If Charlie Brown ever died, would he get the praise and recognition he deserves?

If Charlie Brown ever died, would he get the praise and recognition he deserves?

He'd still be a blockhead.

why is charli brown white is charli White Brown?????

No, but Barry White is.

I once read a fanfic where Charlie Brown attempted suicide, the way each character reacted to it make it seem credible he'd get recognition after death.


Nobody would praise him and nobody would show up to his funeral.

Because that's all he deserves.


Wasn't there a whole arc were Charlie Brown was at the hospital and everyone was worried about him

Everyone shits on him because he used to play pranks on people when he was younger. Read the early strips.


I thought that arc was about how everyone didn't worry about him... or at least Sally didn't, who was more concerned with moving into his room.


Patty and Marcy were pretty bent out of shape over it, as I recall. But Patty had the biggest crush on that kid, so there's that.

Ah, I think you're right. Marcie was all like 'WE LOVE YOU CHUCK!', Peppermint Patty responding, 'wait, we do?'. Should actually find the strip.


Yeah, even Lucy was worried.

Sally's always trying to take over her brother's room, and Snoopy never remembers Charlie's name. Those two acted like they usually do, and they were probably the most callous about the incident. Other characters made some jokes about Charlie's hospital visit, but when the visit turned out longer than they expected, they became concerned.

Charlie Brown is the punching bag of his friends, key word here is "friends". All the kids still very much care for him and some like Peppermint Patty and Marcie downright are in love with him.

The bullying he gets is less pure malice and more of a joke that goes too far, which honestly I feel is a good representation of what most bullying in that age is like.

Hell yeah!

That was the strip!

Huh, I guess they really do care for Charlie Brown.

Politicians make promises as well.

The next time they met, Lucy did actually hold the ball in place. But Charlie Brown fucked up and accidentally kicked her. Can't blame her for ignoring her promise after that.

Forgot the pic

Is this the only time she gets owned by Charlie Brown trying to kick the ball again?

He does kick the ball in the Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show but he was invisible.

There was one strip with Peppermint Patty where Marcy says WE LOVE YOU to his hospital room.

I was watching this special with a friend using one those youtube syncing websites, and we both lost our shit in disappointment when that happened. 'RULE NUMBER ONE OF PEANUTS: BROKEN'.

Lucy broke the universe.

He missed once.
How many times did she pull the football away?
Quite a powerfull kick, if that's the result.
Why did they never use a football tee?

Slow thread