
Anyone suffering from depression on this board? Well, how does it feel like, and why is it so prevalent in today's society?

Or is it just a mere meme?



I suffered from depression. Some redpills:

>It's caused by your shitty life. "muh chemical imbalance" is just a meme. Fix your life, and the depression should resolve itself.
>Doctors typically recommend exercise, daylight, and medication. All of these things can help, but medication has serious potential side effects, such as a permanently numb dick.
>It won't go away unless you want it to, and even then, it takes a lot of self-discipline and work.
>Don't kill yourself. Every time you read "kys" on Sup Forums, it will make you think of suicide more. Don't do it. It's a meme.
>Certain other disorders, such as OCD, can make depression more complicated to treat. Make sure you are diagnosed accurately, and get a second/third opinion.

Good luck, user. You aren't alone

Yes, with anxiety to boot.

If I didn't start meditation and working out I'd have killed myself long ago.

I've tried almost every medication, then got diagnosed with "treatment resistant" depression and eventually bipolar. I quit taking medications this year and switched to weed, which is the only thing that's worked.

It runs in my family so even with an alright diet and exercise, I still am basically going to always have symptoms.


Get over it.

>permanently numb dick.
Shit. I just started my meds.

Yeah, had it for 20 years or so.

Sounds cliched, but laughing helps. Just listened to this old chestnut pic related, and lost my shit again.
I bet the guy who trolled them is still laughing now.

우울증으로 고생하고있습니다.
Not really tho

turn back toward God

>Anyone suffering from depression on this board? Well, how does it feel like, and why is it so prevalent in today's society?

Because we live in a hedonistic and materialistic society with no higher purpose.
Everything is for profit, empty and pointless.

I've dealt for 10 years with depression, tried literally everything, the only thing that worked for me was meditation.

Im finally feeling somewhat better after 5 years of depression, this is all solid advice.


The newest cutting edge research on Depression points to it being a neuro-immunological disease heavily linked to body wide inflammation. Start exercising, eat healthier, get more sun, if you hang out with assholes stop hanging out with them, if you are a regular alcohol drinker cut back, if you have no social contact get some. Your depression will go away.

Not specifically, but I've was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder over a year ago after being misdiagnosed with a bunch of other things.

>posting in a datamining thread


Weed helps me too, been smoking it for year and my dad has smoked his whole life. I don't want to go full weedlmao but I truly believe it can help some people. It definitely keeps me sane. Exercise helps as well.

Drepression is for the weak. Fix your shit, cuck.

Why is this a datamining thread? honest question.

I used weed to cope with my anxiety, never started getting better till I quit doing it alone. Still smoke socially tho.

I smoke because my mind is too overactive and I can simulate cognitive behavioral therapy while alone. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone else unless that's how they're using it.

Me too...

I was actually doing pretty good for a long time. But idk man. Society is so fragmented, no sense of community, no one to turn to. Due to the nation of the economy most relationships last about 5 years tops.

I smoke it for insomnia. My anxiety kicks in at night and I can't sleep because my mind just doesn't stop. Weed helps a ton. Insomnia, anxiety, depression, it's all related at least for me.

I didn't know I was on

We are depressed, not delusional.

How am I suppose to make my life better? That's why I need Trump to win to make my life better.


Exactly retard. If I lived in the states I would not need Trump because my life would already be perfect.

start taking responsibility for your own actions, for a start. I'm not even shitposting. Take charge of your decisions and be deliberate in your actionssssss

Even if Trump wins you would still be in Canada... How does Trump effect you in the slightest?

Alcohol is the only thing that keeps me up.

I don't know. I have to convince myself not to shoot myself on a daily basis and I've been a massive alcoholic for about 7 years. I hallucinate a lot, both audio and visual. I'm usually up for days at a time which makes me very irritable and weak. My life has been shit for as long as I can remember including my dad breaking bottles over my head as a kid and then both parents dying young to drug abuse so that's probably why. I don't have a single real life friend and my girlfriend left me a year ago because she couldn't take my episodes.

I have literally no reason to exist, I would have already shot myself probably if this election wasn't so great, I will likely pull the trigger after Nov 8th though regardless who wins (Trump supporter but I'm just sick of it all, even if he wins I want out of this nightmare)

"It is not a sign of good health to be well-adjusted in a sick society."

Neat, it really isn't common enough to find other people with it.

Because we're Americas biggest trading partner. The funny thing is Ameritards will always be catered to by their government no matter who wins so the Presidential Election will not affect Americans.

It harms cognition and so it's an offbalanced feeling. I'm so glad I got out of that rut. I can't even think about how I was before taking Theanine.

we have less population than california and over half our trade is with the US and trump doesnt effect us. Fuck people are fucking retarded.

