Dude my favorite superhero is Batman because he doesn't have superpowers

>Dude my favorite superhero is Batman because he doesn't have superpowers.

>Dude Korra was such a masterpiece! LGBT characters almost never appear on cartoons!

What's wrong with this statement?

>Dude Kick-Ass is my favorite superhero because he doesn't have superpowers or money

I'm failing to see what's wrong with this.

Because people who generally don't ingest superhero media obsessively like we do will often consider Batman (and nowadays Iron Man or Green Lantern) to be the only unpowered superhero of any note.

OP is upset that people don't take his hobby, picture books based on posing spandex-clad models regurgitated from 50+ year old stories, as seriously as he does.

>Iron Man or Green Lantern

>Green Lantern

>Green Lantern

The fucking ring counts.

He has no powers except for being super intelligent, in peak physical condition, a master of every form of martial art, a master detective, a master swordsman, a master strategist, a billionaire, a slayer of gods and monsters, the lynchpin of the DC Universe.

But yeah he's just like us!

...I meant Green Arrow. Fuck, that's embarrassing.

Because that makes them a characterfag and so they likely browse on reddit and Cbr.

I knew that was likely the case but I wanted to bust your chops anyway.

>a master of every form of martial art, a master detective, a master swordsman

Being a master detective and knowing a few martial arts is perfectly understandable, hell him having peak human condition makes a lot of sense. But all and every single Martial Art on Earth plus swordsmanship? That is fucking impossible, Batman has powers because otherwise that would be unachievable in the life time of a single human being.

>Genius-level intelligence
>Master detective
>Master escapologist
>Peak human physical condition
>Master martial artist
>Access to high tech equipment
>Rich as fuck

>B-but he doesn't have superpowers.

fuck off please.

Skills aren't powers, wealth isn't a superpower, neither is being successful. I get how unrelatable he can be to NEETs and people who got nowhere in life but normal people perceive him through different lens. Still nothing's wrong with original statement.

Superman fags hate everything. They're the type of people that say "not much gets me mad," irl, but are seething cauldrons of poorly repressed rage.

Quit projecting.

I know what you are, but what am I.

So being smart, good looking and rich suddenly counts as having superpowers?

Retards like you never seemed to realize amidst your wikipedia browsing that batman has tons of portrayals and more often than not he is only really portrayed as the batgod in nu-kid friendly crossovers like justice league shows to justify him being there at all

All of his actually notable appearances like his most revered comic pieces and shows like the animated series never portray him as a mary sue

>tfw chads are indistinguishable from wizards

It's interesting though that a lot of versions of Batman are very NEET-like constantly in a cave staring at a computer screen while his dad makes him dinner and he avoids genuine human contact unless it comes under the guise anonymity

No one mentioned Batgod or him being a mary sue user

Isn't Rorschach the epitome of superpowerlessness? I mean, all he's got is a grappling gun.

>that time where Batman shitposted his identity onlien

Karate Kid or the Badger

What are you talking about? batman has the greatest superpower of all


>A Batfag posts this
Shall I get some screenshots of Batfags sperging out on JewTube and Instagram any time Batman loses?

If your favourite character is Batman you're either a normie or a disgusting, edgy degenerate weirdo no exceptions and no inbetweens.

super plot armor.

> shows like the animated series never portray him as a mary sue
Ehhh Batman Beyond kind of toned it down a bit, but Timm and Dini made sure that the majority of time Bats was the one who got the last word or insult. Also the whole cycling of Clark with Lois was really fucking weird and I still don't get the point. Not as bad as Diana though, did she do anything besides make Go-Go eyes at Bruce and lust for his cock?