Well if trump becomes president, how is that shit going to affect me?

Well if trump becomes president, how is that shit going to affect me?

we will nuke mexico so dont worry, it will be quick.

There will be mass deportations of Mexicans to Mexico. So you can expect economic chaos and maybe even a full-blown civil war.

Uncle Pablo is coming home :D :D

Te tienes que quedar en tu pais, Paco

Nothing really. Most construction jobs have been infiltrated by (You) guys anyway. I guess at most, you'd just end up loosing 12% of your GDP from the loss of your hombres sending the welfare they collect here back home.

Probably not at all.

extra taxes for the wall

You're going to pay for the wall by having worse (for you) trade deals with the US. Also if you were planning on crossing the border illegally you'll have to give up those plans.


pick one

They'll bring drugs.

Get ya money ready.

By not genociding serbs, you literal nigggra

[email protected] u tell me

I may actually help you.


I'll have to get off my fat old rich Republican ass and go volunteer to do some kind of public good.

maybe you'll have a shot at cleaning up your country.

You will get a great job building wall.

You tried

>support for touchback amnesty
>BUILD WALL is negotiating point
>Trump not an active racist like he wants his base to believe with his dog-whistle politics, only a benign one
>true feelings lie in his criticism of Republicans' anti-immigration stances and his belief in a global economy
>won't be president anyway
Trump doesn't affect you at all.

Bill Clinton helped bail out Mexico and stopped mass immigration.

Trump isn't going to bail out Mexico and mass immigration is going to happen in the US.

This is a fact.

whatever happens i hope it doesn't make immigration difficult

i wanna purchase and own land in alaska someday

Es lo que no entienden esos ninis millenials que chillan que "TRUMP ES RACISTA Y LITERALMENTE HITLER" no entienden. que aunque fuera ciero, (lo cual no lo es) no afecta a la gran mayoría de los mexicanos y mucho menos los afecta a ellos de una manera negativa. Y además de todoal decir que Trump quiero correr a todos los mexicanos estan implicando que TODOS los mexicanos son ilegales y eso es... Bastante racista si me lo preguntas..