White Identity Rising: BUT WHY??

Experts agree: White identity politics is on the rise, and it’s driven by diversity and expressed through Donald Trump. That’s what a study by two psychology academics found

Why is White identity rising and how can we stop it, Sup Forums?

>people who reject slavish collectivism
>racists, SJWs (same shit)

>Many political commentators credit Donald Trump’s rise to white voters’ antipathy toward racial and ethnic minorities. However, we believe this focus on racial resentment obscures another important aspect of racial thinking.

>In a study of white Americans’ attitudes and candidate preferences, we found that Trump’s success reflects the rise of “white identity politics”—an attempt to protect the collective interests of white voters via the ballot box. Whereas racial prejudice refers to animosity toward other racial groups, white identity reflects a sense of connection to fellow white Americans.

>We’re not the first to tie Trump’s candidacy to white identity politics. But our data provide some of the clearest evidence that ongoing demographic changes in the United States are increasing white racial identity. White identity, in turn, is pushing white Americans to support Trump.


>When we talk about white identity, we’re not referring to the alt-right fringe, the white nationalist movement, or others who espouse racist beliefs. Rather, we’re talking about everyday white Americans who, perhaps for the first time, are racially conscious.

>The concept of “garden variety” white racial identity stands in contrast to conventional wisdom. In the last three decades of scholarship on whiteness as a race, the prevailing view has been that most whites fail to notice their own whiteness. In a society dominated by white people, whiteness simply fades into the background. Just as fish fail to notice the water around them, whites are unlikely to think about how they are members of a distinct group.

>Our research shows that the era of “white invisibility” is coming to a close.

>Non-Hispanic whites are projected to become a minority in the year 2044. This increasing diversity across the country is making whites’ own race harder and harder to ignore. Political and social phenomena, from Barack Obama’s presidency to the Black Lives Matter movement, are making whiteness even more salient to white Americans.

Racist and "sjws" same thing -nigger


>As whites increasingly sense that their status in society is falling, white racial identity is becoming politicized. Trump’s promise to “make America great again” speaks to these anxieties by recalling a past in which white people dominated every aspect of politics and society. That’s why media outlets from New York Magazine to The National Review have dubbed Trump an “ethnonationalist” candidate.

>Hillary Clinton counters Trump’s exclusionary rhetoric with her message that all Americans are “Stronger Together.”

>To test our ideas about Trump and white identity politics, we surveyed a nationally representative sample of about 1,700 white Americans. The survey covered racial identities, attitudes, and political preferences. In examining the relationship between white identity and ethnic diversity, we chose to focus on an ethnic minority of particular salience in contemporary politics: Hispanics. More than any other group, Hispanics have been in the Trump campaign’s crosshairs.

>Do whites from heavily Hispanic neighborhoods show stronger white racial identity? To measure identity, we used a widely-used questionnaire. On a five-point scale, participants rated their agreement with items such as “Being a white person is an important part of how I see myself” and “I feel solidarity with other white people.” As shown in the graph below, there is a positive relationship between exposure to Hispanics and white respondents’ sense of racial identity.

>And does white identity lead to support for Donald Trump? We examined the relationship between white identity and respondents’ likelihood of supporting Trump for the presidency versus Hillary Clinton or several Republican primary challengers. Consistent with others’ analyses, white identity strongly predicts a preference for Trump.

>Whites at the high end of the racial identity scale are more than four times as likely to support Trump than those at the low end of the scale. Perhaps that’s because whites highest in racial identity are also the ones most likely to harbor negative attitudes against Latinos. Indeed, we found white identity was significantly correlated with another characteristic—prejudice.

>However, differences in prejudice don’t explain the relationship between white identity and Trump support. The pattern in the figure above was tested while statistically controlling for levels of anti-Hispanic prejudice. Because the relationship between identity and support for Trump remains strong, we are confident that white identity independently predicts greater Trump support.

>We’ve seen that living close to Hispanics leads whites to develop a strong sense of racial identity and that strong racial identity is associated with support for Donald Trump. We should therefore expect that whites in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods support Trump more often than those in neighborhoods with fewer Hispanics. This prediction gains credence from work by political scientist Ryan Enos, who finds that everyday exposure to Latinos can increase support for restrictive immigration policies.

>Whites’ support for Donald Trump is, in fact, greatest in areas with a large Hispanic population.

