In order to win, Trump must win at least one of these three states. Which is most likely to go red?

In order to win, Trump must win at least one of these three states. Which is most likely to go red?

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Blue PA is a dead meme, it's going red.



Probably PA.

MI is a bit of a long shot but still in the realm of possibility.

not necessarily true, but










Wisconsin. Unless Kek is literally real he won't Win Pennsylvania and Michigan is a long shot too.


>Unless Kek is literally real he won't Win Pennsylvania
I have good news for you user...

PA is going red, easily.

There are many paths to victory without them.

I think that Michigan will go red, though.

I wanna go red.

t. Mitten

no but for real why does south dakota need all that slime

PA will be red

Trumps getting 40 states

>how to crab

>How to get out of Florida

audible kek


PA is a red state, other than Shitsburgh and filthadelphia

Blacks won't turn out for Clinton like they did for Obongo

Trump will win PA

>how to get out of Florida

Floridafag here, can confirm I wanna fucking leave.

None of these states are going red.

There's absolutely no way PA is going Red, don't know why that misinformation is so popular here.

Look at what Indiana is googling....

This troll map is shit.

Midwest has some of the biggest morons on the planet.

NAFTA fucked them over and they'll still keep voting Clinton like the good goys they are.

PA has woken up. PA is 100% red this year.

I'm calling it right now, Trump wins Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. screencap this.

Also Floridafag , can't wait until the Russian happening. I hope it vaporizes me along with all the other spics down here. I'll take one for the team.

Michigan fag checking in - MAGA

>how to quit drinking

nearly fell out of my chair

Somehow I don't think we're going to be flipping New Jersey, guys...

California is full of narcissists, Colorado is full of potheads, potatoes can't vote, North Dakotans want to leave, Floridians want to leave, nobody lives in Kansas, GOVERNOR WALKER GET OUT!!!, Ohio has yet to discover fire, and New York has a serious manspreading problem.

I live in PA and Hillary supporters don't exist here.
I'd be willing to bet $1000 PA is going red.

PA for Trump UNLESS the goddammed Suburban White Soccermoms and retired rich white widows in the Philly suburbs turn out (Bucks, Montgomery & Chester Counties) These cunts are hooked on the alleged Trump sex scandals an watch daytime TV an will vote for hillary based on the bullshit put out on The View and similar shows. Very flippant shallow these PA wimmen are.

>PA is a red state, other than where everyone lives

Here's the real map they made

We need laws that make a person's vote count less depending on the population density around their registered voting address.

>I'm calling it right now, Trump wins Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. screencap this.

what did kek mean by this

Not really. ME 2 + NH + Colorado + Nevada is also a winning combination

In either map, Mississippi is still niggertown

he meant that trump will win michigan, wisconsin, and pennsylvania

PA is voting for Trump it's been written

screen capped I'll see you in 7 days homeboi


724 here
I've only seen one Hilldawg sign in all of PA
meanwhile I drove through Pittsburgh, Mars, and Cranberry this week and saw several hundo MAGA signs
it's happening!


You don't need Colorado for that.

The Mitten is on the Trump Train.

Holy shit...

>Delaware is still "how to get away with murder"

Are you just assuming that he's going to win NC? Because that is unlikely in and of itself, and it's basically a must-win for him.

>checks flag
listen up limey.. I live here and we re-elected and unpopular republican douche TWICE. Le union meme is dead. They took tooker jerbs and we want BLOOD.

This is assuming he wins all the other states he needs to.

You're doing the Lords work, bless you.

He needs to win Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Iowa, NC, GA, Ohio, and Florida in order to even be in a position where PA/MI/WI can give him 270. Alternatively, instead of PA/MI/WI, he could get 270 if he won all the battleground states and then New Hampshire.

Either way, all Clinton needs to won is one battleground state and it's over.

Nice digits friend

>south dakota
>why is my poop green

>how to make slime
>why is my poop green

Johnson voter from New Jersey here.

My girlfriend and I went for a drive into Pennsylvania to go on some upstate hikes and see waterfalls and stuff. We literally drove through entire Trump neighborhoods. As in, every house had at least one lawn sign, sometimes up to five, and there were banners and posters in public places. It was almost scary.

So I would not be surprised at all if PA goes red this election cycle.

>Is Joe Flacco Elite


MI or PA, maybe both.

He's coming back to WI in a few days, that's a sign of things to come. We're not as far gone blue as some of the libcucks would like to believe.

Hello fellow Wisconsinite!

yeah man, PA is going red. I'm voting for Trump and so is my whole damn family including my cousins and just about everyone else I know... and these guys are all on the Main Line. no way the rest of the state doesn't follow this time around.

Michigan is the mitten, bro.

Unless our state's thumb is dead and atrophied, I guess.

This thread has divulged, but to answer your question WI will for sure go red
Diehard republicans there
They kept Scott Walker for fuck's sake

Nope, Wisconsin's the mitten. Yours has that weird growth dangling above it if you think that's a mitten.

>In order to win, Trump must win at least one of these three states. Which is most likely to go red?

Michigan here and for what it's worth, I've seen lots of Trump lawn signs but literally only one Hillary sign.

Wiscofag reporting in we will go red.

Colorado and New Hampshire. Pennsylvania is too easy to rig and Michigan and Wisconsin are full of white cucks who love diversity.

I'm embarrassed about our brain dead governor, but yeah you're right. Lots of die-hard, party line voters.

Also maybe if someone worth half a shit came up on either side to oppose that dumbass, maybe we could dethrone him.

doing my part and casting an absentee MI ballot for Clinton