Hey guys, how do i go about redpilling my new gf?

Hey guys, how do i go about redpilling my new gf?

>Already hates muslims more than I do
>Kinda liberal
>Likes hildog more than trump
>Completely bluepilled on the Jewish Question, has Jewish friends, etc.

what do Sup Forums?

pic related looks like her

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Tell her about Sweden, they actually copied Capetown, but it's called Rapetown for reasons that have nothing to do with the religion of peace.

What are her reasons for voting for Hillary?

Just realised you were an Aussie. Reasons for liking Hillary?

Because she thinks trump is racist and anti-semetic, most Australian women think the same way senpai.

Just tell her you believe that millions of "Holocaust Survivors" got tattoos and lied for the rest of their lives so that they could emigrate to the US and Israel and do normal-people jobs at normal-people pay, and that you believe this because a handful of Poles said that a concentration camp had a movie theatre and a swimming pool. Tell her that you think Nazi Germany lost the war because they were spending too much money on entertaining their Jewish prisoners. That will solve all of your problems with her, I'm sure.

>Already hates muslims more than I do

liberals are muslim apologists
what happened in cologne?
muslim > women
the muslims win the oppression olympics, it is easy to find proof of that because it's a rule liberals cannot violate

She has a very good point. Jews are good at science and math. They are advancing humanity. Shitskins are useless.

Start her with Sargon vids, and gradually transition her to Black Pigeon Speaks, and then literally hitler.

>Trump is anti-semitic

Trump supports Israel


Idk how she would handle that?? As I said, some of her friends are jewish, so I assume she wouldn't listen to me. Have you got any sources?

I tried to tell her about that but she said that it was just the right wing media scapegoating the innocent refugees.

Tell her about how he supports Israel and say he only wants to get rid of illegal immies.


ask her to watch this

Don't go there with the "Jews" stuff. You'll sound like a loser to her and kind of crazy. Focus on just right wing stuff, and don't go on and on about politics all the fucking time, that's a red flag

Make her visit pol.

>I tried to tell her about that but she said that it was just the right wing media scapegoating the innocent refugees.

ahahaha, really? There were more than a dozen women that were sexually assaulted and told their stories. It doesn't matter as much that they are rapists, the response from the "feminist" official was the telling thing here - blaming the women and not the rapists.

Message is clear: If you have bad luck and get molested by a muslim, they wont help you.

fuck her

Birds are better than girls.

Are you talking about groping when you say assaulted?

Hilary also supports Israel though
sounds like a bad idea desu senpai.
oh lol

Slowly start introducing more and more colloidal silver into her diet.

After she starts developing argyria, plant eiffel 65 cd's with Islamic or Hebrew writing on it.

She will wind up hating the jews.

There is no hope with these types of women. Find another... but she is Australian not American, so maybe you can convince her. Talk about Hillary's foreign policy.

Do not start the jew redpill until she's redpilled on everything else, otherwise you'll sound crazy.

Right. Jews are clever and literate people who work hard to gain their success. Hatred to Jews is based on envy from lazy people, or losers in your words.

Idk, she already hates herself, like most women...

Yeah, but Hitlery is buds with the Saudis and a bunch of other sandnigger countries that give her massive donations.


This guy gets it.

A little disfigurement and mental torture fixes everything.

I'll try and tell her about that.

agreed. At least for Israel.

Most Jews are fucking stupid

LOL advancing humanity

Who would HONESTLY call Hillary Clinton "HILLDOG"? You CTR Shills reveal yourselves so CASUALLY, like really come on over HILL DOG for some pizza and beer!! Nobody says these things

Hey faggot, not everyone you disagree with is CTR. To be completely honest with you, CTR probably doesn't waste much time on here, they would spend their time more efficiently on normie-focused sites like plebbit, which is where you should return.

Fuck off with the dilution of this board. You're more annoying than the "HILLDOG" trolls anyday.

Nice Hasbara, but mos Jews base their life in science on plagiarisism. See Einstein and Plank

She's tainted, just get a new one

>Just tell her you believe that millions of "Holocaust Survivors" got tattoos

So 6 million were gassed and millions survived? Was every kike on earth in Germany at the time?