>These findings leave open a crucial question: Do whites in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods support Trump because they tend to be high in white identity? Using a statistical approach called “mediation analysis,” we tested whether white identity accounted for the relationship between exposure to Hispanics and support for Trump. We found that identity does indeed serve as a significant link between Hispanic exposure and Trump support.

>Trump, despite his outsize importance as a candidate and symbol, will eventually fade from the political scene. We therefore sought to examine the interplay of demographics and identity beyond the context of his candidacy. Specifically, we asked respondents for their views on white identity politics itself.


>We had participants rate their agreement with a series of statements. For example: “There is nothing wrong with a white person choosing to support a political candidate because that candidate is white” and “Blacks, Latinos, and Asians engage in ‘identity politics,’ and there’s nothing wrong with whites doing the same.”

>Exactly the same patterns emerged for these questions as for Trump support: Endorsement of white identity politics was highest in heavily Hispanic neighborhoods and was strongly correlated with white racial identity. These results suggest that America’s growing ethnic diversity is creating a politicized form of white identity that has clear repercussions for future elections.

>Why does it matter that whites’ politics are driven by concerns about the interests of their racial group? It suggests that racial bias increasingly reflects attention to the welfare of one’s own group rather than animus toward other groups. These collective concerns are only going to become more pronounced as the nation becomes more diverse.

>Recent research in social psychology suggests that when whites engage in discrimination based on their perceived collective interests, it’s hard to convince them that such discrimination is wrong. After all, doesn’t every group have a right to prioritize its own members? We believe our results portend increasing difficulty in achieving the democratic aim of getting race out of American politics.


collectivism is never the answer is my point

interesting article breh, thanks for posting
it's so even handed I could post in on my normiebook

no problem, but see this is alarming, whites are being pushed by globalism into becoming part of a tribal faction

this is the breakdown of America as we know it, and it won't be pretty. I'm a Trump supporter btw



If we do not hang together, we shall surely hang separately. Benjamin Franklin

uh it's not going to get that bad any time soon, don't be crazy

JIDF get a job already

>Experts agree: White identity politics is on the rise, and it’s driven by diversity

So isn't it a good thing then?

Identity politics? Lefty approved.
Race essentialism (no appropriation)? Lefty approved.
Diversity? Literally the best.

But oh wait it doesn't matter because white = bad. Forgot about that clause.

fuck you I'm pro-Trump how does that make me Jewish

No this is scary it means identity politics takes over, democracy dies. This means the death of modern western civilization. It's not going to be pretty, dude.

>>Recent research in social psychology suggests that when whites engage in discrimination based on their perceived collective interests, it’s hard to convince them that such discrimination is wrong. After all, doesn’t every group have a right to prioritize its own members? We believe our results portend increasing difficulty in achieving the democratic aim of getting race out of American politics.

Wait is this a subtle polack redpilling people?

It's almost openly stating diversity => discrimination. That multikulti doesn't work.

Nice work whoever wrote it.

>how do we stop it?
I got it. How about we tell all the white people that their racism is responsible for all the misery in the world?
Surely that will help?

I'm a jewish african from the congo, and it is my right to identify as 'WHITE'

don't identity shame me for it.

It's simple, whites are attacked as a group and constantly told they're different. They're finally agreeing.

no this is bad, this is the rise of a NEW MORE VIRULENT FORM of discrimination which is hard to convince people to stop. This is the end of America as we know it. It wasn't perfect but it was good. BTW I blame the left, I'm no kuk or sjw. But two wrongs don't make a right. Whites become tribal doesn't make nonwhites being tribal right.

Everyone needs to just be Americans and humans. Fuck racism!

I don't get it.

I mean, if me and 200 million American whites team up and kick your ass, what are you going to do without a collective? In a world of powerful cooperative groups, it's an arms race to be the most powerful, and the easiest way is to add warm bodies.

>democracy dies

Implying this is necessarily a bad thing.


I'm White but to me it seems just as insane to be anti White as pro White. Let's just be group neutral, you know?

Full on persecution of Whites isn't happening yet. If it happens, sure, let's fight back. But let's not become full on fucking racists, that shit is just wrong. I could never judge another human being based on his or her race.

I'll be honest this is fucking hilarious


Every is becoming more tribal yes. And it's tied to diversity.

There were two other landmark studies on this, one on the racial distribution of the US, the maps with one dot per person, shows that the more "diverse" you get, the more everything balkanizes.

