police officers into it.

shut up Riri

>there are no black millionaires
Hi Cletus.

No, fuck you. Black Panther was fucking great before that shit show. Priest had a great run with the character. Hudlin then comes along and destroys everything and the only important thing is that the character is black, has a black wife, and is black. Fucking shitshow.

>Sup Forums reading comics

Remember when they were completely right about it being weaponized?

I want to read Black Panther but I'm white. Will this shit try to guilt trip me about my skin color and try to brainwash me with constant racemixing?

Why is that? Do all the writers live there or something?

.t Tyrone Le'Darius

That just seems lazy.

> not making your own death escadrones

DC uses fictional cities that are thinly veiled copies of East Coast cities.

You keep using that word. I don not think it means what you think it means.


>Gentrification -> process of renovation of deteriorated urban neighborhoods by means of the influx of more affluent residents
> It's a bad thing.

Go back to Detroit, Tyrone. You won't have problems with rich white people over there.

He makes Batman look like a grounded, believable character.