>do normal-people jobs at normal-people pay

Top wew

>handful of Poles said that a concentration camp had a movie theatre and a swimming pool

That would be the same amount of evidence they had for gas chambers

>lied for the rest of their lives

That sounds about right

She also always says she's busy on friday night and saturday. She's kinda weird desu. Always swallows though :)

My JEWDAR has been activated

But I'm not sure why



More red pilling info

I'm basically your gf except I hate Hillary and Israel and am not quite as attractive.

Focus on the women who've accused Bill of rape and assault and said Hillary ruined their lives for coming forward, that would be my protip.


>She also always says she's busy on friday night and saturday.
I really hope you're joking/trolling senpai

but I'm guessing you're not jewish...

Just remember that women have low IQs, so you can't use logic.

Women will usually just agree with their boyfriends if the boyfriend wears the pants.

There's no need at this time to go the whole hog if you're just starting out - focus on being more likeable and fun to hang out with (but not a people pleaser, nobody likes a doormat) instead of more political.

>She also always says she's busy on friday night and saturday

I'm sure that means nothing

just get rid of her and masturbate to anime, you will be far happier

tell her that not all muslims are bad people. other then that she seems fine.

Shia's are the least violent. Well at least that's how it seems. The Sunni's are literally barbaric caveman tier

>right wing media scapegoating the innocent refugees
She hates Muslims and yet thinks the media is trying to scapegoat them? You just revealed yourself Aussie.

I'm 23, never had a gf. Don't know how one would react with my NatSoc collection growing

>Always swallows though :)

I could have asked her weekend friends that and gotten the same response :^)

>Completely bluepilled on the Jewish Question, has Jewish friends, etc.

Globalists, not all Jews are evil.
Not all globalists are Jews.
They are the problem.

The red pill is essentially recognizing that the current system is flawed, destructive and needs change.
If that premise is accepted then Trump becomes the obvious choice.

this is now a hot women thread.

I fucking love my bird

>not all Jews are evil.

She was a virgin before me. I think she can't hang out because her religion or something. She seems to be pretty religious

She was a virgin before you but she's already fucked you and you don't know her well enough to know what she does every weekend?

cmon m8

It's like her holy day or something. She comes from Israel so maybe she's a jew, idk.

It's well documented that children and pregnant women often survived the gassing. So?

>It's well documented that children and pregnant women often survived the gassing. So?

Seems reasonable, women and children are usually the most resilient, right?

>She also always says she's busy on friday night and saturday

all women are whores

she will mindlessly agree to your "redpill" opinions if it placates you

women are incapable of abstract thinking, you can tell her the earth is flat if you want

Everything slightly counterintuitive must be untrue, no further research needed. A+++ conspiracy theorizing. For what it's worth I'm actually a revisionist, yet still disappointed by your stupidity.


>Everything slightly counterintuitive must be untrue

Kek your the one claiming pregnant women and children survived the (((gassing))) and that it's well documented, what are these documents?

let me guess

Why don't you ask to tag along for her Friday "religious" ceremony?

She's a virgin that has never been vaginally penetrated but has sucked 6 gorillion dicks and
>Always swallows though :)

dont say jews cunt, just say bankers.

Who did they plagiarize? Redpill me on Einstein and Plank. Not being facetious, genuinely curious. I put nothing past the Jews anymore.

>has jew friends
>completely bluepilled

man she is just scalating his way to the elite, what's bluepilled on it?

>>Already hates muslims more than I do

Already on track! That is usually the hardest position to change. Just start showing YT vids and wikileaks docs of hillary taking money from islamist regimes and wanting to import hundreds of thousands of migrants

Remember: Trump and Brexit are they key

Show her videos from Millennial Woes or stuff like this. She will turn


Also, forget about hating on the (((jews))) They keep smashing the mudslimes over and over again. Israel is like a watchtower full of space marines on the frontier of Mordor

>Most people are fucking stupid


Subscribe her to Computing Forever

I agree user.

My beauty will always give me pure and unconditional love

Impregnate her. Women with families are more likely redpilled