Drumpfies think the orange clown has a chance of winning

>Drumpfies think the orange clown has a chance of winning

maximus topestus kekakus
my sides are on orbiting the galaxy right now

Technically he has a chance just a really really small one

Small like his hands.


Thank you for correcting the record

beat me to it


Καρkίνο να πάθεις μαλαkισμένο

damn I hope you're all paid well
this is just cringe
I pray that you are lifeless bots and not somehow human

Facebook-tier cringe. CTR sucks at their job.


Drumpfies have such a thin skin, so easy to trigger just like their master drumpf

>NYT reports that Trump has no connections with Putin
>Hillary under 3 FBI investigations
>Hillary tweets an article calling her the most corrupt and unpopular candidate in history
>Hillary arrives at rally, but leaves because people outside the car are yelling "Lock her up!"
>Hillary cancels all rallies

Yet Democrats are pic related. You poor little thing. Have a sage (You)

Classic drumpfy making shit up out of thin air
I am starting to believe that all you cucks are drumpf clones

You are either a Turkroach or a proxy. Which one are you?

I am neither drumpfy
I am just good guy trying to redpill you braindead spergers

t. Cyprus roach


What will CTR discuss tomorrow for a new word to make?

Hildawgs KNOW he won't

>the investigation into Hillary Clinton's e-mail server has been reopened, says FBI director James Comey

this is the exact point at which Trump won, suck it Hillshills

>left this page up
>come back later
>see this
>cringe more
lol, good one bro

cringe is the new buzzword drumpfies use when they get BTFO and triggered at the same time