Wait, what happened? I've been giving out candy

Wait, what happened? I've been giving out candy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Brianna Wu


"""""she""""" probably read a HuffPo article and is retarded enough to think MUH RUSSIA is going to work here

Basically Hillary still at it with "MUH DONALD HAS RUSSIAN TIES". NYtimes article just came out saying that US officials looked into it and found no evidence


>Brianna Wu

hillary got drunk and was posting russian conspiracy theories all day. was pretty funny yet sad

Hillary being desperate, go back to your candy

Wtf is that thing? Didn't she try to make a shitty fame

Leftwing tinfoilers fabricated a rumor that a server belonging to the Trump organization may or may not have exchanged data with a bank in Russia. To them the logical conclusion to draw from that entirely unsubstantiated rumor (their source for this information was Slate) that Trump is a dastardly soviet operative and we need to all stop paying attention to emerging details on the FBI's investigation into Hillary's crimes.

tldr it's literally nothing being forced by mentally ill clintoruses

That thing is a man named John Flynt.

He's probably talking about the shit on Clinton's website, which is another Trump/Russia thing.

She's not wrong.


>Giving out the sugar Jew to children


Nothing. They ran out of ammo against Trump so they are making up a Russian connection. It's complete bullshit.

goddammit user, I'm eating.

The new """Russian""" bits are pathetic as fuck and probably came from Soros himself.


whats he talking about? the russian stuff that got shot down immediately?

Why have liberals become 1980s Republicans?

Hillary went full muh Russians tinfoil so hard that even Obama and the bought media wouldn't cover for her.



>Brianna Wu
fuck off Sup Forums tards


Top kek

>One of Donald Trump's email servers "had communications with a server in Russia, owned by a Russian bank."

Translation: Donald Trump received spam email from Russia

thats the scariest shit i seen all haloween

Is this like the liberal version of a right wing "October surprise" fantasy?

Bet wiener was out giving the candy


Uh it came out that Hillary's Russian defense is completely BTFO and now she's got no narrative to deflect her epic fuck ups.


>t-trump will lose guys

That thing should be gassed.

trump tapes dropped too early, they fucked up

they can't have anything but lies and rumors now, we're a fucking week out.

It's too bad Donald Trump didn't call Hillary out for selling 20% of our uranium to Russia during the debates when Hillary tried to connect Trump with Russia. Would have been some massive BTFO. But I guess it's unreasonable to expect one man to be well-informed on all of Hillary Clinton's scandals and shady deals.

Computer scientist reporting in.


Eric, you're not funny eric. No one likes you Eric!


I hope there's someone in her inner circle recording her breakdown.

Slate came out with an article claiming that Trump was secretly communicating with Russia

NYT came out an hour later with an article of the FBI clearing Trump of any connection with Russia and said it was just internet spam

kek even nyt is fed up with hillary's shit

fuck this is looking better every day

>Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government.



The worst part was giving control of a good amount of your uranium reserves to your biggest rival.

>wu boy.jpg
>wu lad.jpd
seriously faget?




don't worry, we're the good guys

The joke is that it used to be a guy, hence "wu boy"

The Slate article has been thoroughly debunked by Sup Forums and by the FBI.

>The F.B.I. ultimately concluded that there could be an innocuous explanation, like a marketing email or spam, for the computer contacts.

Once again, this is reported by the NYT.

Yes goyim, pay for the sugar jew and hand it out to children, then pay for the diabetus medication. It's harmless fun!

You don't know what stories are passed around the IC unless you are part of it. If you are part of it, opening your mouth about anything to outsiders has guaranteed consequences. Even rumors. Unless it's an intentional part of an operation.


What is that

Just don't think about it and pretend you never saw it. You're better off that way. Ignorance is bliss

Trump sex tape?


If anything, Trump would get even more votes!

Dude, I'm 100% anti-hillary, but if Trump loses because of a sex tape I'll laugh my ass off.

trump is a russian spy

Why is that tranny allowed to culturally appropriate asian culture by taking the name wu, he/she isnt asian.

What a disgusting racist.

>Wait, what happened?
Nothing noteworthy.

I didn't want to kill myself, then I opened this thread.

>literally wu

its funny, because following 5guys to be gamergate from day 1 is what broke the conditioning for me

>tranny lying for attention
nothing to see here folks

What a beautiful and brave woman. You know she made her own video game, right Sup Forums? What have you done with your lives?

i pirated 100 copies of each of their games, to hurt sales

FUCK! That's a whole lot of fucked up.

underrated post. never forget

Nioce. That's going into the arsenal for sure.

>Holy Shit, this is explosive stuff! Donald Trump is a Putin plant to overthrow the
United States government.

When and how the fuck did we stopped being the tinfoilers?

moar liek Brianna Wew

I would like to see that.

The worst part is the server they claim trump is running is registered to someone from a totally unrelated company.

get the fuck out of here and go back to reddït

wew lad

Does this mean that muh Russia is the explosive thing that HRC was holding for this week? If so this is fantastic. I was worried they had video of him assaulting some woman or something.

Someone should make an edit of the bunker scene from Downfall and shoop Hillary's face on it.

It's kinda sad and pathetic seeing her fall apart like this.
Her tweets today reek of desperation.


Literally who?

i handed out multiplication tables and cursive script reference sheets.


Trump wouldn't be embarrassed by having sex, unless it was faggot or pedo shit.

Is this the same fag that wasted thousands of his parents money opening a dev studio, failing, then came out as mentally ill?

That 9/11 memorial was touching -- got me a bit choked up.