I was in depression a month ago, now I'm free.

Ask me anything.

November 7th, buy a plane ticket to wherever you want to go to make a difference. Military or humanitarian, much work needs to be done in places like Africa and the Middle East )mopping up rebels/jihadis).

yeah, I severely hate myself, but I walk around and talk to people as if nothing is wrong. people even say I'm the happiest person they ever met, but deep down I'm waiting for my parents to die so I can off myself. real depression is scary because you can't see it in someone, you can actually feel depression, it literally feels like a dark cloud over you.

But Game of Thrones bro.. Don't leave yet... And at least kill some bullies before you go.. If you must leave

It's ever worse when you're self aware of it, the issues behind it, and the anxiety associated with it and you DO NOTHING. Even though you can.

>you never will

I deal with depression drinking beer before going to sleep

How could Theanine help a depressed, low agency lad like me?

I was depressed as fuck for a couple of years, disabled from military accident, lost my kids to my ex wife in a custody battle, paying almost 2k a month child support, drinking heavily, court continuously denies me more time with my kids, heavily in debt from court battles. I felt like ending it, often. Didn't. Now I'm looking at full custody of my kids after their mother od'd on drugs while driving, medically retired, own a house, reconnected with some friends. Life is good now, I see the light at the end of this tunnel.

I've struggled with depression off and on for years, but it mainly stems from my severe chronic pain. Those who says it's just a meme simply haven't been under the right circumstances.

What motivated you to overcome the barrier of despair in Mexico of all places? desu

I used to have pretty bad depression, now I'm just bored all the time. I kind of want to kill myself even though it would devastate my family, I'm almost 30 and I just can't imagine doing 4 (or more) decades on this Earth. Nothing is really fun to me, seems like 95% of life is doing shit you can't stand so that you can maybe have a good time for a few hours every week or two. College was the best time of my life, there isn't really much to live for now that it's over.

This is why exists. They can relate.

fuck off trump is mine

I'm glad things turned around for you bro, keep your head up. Still waiting for some light on my end.

It would be greedy to go alone.

he is all of ours you selfish fucking prick

Depression isn't real xD

>Every time you read "kys" on Sup Forums, it will make you think of suicide more


Kill yourself my man

im not sharing trump with any "ethnically enriched citizens"

You don't get him until after we annex Canada.

do you enjoy making us think of suicide? i have depression and anxiety because i was bullied by niggers you insensitive kike, now gas yourself

Thanks man, it will come for you, it will take time, just hang in there friend. It might look bleak at times, but hold out. It will be worth it.

You become suicidal in Mexico and cheer up eventually when you realize the cartel will probably kill you quickly and you won't have to live in Mexico anymore after that.

pretty much this
and the system is so rigged that even if you "game" it, all you do is rip off your profits from the normal workers.

The only thing that can really help you feel better is a concerted commitment to doing so on you're part. It can feel good to be sad for a little while, but it prevents you from improving your life which will make things progressively worse. You have to recognize negative thoughts and stop or redirect them rather than indulge them.

meh for me after 6 years weed is starting to become my depression

You are just a man who has lost his way in the River Styx.

But soon you will find your place in life. Become a vigilante and protect the life on earth from its corrupt oppressors.

If you get triggered by some troll on the internet telling you to kill yourself then maybe you really should take his advice.

Something you should have learned a long time about the internet is if they're not friends, they're not people. Unless it's Sup Forums, I consider you faggots my only friends. That being said either grow a spine or get the fuck out

>body wide inflammation.
This makes a whole lot of sense and something I suspected to be true in my case for years. I wish there was decent otc anticytokine medicine I could test. Doctors are too quick to push their sponsored pharmaJewticuls

Well México is not that shittie as media make the world believe.
I got depression cuz I got in a car accident, I gain weight and other shits.

I started to eat healthier, do exercise, sleeping at 10pm(I used to have insomnia and fall sleep at 5am), motivate myself and stay positive, and tried Maya Solar exercises(this spiritual shit really works m8) at a forest, being connected with the nature and leave the city changes everything.

Pic related.

It is horrible, but marijuana is legal here, and it helps a lot.

Lets be vigilantes together.
might as well clean up the streets for someone.

I have not disciplined myself in that respect. The only social interaction I have is through the internet so i naturally take it personnel.

Does depression lead to an objective view on life or does an objective view on life lead to depression?

That sounds more like /r9k/ than Sup Forums.

Try a substance that changes your brain chemistry. Like marijuana. Try to get some even if it is illegal where your from. It helped me through some dark patches.

I was redpilled since I was a laddy, though. I bought David Duke's autobiography in 8th grade, then high school fucked my shit up.