The reality is simple; a handful of an ethnicity can't just clump together and live together in isolation in a host nation. You become integrated by necessity.
Once you reach a threshold point (which is different for different cultures, not everyone is equally compatible with everyone else) you start forming ghettos and separated communities, that grow their own insular little cancerous communities within the host.

> Everyone needs to just be Americans and humans. Fuck racism!

I actually believed this for most of my life. I bought the kind of lefty message we got as kids - "no such thing as race". This was before the left changed it to "everyone gets to be proud of their heritage except white people".

The problem is that it doesn't work. And accepting that is a key to living in a future where the most people are the most happy, which I think is the goal.

The other landmark study was showing that increased diversity gave decreased belief in community. Essentially that homogenous societies have the advantage of common purpose. It's why Japan handles a crisis better than others, to put it bluntly. It's why the social support model works in Scandinavia.

Once you reach that tipping point people stop sounding like my grandparents generation (how can I contribute) and start thinking of how to fuck the "system" instead. To get theirs. Because nobody looks out for you, because it's them vs us, etc.

The final nail in the coffin for me was looking at historical integration. We have countless minority subdivisions within Europe that are still a problem after centuries of living together.

Screencapped for when aliens discover my fossilized hard drive.

This is way too extreme. And I'm mostly a loner. I only get along with my small group of friends. How am I supposed to deal with shit becoming more tribal?

Maybe you can but I always feel like an outsider, I hate big groups.

Tribal factions are a threat to a global government, m8. Globalists encourage it with blacks and other minorities only because they want to bring the white man to heel, but then they'll do the same to every group that sticks their head over the fence.

If you pay attention, what globalists want is miscegenation, and they push it everywhere. They want mongrel countries without identity to avoid Yugoslavia 2: Electric Bogaloo

>I only get along with my small group of friends.
> I hate big groups.
>How am I supposed to deal with shit becoming more tribal?

Can't tell if you're just pretending to be retarded or if you're actually retarded.

The moment merely being white became a negative in culture meant that white identity was not only okay but 100% neccasary.

What not everyone is naturally patriotic. I'm just kind of a loner who only likes a small group of friends I've known for a long time.

If identity politics starts to fuck that shit up for me, I'll be sad. Several of my friends are Hispanic.

Why does that make me seem retarded??? I'm being practical!

I sympathize with White identity people but I think they go too far. You need like a White civil rights movement that accepts everyone, not a separatist attitude.

>But two wrongs don't make a right.
Then why do I get a positive number when multiplying two negatives?


I'm amazed people didn't realize sooner that this would happen.

Last month a White girl I know started to talk about like how "she feels uncomfortable" with a lot of nonwhites around, it really freaked me out. I was kind of a dick to her, I called her a racist and yea... I went too far.

But then I read this study and it like clicked. Fuck. I am honestly afraid of what this means for the future. America might become unlivable.

If it's one thing you should remember it's that anyone can feel uncomfortable around ANYONE else and they NEVER should have to feel bad about it.

Dictating feels is dangerous and leads to the whole thought crime bullshit. There's some crackhead white folk around here I'm more worried about then 'dude weed' blacks or non english speaking spanish peeps.

You cannot stop it, and you won't stop it. It's the same old tired ass whining bullshit...

muh imperialism
muh privilege
muh racism
muh slavery....

Good people all over this country that have nothing to do with these perceived injustices have been alienated because of their race. I don't remember any of the nogs creating anything worth a shit. But no....it's all the white mans fault. What a crock of whining, driveling shit. The more that narrative gets pushed in the MSM, the more racial politics will develop, stop biting the hand that feeds you or gtfo (nogs). We need to do away with the welfare state period, then what would all of these no skilled, 5th generation hand out mf do? They would cry on our shoulders for support. Fuck um and anyone that thinks like that.

Why shouldn't it be rising?

but dude it's like... I am hearing young people saying racist White things now, it's weird

it just feels wrong you know? it wasn't like that before

I feel like everything I've ever known is coming to an end in this country, and this current election is part of that. It's scary.

When people are playing poker with your furniture it is always a losing proposition to not play as well.

>waah waah why do these filthy white goyim start looking out for themselves in times where everyone's out to get them?

