Take ancient Greek philosophy class at my university

>Take ancient Greek philosophy class at my university
>taught by some short haired dyke
>"greeks were backwards misogynists"

I'm paying for this bullshit at a publicly funded university. Fuck this gay earth.

Backwards misogynists? So what, they hated men?

>Fell for the uni meme.

Holy shit. I pity you, brother. Did you even try arguing for anything or did you just accept whatever the femminazi said, because you didn't want to get fucked grades?

No, they fucked boys instead of women.

>calling an ancient civilization backwards

I'd say drop the fucking course now but it's already November. Sounds like a philosophy PhD got pushed into teaching a class in a subject she hates.

Truly the most redpilled and enlightened individuals to have ever lived.

She's using Aristotle's Generation of Animals as an example of how retarded ancient greeks were because they didn't understand reproduction the way we do now.

drop the class and just study independently.

You either:
a) go to a shit school
b) are misrepresenting what actually happened
c) are giving an accurate characterization of what's typical for the class

If it's a and/or c, you should talk to the professor about it and, if she doesn't respond well, talk to the department chair. If it's b, get over it. Besides, the Greeks were openly misogynist in many respects. Your professor's comments are only a problem is she's focusing on that point to the exclusion of actually teaching you philosophy.

tell her ayn rand has it all sorted, and her masters is useless paper

and to shut her manhating hole

Is she a grad student or a professor? Are you sure you're understanding her correctly and aren't exaggerating about how central these comments were to her teaching?

But they were misogynists. They reveled in it. Saying that wouldn't insult them. They literally hated women. Women were literally only for breeding and taking care of said brood. This is why the Greeks were so gay.
Terrible professor. Drop the class.

As someone with an MA in Classics (InB4 useless) I would assume the prof is from the Philosophy department rather than Classics, because any Classics prof who said such things would be fired very quickly.

just respond

>how deeply non relativist of you misses, it's not our place to judge other cultures like that, one does not call african tribes that practice female genital multilation misogynist nor backwards, just like we shouldn't call the greeks misogynist and backwards despite what they believed, I'm extremely offended

It's mostly B. I'm half memeing, half serious. She's definitely turned this class into an examination of male-female relations and the sexism that existed. We have spent more time on the works of Sappho, than on Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates, combined.

The professors in the philosophy department at my school definitely had overlap with classics. These guys would cringe if a collegiate level professor tried to apply 21st century morals to this shit for a class.

You need to read William Blake Tyrrell's book on Amazons, it will work as an antidote to this xanthippe.

Get out

Learn a trade

Ayn Rand and Aristotle are only 2 philosphers

Yaron brook
john a allison not bad lately on current stuff

If you read capitalism the unknown IDEAL your life will be changed forever

But Sappho was a lyric poet, not a philosopher. Tell her to teach Lit if she's so interested in that Lesbian.

Few to no philosophers really think like that. You're thinking of the "(insert minority) studies" people and some sociologist/anthropologist types.
Gender roles and sexism are philosophically interesting topics and I seriously doubt the comment about Sappho since her work is in fragments and would only really be studied for longer than a week in a graduate/upper level undergrad course in classics, lit, or maybe philosophy. Are you sure you aren't exaggerating still?

She sounds like a typical professor: too dumb to use information and logic together.

>he pays to be brainwashed by liberals

You sound like someone who dropped out in the first semester of college because you were too narcissistic to acknowledge that your professors are smarter than you in general and, especially, about the issues in their fields. Because of that, you were getting failing grades and, to protect your fragile ego, just told yourself that you're too smart for the profs.

How close am I?

that's shit dude

lol I went to a community college for my first two years, and the one philsophy class I took was lead by a chubby feminist. Our textbook would like just be about overarching philosophical ideas and then different philosophical schools of thought and how they approach them, but god damn it every chapter always had the feminist philosophy perspective

I was talking with a friend of mine one day and he was talking about this existential philosophy class he had,apparently all they talked about was saarte, hadn't said anything about nietzsche

I just thought that was such a pleb way to be presented existential philosophy, you know, most people go into those classes not really ever caring or will care about philosophy

that's how they were fed reality

But it's a philosophy course, not a poetry course. Surely that is good grounds for a formal complaint!

