What is Sup Forums's opinion on trotsky?


He's a faggot

fpwp, sideways Germany.

Literally WHO?

That icepick was 60 years late.

Your helicopter is here OP.

communists killed him

Opportunist faggot.

statist fucks killed him
Stalin could no longer tolerate having someone alive who was a real communist and kept yelling YER DOIN IT WRONG YA NONG at him - and backing this with doctrinally-correct arguments, even

fuck off pinko

I love his chicken

What exactly was there to do wrong?
Communism is pure evil and Trotsky was also a murderer.

>What is Sup Forums's opinion on trotsky?
idk, maybe you should post a few more pointless threads using his image

Murderous monster and worse than Stalin. What Stalin wanted in Russia, Trotzki wanted it for the world and worse.

Communist son of the bitch?
His grave should be remade into the public restroom.
Fuck him and his red feathered """friends"""

Got BTFO by based Stalin . Was a white hating jew. Wanted to kill all Russians and all white prople in the world. Stalin was a true socialist and patriot. Shame Hitler didin't accept him into Axis.

based russki bro. can i immigrate to your country? How are your gun laws?
The irony is that I actually want to escape communists.

Literally the commie jew who invented the word racist, stalin killing him is the one of the few things that redeem him.
Also the only reason that i'd ever visit mexico, to shit on his grave.

USSR agent who faked his death and distributed weapon of obesity and xenoestrogen in USA.

Go back to leftypol you degenerate freak

I hate all communists.