>Hillary Clinton counters Trump’s exclusionary rhetoric with her message that all Americans are “Stronger Together.”
>Stronger Together

I haven't been keeping up. Is she seriously saying that? Is that an actual fucking quote, not just paraphrasing?

shut up I'm not Jewish also I support Trump.

I just don't want to see where I live turn tribal. People in my part of California are incredibly individualistic.

We have Jews, Muslims, tons of Asians, lots of Latinos, Indians, Blacks, whatever. My friend group has some Jews, some Indians and a bunch of Latinos. I don't want to see that threatened by political BS. Divide and conquer is a huge threat to just stability and peace where I live.

Get me?

>>racists, SJWs (same shit)
t. SJW
Also stop spamming your retarded shit. Remember to sage, downvote etc.

Rather, it's the current state that's unnatural. Go back 50-80 years and people would seem racist as fuck to you in America. That's the normal state.

It's just like prodding a dog and the dog finally getting sick of their shit and fighting back.

The big question is -why-. In the last forty or so years Whites have been nothing but a bastion of human whites and humanitarianism and yet they still get shit on. What's the point? What's the end game here, Civil War? Global War? Or to try and quietly snuff out the white people?

OP here, I hate Hill but yes that's her slogan. I'm a Trump supporter. I think Trump will make all Americans stronger, at least if he doesn't act too racist, which would suck.

I'd say this is an actual disscussion about our political climate so fuck off snow nigger

Collectivism is always the answer. Otherwise you're your neighbours next dinner.


Deporting illegals isn't racist, it's our duty as a sovereign nation to enforce our laws. If we don't, why bother following any other law, they clearly don't mean anything.

I am very anti SJW and I support Trump, dipshit. I'm trying to be honest. I'm not demonizing Whites who embrace this White identity stuff just saying to me it seems like a bad thing that that's increasing.

I'm not a leftist.

this right here. we are more than 50% of america. if we took a solid identity and curbstomped these 'white privelege' and 'muh racism' fuckers we would be free for once. burn down the news companies and the liberal arts schools. burn down the houses of race traitors.

>I hate Hill but yes that's her slogan
Oh man. What's next, her quoting Hitler?

>I just don't want to see where I live turn tribal.
Which in turn means you want whites to get destroyed. Because any other way at going at things will result in their destruction.

>My friend group has some Jews
Figures, you shabbos cuck.

>being so individualist you end up cucking yourself to death
lolbertarians everyone

I just hope Trump won't play into White identity politics, even by mistake. He might. I think we're at a tipping point where White America could become much more racial and then it's fucked. It just won't be the America I always knew.

>Collectivism is always the answer. Otherwise you're your neighbours next dinner.

Collectivism is the answer for the weak. They can be taken care of and cuddled by the strong.
The strong do not need collectivism, just some cucks like you to provide a good cum dump on a cold night.

It's the same thing we've ALWAYS done as whites. You let you niggers, Jews, sand niggers and spics live among us.

But then you get greedy, demanding free Healthcare and education and housing, until the white man gets fed up and beats you back to the shadows you crawled out from. Or, in the Jews case, we get tired of your slithering ways.

History has shown and always will show the White Man is the most dangerous creature to walk the earth.

>I am very anti SJW
>just saying to me it seems like a bad thing
And deeply racist and problematic ammi right?

I wouldn't say we'd have to do that. I prefer something more extreme: Subjugating those who are trying to oppose us. Clearly people have forgotten what pissed off whitey is capable of.

the america you always knew got fucked as soon as black lives matter happened

this is the natural pushback, people dont like being told their heritage is evil and that their culture is false, it makes them angry and feel distant from society at large


The real cuckage is collectivism


Stop it? Fuck off.

noo I feel sorry for you people, nationalist Whites feel like they have to be nationalist

but you don't

there's a better way to stop anti whites, feminists and SJWs.

Explain why he should then you fookin cunt wanker.

Not an argument.

When you spread hatred toward a group of people then said group of people will rise to strike back and rebel.
It's like nobody every read a story book.

What's even more evil about this situation is Whites have done nothing to deserve it. We're being made out that we're practically doing a 24/7 German Blitzkrieg killing anyone who doesn't follow our ideology.

whats funny is that if we gave them what they were whining about wed actually never have to hear their lies again

I know that you are talking about USA, but you should realize that Trumps victory would be a huge impact on european right-leaning parties. What about Europe? We are not Americans, we dont have this "muh all people under one god" thing. Can we have our White Nationalist uprising?