It's an upper level undergrad philosophy class. We spent like three weeks on Sappho, two on Plato, and just barely covered Aristotle. After this we're going over the pre-Socratics for the rest of the semester.

well you and I know they were pretty fucking patrician in their philosophies

they just saw reality, and talked about what the saw

it was a more intuitive time

Hahaha you're a cuck.

I hope you've dropped it

Not him, but you are close.

I then got a trade, learned from an older, responsible man in his late 40's about plumbing and now I'm making bank.

At least we went over the Odyssey in the beginning of the semester to get some cultural context. Though it seems absurd to me that an ancient Greek philosophy class would barely cover the works of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle; feature so little actual philosophical thinking and instead focus on "muh sexism, muh women, muh sogyny."

>be freshman last semester
>take course called ENG 101: English and American Literature
>see course description
>Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Thomas Hardy, Toni Morrison
>sign up as an elective

First day of class
>orange haired with blue streaks female teacher walks in, she's wearing problem glasses
>i wonder what she's going to say
>"This class is about learning English and American literature, we are focusing on a central theme of gender roles, sexism, misogyny and feminist thought"
>some kids in the back had a visible wtf expression on their face
>"We're going to compare male-dominated fields of literature and literature written by females, in an attempt to analyze a system of patriarchy and its feminist response in English & American history"
>pajeet raises his hand and asks am i in the wrong class i didn't know this was a gender studies course
>prof gets slightly annoyed and explains that no, this is ENG 101, we're just focusing on a theme here

Socrates didn't write anything though. Most of what we know came from Plato and Xenophon. That being said, a majority of time should be spent on Plato and Aristotle, as well as the Stoics, Cynics, etc.

Feminist philosophers have contributed to debates in basically every area of philosophy. If you're reading about very general issues in philosophy, it wouldn't make sense to exclude feminist views, or other major views, just because you don't like them.

It also isn't a sin to exclude Nietzsche from an existentialism course. There are some earlier thinkers like Nietzsche and Kierkegaard who are considered existentialists (or proto-existentialists in some way) but aren't focused on in discussions of existentialism because existentialism is typically more closely associated with Sartre and Beauvoir.

If she's focusing that much on pre-Socratics, she probably knows what she's talking about and it sounds like it could be an interesting class. If it's geared toward pre-Socratics, there's nothing wrong with looking at Sappho for a while. Classes, especially upper level classes, need to focus on something. That means that other things are, necessarily, going to be excluded. That doesn't mean they're unimportant. It just means that the class isn't primarily about them.

>works of Socrates
You're going to make a great philosopher, user.

eh im kind of a RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADS NOW kind of guy, so i'd love to avoid having the flock being exposed to poisonous ideas

Censoring of free inquiry is one of the most, if not the most, poisonous ideas.

>"Feminist philosophers have contributed to debates in basically every area of philosophy"
Screaming "MISOGYNY!" doesn't count as contributing to the debate.
'Feminist Philosopher' is a bit like saying "Catholic Abortion doctor" or "Muslim intellectual". The two words just don't go together.
Feminists are supposed to be confined to the waste-of-money department, also known as gender studies.

Start preparing for your negative review at the end of the semester now, and catalog any egregiously stupid claims for later use in direct complaints to her higher ups

Also please in the most basic and blunt terms give her a shitty review on places like RateMyProfessor so other students are spared her course


when will you idiots learn

>Screaming "MISOGYNY!" doesn't count as contributing to the debate.
I never said that it did.
>'Feminist Philosopher' is a bit like saying "Catholic Abortion doctor" or "Muslim intellectual". The two words just don't go together.
No. Feminists and Muslims have been philosophers and intellectuals. You just disagree with them and probably aren't interested in knowing what they actually have to say because they have vaginas, different skin color, or different religion. Catholic abortion doctor might be harder to come by, to be fair.


