I honestly don't know or care what the fuck Hillary "supposedly" did with a few old ass emails...

I honestly don't know or care what the fuck Hillary "supposedly" did with a few old ass emails. Trump is a racist fucking bigot and as a white woman with black friends its no way I'd let that piece of shit in the White House. You dumbass frog lovin virgins gotta be crazy.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm worried for you canada

A FUCKING LE... what's the point, just fucking nuke the god damn tree hugging cunts and be rid of their faggotry

that image though. Canada's posts come from it's ass and america eats them up in a rage

Crazy we are, and thankfully, leafs we are not.

You're not american. Nobody cares about your feelings. You fat slob.

>another leafpost

remember to sage

You can't expect less for a country that fucks with animals.. oh, wait nvm they can't penetrate them. Anyways enjoy your zoo

Some of these leafs are embarrassing. When Trump MAGA can I come? It'll be good times

Why does he wear the mask?

It's a big fart

>a white woman with black friends

I hope you don´t mind to be their semen vessel when they have a sexual urgency.

cool story CTR.

"i don´t care that the zionists killed thousands of people im still going to be a good goy!"

this is you.
keep this in mind when the day of the lord comes and your traitorous actions will be held accountable.

This election is very simple really. GOOD vs. EVIL





It would be extremely painful


I think we need to seriously reconsider Canada being in the "Anglo club".

Maybe we should make an opening? Who could we take?

Canada is so absolutely terrible that I'd take India over them, at least they understand banter and their posting quality is higher...and it's India for goodness sake.

Every leaf post brings me closer to understanding why they voted trudeau

Loving this phat leaf b8

Hell yeah we're crazy

do you have any proof that trump is having intercourse with racists or are you just making that up?


So, let's see. First off, you had this image on your hard drive. Then, you became triggered by Trump. then you combined the two in a shitty(literally) meme picture.
>be a leaf
>jerk off to femdom scat
>scared of Trump
There's nothing we could do to you, compared to what life has already done to you.