Why would you want to stop anti-whites if you don't care about your race?
And you have yet to argue how any other way is better in any way for the white race.

I think that 100 yrs ago Whites WERE evil and deserves hate. But today, we are not bigots. I know that even most White nationalists on Sup Forums are not hateful. For them it's about love of "their people".

I just feel like we have to stop believing in the outdated concept of "our people" in a racial sense.

A random Asian girl can be "my people" more than my blood brother, imho.


Memes aside, it's exactly what should happen. A sudden shift all across the world showing other's that people will put up with shit for only so long.

Wrong. White people BUILT western civilization.

We aren't women, you moron, we know what we're doing.

>We believe our results portend increasing difficulty in achieving the democratic aim of getting race out of American politics.

Jesus fucking Christ, it's hard to believe how incredibly clueless these motherfuckers are. Yeah, getting race out of American politics. And how have you tried to do that, leftist cucks? By the constant support of blacks segregating themselves? By constantly catering to the racist paradigm that white people are automatically at fault for anything negative happening to non-whites? By buoying up anti-white identity politics and supporting anti-white racism? By literally outlawing white people from showing any sort of cultural pride?

Fuck me, the end of the age of tolerance can't come soon enough. We will send them all back, mark my words. All the anti-white genocides the left tries to sweep under the carpet confirm one thing: "Diversity" isn't forever. The Ottoman Empire was one of the most multicultural nations in the history of the world. Now Turkey is a monoracial, monocultural, nationalist country. And even world leaders like Obongo piss their pants at the idea of even ACKNOWLEDGING their genocidal past.

Do you think we are somehow immune to such a change, leftist cunts? I hope we won't have to kill you all, but what Turkey has now and gets away with is damn close to what I want. And by supporting them, you'll already given your approval.


You already made this thread day or two ago, fuck off.

Why would a rootless cosmopolitan like you even appeal to Sup Forums?

>anti-SJW libertarian
This faggot again.

>Why does that make me seem retarded??? I'm being practical!
You are saying that the masses should adjust to prevent the inconvenience of a segregated society from affecting your personal relationships. People are drawn to other like minded people, which is statistically likely to be people from your same race. This tendency is a natural phenomenon, it would take artificial psychological tampering to prevent it.
You're not being practical, you are being entitled and self centered. And if your friends are worth a shit they'll look past it, unless they're herd animals and decide to throw you under the bus. In which case you're probably better off without them.

>I sympathize with White identity people but I think they go too far.
White people are merely starting to do what everyone else does by default.It's hardly going too far. In fact, white people should go further.

He's made it yesterday 3 times I think.

this topic is still relevant you fucking kuxx

At least you could try to change the pastas

I don't accept everyone. Nor is it the government's job to force me to.

Unless they pay me. How about this, a hundred bucks a month for each 10% of an ethnic group I have to put up with?

Also, try to at least lurk before you start shitposting, you stink of reddit.

get it????

I am very interested in people's responses. this topic maters and it's huge and relates to the current election.

I think about this constantly and I'm worried about America's future

>fails to address the arguments yesterday
>gets proven wrong
>starts a new thread like nothing happened
Fuck off, leftist shill.

No it isn't it's shit bait and unless you're getting paid for it you're wasting your time.

>Argentina tries to boss me around
No thanks, chico

Can't fault anything you've said. I definitely agree with you're point about people fucking the system. Once people start losing trust in eachother to treat eachother and the system fairly, people won't be taken for chumps, they'll start fucking the system as well. This is why a unified society is key. There would be no problem with immigrants if they were pretty much forced to assimilate completely into society, but instead we let them continue their old ways because we don't want to be seen as authoritarian. Liberal, free society cannot continue if the people in the society is not united. If the society is united, the people trust eachother and the system runs itself. But now we are so diverse and the trust is gone, the only way to get society to run effectively is for authoritarian leadership that forces people to treat the system fairly and infringes on freedom. It's a shame we've let things come to this, but realistically, the little people like us can do very little to change things. I say that the best way to live one's life is to see the world for what it really is and to make your decisions based on that. If people are fucking the system, you'd be an idiot to keep on supporting the system (and people know this) so the best thing to do is to fuck it yourself. You can't change things, you just gotta work with reality the best you can.

And a new fag....


That makes you seem mentally ill. Are you mentally ill?