Oy vey goys

Where am I gonna find a girl like Murdoch chan?

Other urls found in this thread:


>find a girl like an ironic fictional naziboo ginger

Murdoch, if you made this thread, you should just make the next video.


go work on your next video murdoch, its been a while


anyone who isnt braindead knows this

>Shilling on Sup Forums instead of making a new episode.

Fuck off.

Vote Trump so he makes anime real!

>one post by this ID

just work on the next video instead of shitposting on Sup Forums

They put one out yesterday.
Kind of bad though.
>Michelle Obama is a monkey lol! ;)

I don't know why they just don't stick to stories starring MM, Dr. M, and MC.

>Get white supremacist GF.
>She calls a group of black individuals out on the street "Niggers".
>They immediately surround you.

What then?

I appreciate your work man

Surround them right back, proud Son of the West.

new video just dropped yesterday

pretty good too

you find a girl with a loving father with slightly right wing bad think and then you force your views into her with your cock and by being a strong traditional patriarch

Terrible attempt at a cartoon

What is this reddit rage comic tier garbage?

Thank you Samuel Colt.

oh i missed it

nice i had a shitty day i needed far right humor

Those were the worst ones. Ever since they started doing those they've become cringe worthy. Only the old ones were good, and the new ones are alright


You don't