I agree ideologically, but I make a strong distinction between what is ideal and what is realistic

reality has shown me the the vast majority of people aren't that reasonable, and if exposed to one side of the story, that side of the story becomes their reality, most people don't even care about these things, and that's fine, I don't blame them, but perhaps you see where I come from now

I suggest what works

I like to envision you as a morbidly obese SJW with mold between your fat rolls and jelly tits that no man (or woman - which is what really grinds your gears) will ever love.

It pleases me.

my meaning was understood so I did my part

And you're sure that you aren't one of the people you're talking about? I don't mean that in a condescending way. People who think about philosophical issues and about the cognitive biases of the rabble tend to also think of themselves as being above those cognitive biases even though they aren't. Why propose death squads when you have no guarantee that you aren't just as prone to cognitive biases as others? Rational engagement is the only hope we have, even if it sometimes fails.
lol whatever fantasy suits your purpose

I had a 19th Century lit class like this shit. All female writers lecturers and tutors. All of them projected modern feminism and and read into texts that were way more about class and society than gender politics.

When i tried going to school i took a history class on ancient civilizations.

The second day the teacher misrepresented zoroastrianism. While she was correct in the later forms of the religion, she neglected to accurately represent the early form.

I dropped the class.


this bitch has no grasp on the progress of our scientific knowledge. Just end her.

the right wing death squads was for shitposting cred, but a lot of postmodern philosophy is complete garbage and literally for lefty circlejerks among the academics at the college

>Take ancient Greek philosophy class

Is this your first time on Sup Forums?
If you'd been here before you'd know that women, especially feminists, have never contributed to anything save for the degradation and degeneracy of western society.
"Ask not the female a question for you will get three answers; each of them wrong, and each equally nonsensical"

Ask her why it's bad to be a misogynist
Then ask her to prove men an women are equal.

Aristotle didn't understand reproduction in the way we do, though.
>a lot of postmodern philosophy is complete garbage and literally for lefty circlejerks among the academics at the college
That's true but most philosophers aren't "postmodernists." Even most feminist academics, as far as I'm aware, aren't postmodernists. Also, most leftists aren't postmodernists.

I had a postmodern phase but grew out of it. I think one key to understanding some of the writings that actually have something to say is something you've already pretty much understood. It's largely written with political goals in mind. You won't get a lot out of it if you don't grant the political assumptions for the sake of understanding what they have to say throughout the writings. That said, I also agree with you that, even in some of the better postmodern writing, it circlejerkish since it really doesn't have any impact outside of academia.
I've been on Sup Forums many times and I know what it's safe to assume most people on here believe. That doesn't mean they're correct or that there aren't people with other beliefs who browse or post on Sup Forums.

Why are you complaining about it? It makes you look stupid for being fooled by the college meme.

I was lucky enough to learn this stuff before the shit infiltration of retards. My teacher loved all the crazy shit ancient Greeks got up to.

>works of Socrates

This is how we know you're bullshitting

They sort of were by today's insane standards but it was a cultural thing that allowed their culture to flourish and become the basis for western civilization
They also had the greatest female writer of all times, Sappho is still influential as fuck and basically created the love poems as a genre
Besides the symposia also had a bunch of women present

He likely means Plato, specifically the Death of Socrates dialogues and The Republic.

One of my dreams if I won the lottery was to get a PhD in Classical Studies. Not anymore.

I'm better off teaching myself.

Symposium fleshes that out pretty gud.

She can't blame Aristotle for not having twenty first century technology. Our scientific method didn't change until Descartes and Bacon for fuck sakes. That would be like bitching out Cicero, the most liberal man in Rome, for not being a 21st century marxist liberal democrat. Jesus Christ, fucking Da Vinci thought sperm carried little people in them.

How the fuck is she teaching Sappho? We have like nothing fucking from her.

What is the theme of the class?

Dude, most feminist philosophers fucking suck. At best they bitch about why philosophers of the past are mean. The best work I've seen has been from Nussbaum, and she's pretty meh. How the fuck does feminism have any place in philosophy outside of political philosophy? it doesn't. Feminist epistemology makes no sense. Feminist metaphysics makes no sense. Get real m8. They're niche carvers pushing an agenda. That's academia.

t. cynical graduate student.