Holy shit your the only person I've heard of in a long time who is like me. I hallucinate constantly (mostly nice images though) and if I don't take pills I become functionally blind. I have no reason to live and I wish they allowed me to join the army. They wouldn't even take me if it was a draft because of previous suicide attempts.

Why not just go out more?

Walk into a place, say fuck you to any dude and call out any girl for being a qt. This'll make the whole room laugh and people will come chat you up. That's how I made friends. Then again I am black so people took it less seriously.

You have nothing to lose. Might as well just do what you want right?

Except alcohol, don't use that as medicine. It'll fuck you up.

how so?

Isnt that the job of a to its people?

>say fuck you to random strangers
>approach strange women in bars afterwards

you know that's literally begging for a fight.


please have cancer

Depression is nothing unless you are a minority. It's 2016 for fuck sake.

>be 17
>always been a loner
>had a decent part time job as a busser
>get diagnosed with epilepsy after having a siezure on a first date.
>lose my license for a year
>lose my part time job
>get put on tons of meds
>Dilantin makes my gums inflate
>have to change meds and still have siezures
>next meds give me extreme mood swings and I still have siezures
>next meds keep my siezures under control
>skip to a year later
>got my license back
>got a new job
>everything is starting to return to normal
>siezures come back real hard
>start having them once a day
>nearly died twice choking on my vomit
>parents are broken
>family starts saying im not taking my meds
>have bruises all over because I keep falling from little tics I developed
>add on a new medication that stops them again
>skip again to when I'm 20
>have everything somewhat under control
>start getting an aura that felt like dejavu while im driving
>pull over and have a siezure
>realize if I had passed out while driving I could of killed someone
>go home and put a gun in my mouth
>just feel like a burden to everyone around me
I'm 21 now and I still haven't gotten my license yet, but its been a couple months since my last siezure. Smoking weed and my new meds have evened me out. I still get tics in the shower and fall down, but it's a huge improvement over where I was. I just hope I dont sieze the day again.

Well met leafs.

My hallucinations are quite negative and keep me from sleeping a lot. I don't take any medicine. I was on anti-psychotics for awhile and they really fucked me up so now I'm super paranoid about trying anything else. Also I'm too far gone to even care about self repair or whatever. I've thought about the military as some kind of new start but yeah I would be denied as well due to history of mental illness and hospitalization from alcohol abuse.

>American election does not effect american people

"Depression" is a meaningless word, kind of like the totally meaningless term "chemical imbalance in the brain". Anti-depressants are mystery drugs, and there is no real understanding of how they work or what the secondary effects might be. Forgetting those stupid words and bad solutions is important. Depression is a response not a cause of anything and it is best if you ignore it. You can't ignore AIDS or a broken leg, so thinking of "depression" in terms of illness is bad for you if your goal is to be less depressed.

Depression is essentially a feeling of inferiority and/or helplessness that comes from a chronic lack of rewarding experiences to the point you no longer hunger to experience. The only solution is to find out what you are capable of succeeding at and to succeed at that. You will be forced to go out and take risks and humiliate yourself in the process of curing your depression and reigniting your love for experience. Sure, that is impossible when you're too depressed to move, but at some point you will be forced to move, forced to do the impossible. So just tell yourself "when I'm forced to move I'll just kill myself" until that day. And on that day you will move and discover that you don't need to kill yourself.

It is a great way to make friends. Just steer it into some bantz and play it off as a joke. The other guy will be seen as an insecure asshole if he does not comply and you will have established yourself as an alpha male which makes picking up women easier since they have taken interest in you.

It is a double-edged sword really, but is quite effective. I've used this tactic back in high school and it worked for me.

I was a socially awkward fuck hiding behind the facade of a chad. But over time the Chad became me.

>*leans into the mic**Squints and smiles.*

I'm sorry user, but 17?

You shouldn't have said that.

Sorry to hear your story though.

Yes it is, exactly why Amerilards don't have to worry about politics

opps, disregard

didn't see that last part

Alcohol is usually the first drug people abuse because its legal and available. Nobody here have a drinking problem? Hard to believe.

>walk into bar
>approach girl
>'fuck you'
>oops I confused methods
>betamale outrage
>Chads surround me
>'i-it was just a prank'
>Chads rek me


> sieze the day

oh my sides

I certainly have a major drinking problem. I've done every drug other than opiates and I've never had any of them interfere with my life but alcohol has half ruined my life.

If shit hits the fan then just whip out your dick and fan attack.

>Our holy texts are the supreme holy texts

Perfect example of why I can't follow a book. I would have to be 100% less honest with myself about what could be the case.

Can I have the one written by God himself?

Can you explain how it has ruined your life?

If you're fat lose weight, it'll help.